The Name of the Dream

5 years, 5 months ago
2987 1

It was rather late, Alice having to light candles so she could see even with the moonlight shining into the room via the windows.

Written by @Shadowrosa6 as part of a trade

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Alice rubbed her head once she set the final book on top of the small stack she gathered, taking a moment to breath before picking it up, heading for her study room so she could study the tactic books several other summoners recommended as well as the one history book a meek young girl summoner had recommended while said summoner hid behind her Takumi, having followed him when he went to Alice's Askr to give her his summoner's greetings, which judging by his expression wasn't something she normally did.

Considering she knew nothing about formal tactics and mostly learned what she knew by experience, Alice knew that at least skimming through the books would help if it helped the other summoners she met.

The books were heavy and blocked her view as she walked, careful not to trip on her own feet or run into anyone, but she managed, having carried books even heavier before. She nodded in the general direction of any heroes that she passed who greeted her as she walked, a few pausing and wondering if they should help her, a few verbally asking if she needed any help, but she quickly brushed their concern off, saying she was fine and didn't need any help with a strained smile.

Soon enough, after a while of walking through the castle and narrowly dodging around any heroes she nearly ran into, she reached the door to her study room. However there was one snag that was soon apparent as she stood there.

Considering how many books she was carrying, it would be rather difficult for her to open the door without dropping a lot of them.

Gritting her teeth and restraining the urge to curse, she began to try to find the door knob, balancing the book precariously in her arms as she attempted to find it with a hand.

She finally found the door knob, but attempting to turn it sent several books sliding off the top of the stack she was carrying much to her annoyance. However, there was no sound of the books hitting the ground much to her confusion before a familiar voice rang out.

“Do you need any help Alice?” Alfonse's voice greeted her ears as she turned her head, seeing the Askr prince holding the books that nearly fell with a concerned expression on his features, blue eyes scanning her form as well as the books she held in her grasp.

“...No.” She replied, turning her head to face the door, trying once more to open the door, only to freeze as a few more books skid dangerously close to falling off the stack with the motion.

“Let me help.” Alfonse stepped closer, arms brushing against her own as he took several books from her hold, letting her see in front of her once more and lessening the strain on her arms. For several moments they stood there, rather close to each other, close enough that their arms were lightly brushing against each other.

After several moments Alice swallowed, breaking herself out of the daze she was briefly in and opened the door with ease, the prince following her in. The room was mostly tidy aside from the desk which had scattered maps and tactics she wrote, her handwriting being messy scrawls due to writing rather quickly.

She set the books down, Alfonse setting the stack of books he was carrying down by them. For several moments the two stood there awkwardly, not sure what to say as they avoided each other's eyes and shifted on their feet.

“..Thank you.” Alice's voice softly broke the silence, making Alfonse swivel his head to see her smiling just a small smile as she glanced at him.

“You're very welcome Alice.” He replied warmly, smiling back at her before turning to leave, stopping when in the doorway. “Oh, Alice.” He called, looking over his shoulder to see her about to sit down in her chair.

She inquisitively turned her head towards him, eyes glimmering in the light with a questioning look. “Yes?”

“Please, try to not stay up all night studying.” He said gently, noting the look he got which he smiled back at. “We worry, so please don't overwork yourself.”

She narrowed her eyes at him for several moments before sighing and nodding, smiling back as he left. She soon plopped down in her seat, pulling a random book from the stacks and flipping it open, beginning to read.

In around an hour she finished that book and went on to the next, this process repeating for the next several hours, she read through the tactics books with surprising ease, however the history book was proving to be more challenging, especially considering it was one of the thickest books she grabbed.

It was rather late, Alice having to light candles so she could see even with the moonlight shining into the room via the windows. Though she was rather tired, she tried to push through it, doing her best to focus on the words and comprehend them.

However, she soon lost the battle against the call asleep, head dropping to the page she was on that was detailing something about a goddess of fate cursing a young child, falling asleep in moments.


When the goddess of fate transfixed her eyes upon young me,

She said “What a cute baby! A prime gift for the universe.

Yes, she’s the one! I’ll entertain myself and have some fun,

she’ll bear a grim curse.”

The goddess of fate resting took notice of the newborn child, long braided hair resting on her shoulder while she was resting on a cloud.

