
5 years, 3 months ago

A young vorox suddenly finds himself injured and alone with no memory of what happened or who he is and is taken in by Stone, an older vorox.


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The day was coming to an end, casting an even deeper shadow over the forest. The thick leaf covering was very picky about letting through sunlight but luckily most creatures living here had good night vision and therefore were hardly affected by it. The landscape was hardly flat, in fact it was full of hills and dips and ponds and cliffs. One particular cliff had once housed a small waterfall into a stream, but for now it was merely damp with a small drip of water running down it into a muddy patch. 

Laying face down in the mud was a creature, a vorox. He was tan, a much lighter shade than what was typical for a forest vorox however he was undeniably a forest due to his size. He appeared to be young, his fur was unstained and full, no thinning patches to be seen, and he had little to no wounds.  That is, apart from the large indent on the side of his head which was dripping a thick black liquid from him down his face and into the ground. Bits of slightly transparent blue glass was scattered around his face and one of his eyes were exposed, leaving the black interior and pupil open.  The protective screen had shattered somehow.

His head ached and he could hear an intense ringing in his ears. He slowly opened his eyes as he fought for consciousness.  The moment he did pain struck him in his left eye and he shut it again.  Once he did it felt like something at stabbing into his socket, like a dislodged bit of glass had not gone into the correct place. He could feel blood drip from his eye down his cheek however he wasn't fully aware just yet to quite realize it. His vision was blurry and his mind was foggy, he could not understand where he was or how he got there. The only thing he knew of for sure was the pain in his head and the ringing that felt like it was attempting to destroy him from the inside.

He opened his mouth slightly and emitted a whine as loud as he could which was admittedly, not very loud. Although his mind wasn't quite there at the moment it was so deeply ingrained into the vorox instincts to find your pack and be with them that he did it without even a second thought.  They must be nearby right? What even happened?  Why was he on the floor and injured like this?  The more he thought the more pain it put him through and he gave it up. He closed his eye again and breathed heavily, occasionally crying out for help. However as time went on the cries switched to calling for other vorox to legit pain. His body slowly became less and less numb and the pain spiked up.  It felt like the side of his head had been smashed in and his brain had been stabbed through. 

He opened his one working eye suddenly when he felt something on his shoulder blade. It pressed down on him somewhat and hit a pressure point there. It caused him to calm somewhat and dulled the pain ever so slightly. He looked up, searching for the source, but his gaze is unsteady and blurry.  In his current head position he could not see anything without moving his head or opening his other eye, both he was not willing to do.
"Shhh its okay, its okay you're going to be alright." It was a soft, calm male sounding voice. He hadn't even realized he was still whining but he silenced himself when he was told. The stranger attempted to get him up but the pain from the moment made him pass out on the spot.


He woke up again propped up against a stone wall. He felt something wrapped around his head, covering the wound on the side of his head and his injured eye. Both wounds ached and stung. Just breathing was painful and it took several minutes before he brought up enough strength to just open his eye.  He was in a small dark cave. The floor was fairly flat and mostly clear mess apart from near the walls. There some dirt laid and some moss grew. The entrance could be seen from where he was. Vines hung over it, hiding it away from outsiders fairly well.

One of his ears twitched as it picked up on a scraping sound and he looked toward the source.  Across from him was another vorox, presumably the one that had come to him before.  He was a dark tan color with a dark grey underbelly and blue eyes.  He had long backward facing ears and a somewhat bulky frame, compared to other forest vorox that is. He was defiantly still much smaller than any sand vorox.  He had a long and thick stick in one hand and a sharpened rock in the other. He was sharpening the end of the stick with it, which caused the scraping sound.  The stranger turned his head to look at the young vorox and he found that he had been incorrect on eye color. Only one eye was blue, the other was a dark green. 

He smiled when he noticed the young vorox was awake and he sat down his tools. He stood up and went over to him before kneeling down in front of him.  He looked calm but also concerned.
"My name is Stone," He said. "I found you at the bottom of a cliff, do you remember what happened?" He asked.  He thought about it but could find nothing, he had no idea what had happened to him.
"No." He mumbled and Stone frowned.
"Do you know where your pack is?"
"What about your name?"
"I don't know." He looked down in shame. Stone had helped him and he couldn't even give him the information he wanted in return. He could not remember anything, it was like everything began with him laying out in the mud bleeding to death. Nothing else before it.
"Then everything about you is unknown isn't it?" Stone said.
"I'm sorry," He mumbled and he looked up again at him. Stone smiled lightheartedly.
"It's to be expected, seems like you hit your head pretty hard. Perhaps the memories will come back over time." He got up and walked away to fetch something in a far corner. He spoke as he walked.
"You were out for two days, you woke up every once in awhile but you didn't seem very aware, you probably don't remember it," Stone went to a small pile of food he had stored away, mostly comprising of bulbs. He looked back at him.
"I don't." He confirmed. Stone nodded and looked away again. He picked up one bulb and set it apart from the others then cracked it open by smashing it with a rock. There was a loud bang as the two solid and hard objects collided with each other, however in the end it was the bulb that cracked under the pressure. Stone took the broken bulb and pulled on either side of it, widening the crack so that it became two separate pieces.  The inside was much softer and eatable. Stone returned to him and offered it to him. He smiled somewhat and took it from him.
"Thank you." He said before scooping out the inside of the bulb and eating it.