“What a cute baby.” She spoke, grey eyes contemplating something then her features broke into a wicked smile as a delightful idea came to mind. “What fun as well, I’ll cast a spell!”

for only her amusement mattered in her eyes …

My eyes were sunken and my whole body was just skin and bones

Everyone that I passed by never forgot to let me know

“A monster is, all that you are! You aren’t a normal human!” Words they always throw

Alice rushed from school, the young girl dodging around everyone as she bolted, brown eyes seemingly unflinching at the remarks she had thrown at her as her long black hair billowed behind her.

Freak, monster, zombie, creature, no matter what it was she heard it before, all her life she heard remarks like that because of her appearance. She's always been a sickly child, not gaining a lot of weight and looking very thin and frail with her eyes sunken in as well.

She was always teased and bullied for it, something she truly couldn't help as she was just born that way.

She soon made it to the hovel where she lived, living by herself as her family abandoned her when she was young but old enough to take care of herself. Plopping herself on the bed she found and dragged here, she took several deep breaths in, the young child fighting back tears.

But I won’t think about such sad things after all, if I do

I won’t be able to control the rush of tears that always threatens to flow

Later that night, she snuck up to the roof of a nearby building to gaze at the countless stars that dotted the night sky, fixing her gaze on one in particular that shone brightly. Though it was mildly cold the child didn't move, merely pulling her dress closer to her body as she sat down, gaze never leaving the night sky.

If I could just have a single wish come true I know that then,

Nothing would be as bad if in this world I had even a single friend

Think of all the wonders every day of life would bring

Even if not for sure, I’d like to think such a wonderful thing

She then feverently began to wish once more, like she did every night when the stars could be seen, for her to become a normal girl, and to gain at least one friend, her mind imaging how her entire life would change if at least one of her wishes came true.

The next day, the bullies followed her when she went into an alley she frequented because of the tame mice that lived there which she liked a little. At least the mice didn't judge her she thought though she kept her distance from them at the front of the alley.

“The rats around are hated, but tell me what could the reason be?” She mused, jumping several feet when a voice cruelly replied from behind.

Asking a simple question,“Why is it you seem to hate mice?”

They roll their eyes and laugh back,“Because they’re dirty worthless things!”

“That’s your reply? Your reason why? Then answer this for me,

the boy who cannot see."

She spun around, backing away as she got an answer. “Because they’re dirty of course!” They said and cruelly laughed at her, making her shrink back in fear.

“Then please explain, for me again, For the sake of someone who’s unable to see.” A voice rang out from her left and she whipped her head around to see a boy with blue tipped with gold hair walking up, he had bandages around his head that covered his eyes.

Even despite that, his expression was far from happy as he took a stance between Alice and her tormentors, standing in front of her as if he was her knight.

“The act of not seeing your discrimination that you do, I have to ask myself, are the rats dirtier than all of you?” He spoke sharply, having his say the bullies began to back away. He then snapped, voice ringing through the street. “Leave her alone and go away!”

He had his say, they backed away, “Never do it again!” his voice was ringing through

Even though I’m happier than ever before, but why

Is it that even still my feelings overflow and I begin to cry

The bullies turn-tailed and ran off, making his stance relax as he turned to Alice with a concerned smile. “Are you okay?” He asked her gently, offering her a hand.

She stared up at him, wide eyes as her eyes filled with tears, no one had ever stood up for her like that before and as such was overwhelmed.

“Y-Yes.” She managed to get out, taking his hand as he helped her up to her feet, as she had fallen onto her rear when she shrunk back.

“I'm Alfonse, what's your name?” He smiled softly at her, and she wondered what color of eyes he had.

“I'm Alice.” For the first time in her life, she smiled brightly, eyes glimmering with her emotions.

If I could just have a single wish come true I wish that I

Could appear as a normal girl at least only in your eyes

But the thought alone made my chest ache in pain you see

Why oh why did I have to be born into this world as me?

The two were like glue soon after that, staying close to each other as they went about life for several years, Alfonse defending her from bullies and she helping him in classes when he needed it, though her condition never changed.

One day, when they were young adults, Alice had fallen asleep against a tree while spending time with Alfonse, something he was quick to notice and gained a contemplative look upon his face.

You are a very kind girl I’ve learned myself

But you always end up blaming yourself

I want to do something that helps to comfort you

That is it, This flower will do, it feels perfectly in bloom

This a splendid lilly pure and white like you

I’ll place it right here where it belongs sitting next to you

He soon began to search around near the tree, wandering off from it briefly as he searched for what he was thinking of. Something that could be a token of his affection for her is what he was wanting to find, and even if he was being a bit of a sap, he didn't care.

Soon his fingers brushed against something soft that he quickly turned to, fingers tracing the shape before he reached down and plucked it from the ground. A white lily! He was ecstatic he found what he was looking for and quickly returned to where Alice was. He left it in her hand, smiling before realizing that he also had something he bought for her at home, so he quickly turned and began to run back to his house, hoping that Alice liked the flower he gave her and would like what he got her.

The goddess of fate watched on from above at her resting place, tilting her head with a wicked smile appearing on her features. “Ah but if only you could see her deformed and ugly face, I wonder what expression you’ll pull when you finally see.” She mused before grinning. “Quite the sight isn’t she?”

With a wave of her hand, Alfonse stopped in his tracks as he was returning from his home, hearing what she said as the bandages around his head that were covering his eyes unraveled rapidly, his blue eyes blinking rapidly as he took in the fact he had sight once more.

Feeling something else was amiss, he soon began to run back to Alice, panic fueling his movements as he had a bad feeling the goddess of fate was up to something with her now if she restored his sight.

Soon the goddess saw the boy was the only one not repelled

“If you knew what she looked like, would this girl you still idolize?”

Saying those words, she cast one more spell

And the boy who was blind could now see through his eyes

Now she had just one job left and turning to the white lily at Alice's side, with a snap of her fingers, she turned the demure flower into a dark monstrosity, turning it as black as the night sky.

The flower that he’d given turned as black as the night sky

An ominous dark lily, lay on the ground before my eyes

“See it’s a gift, from this young man, do as you're told and pick it up.” Her voice replied

“Wake up, my girl!” The goddess of fate spoke to Alice, waking her with a start as the poor girl's eyes darted about looking for the source of the voice she was hearing. “Would you look here? That boy brought you a gift! Accept it now, my dear!”

Alice blinked, hands shaking as she brought the flower up to see, seeing it really was a black lily and felt something in her gut twist and her heart began to sting painfully, tears soon falling from her eyes, having such a bad feeling about the meaning of this black lily. “This must be the punishment that I deserve, because I had forgotten my place and I had just fallen so deeply in love.” She sobbed, not hearing the frantic footsteps coming up the hill where she sat.

Ah, this feeling of joy I’m so ashamed of. Because,

Somebody like me isn’t worthy of the miracle of falling in love…

“This would just be better right if I were not even alive..!” She cried, only to hear Alfonse’s voice exclaim behind her, making her spin around.

“That wasn't my doing, it was some evil trickster tainting the lily I gave you! I promise I would never play such a cruel trick on you!” He was quick to move close, hugging her to his chest. “Please don’t shed anymore tears, I promise I’ll always be here! I’ll stay by your side until the day we die, I vow!” he declared to the goddess and anyone else who may hear. “Don’t dream of changing yourself, I already love the girl you are.”

She inhaled sharply, more tears falling as she hugged him tightly as she felt a strange feeling wash over her. Alfonse gasped as her form glittered, soon any trace of her sickly body was replaced with that of a normal girl her age as the black lily which was originally in her hand disappeared then reappeared in her hair, back to the normal white it was before. The curse that the goddess of fate had placed on her was gone now.

He still held her tight, murmuring words of comfort and affection as they stood there in the light of the setting sun.

Did you see that just now?

The spell has broken like you’ve woken from a dream that’s over now.


Alfonse peeked into the study, seeing Alice's sleeping form slumped at her desk fast asleep with her head resting on the open history book. It was very late in the night and he had gone to her room to see if she was in bed only to find she wasn't there, so he grabbed a blanket before going to the study, having a feeling she was there.

He carefully made his way in, carefully putting the blanket around her form, hesitating for a second before bending over, brushing her hair from her forehead to gently lay a tender kiss there. Feeling his heart start racing once he did so, he quietly left the room with a smile.

When Alice awoke in the morning, she was confused as to why she had a blanket around her, as well as wondering what kind of dream she had as she only recalled snippets, because she woke up feeling happy and, strangely enough, loved.