WoR World Fair: Send Help! [Collab]

1 year, 10 months ago

WoR World Fair: Test Your Strength [Collab] 1063 Words +10 Other Members Reosean/Starter +4 (linked in the beginning) Personal Art +3 Collabed Art +2 Special Event Bonus +3 Total - 22

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You hear a crash in the distance. Running to the scene, your Reosean soon discovers that a stall or other fair equipment needs some on the spot repairs! Does your Reosean help? Draw or write about your Reosean pending a hand, or simply watching the chaos unfold.

Collab between BRAIN-PLAGUE | Mechanic-Drone


Rook 9431 | Sorn 14744 | [S-T3] Cereos 7928


“Sorn, Cereos! Over here!”

Rook cried out as soon as he spotted his friends in the distance.

As soon as they took notice of his whereabouts they came running, visibly concerned about the blazing red flames eminating from a wooden hut behind their buddy.

“We heard a loud bang, it sounded like an explosion! What happened?” Cereos barked, out of breath.
“One of the festival huts just- I don’t know, something went wrong and now everything is on fire!” Rook turned around and observed as the flaming walls licked at the wood, consuming it as it hungered for more, leaving nothing but charcoal in its wake. 

“Are the people safe?! Where is the firewatch?” Sorn frantically looked around, too nervous to step much closer.
“As far as I know, everyone is safe. The firefighters have yet to arrive. We need to grab buckets or any other container and throw water on it while we wait.” The runner couldn’t hide the fear in his voice. 

His paws trembled as he lowered his head to look at them, then back at the fire. 

“There is a lake very close nearby!” Cereos intercepted, pointing into the direction. Many other Humanoids, Vayrons and Tyrians alike have rushed over to join in to help.


Sorn furrowed her brow as she looked towards the direction of the lake. It wasn’t that far but with how quickly the flames were growing there was no way to get it out in time with it as far advanced as it was. As the crowd of helpers ran off to the lake she stopped Rook and Cereos from following the herd.

“Wait, let them get the water from the lake. It’s a more permanent fix, but we need something quick now to at least slow the spread.” Sorn spoke firmly, seemingly knowing what needed to be done.

“But wait, the lake is the only large water source near here. Where else would we get water?” Cereos asked, the panic veiling his voice revealing his underlying fears. 

“Wait, the fountain?” Rook spoke with his mind still considering Sorn’s plan.

Nodding at his statement she began to explain.

“It doesn’t have enough water to put the fire out, but it is close enough that we can take what water is there and quickly slow its spread.” 

“Yeah but like you said, there isn’t nearly enough water from that fountain to stop a fire that big!” Rook spoke a bit more hysterically. 

“I know there isn’t enough water, but with everyone else going to the lake we’ll at least be able to keep it at bay till everyone else arrives. I think it may be our only shot because otherwise it’ll all be burnt down by the time enough water is brought back from the lake.”


Rook nodded, realizing that Sorn’s idea was for the best. Without hesitating another second he and Cereos ran off to grab some buckets nearby. 

Clutching one tightly in his jaws the Runner ran off to the fountain, leaning over the edge and taking a deep breath in preparation to dunk his head underwater.

The water was cold, but at least the bucket filled up quickly this way.

Rook splashed the bucket in one swift motion, targeting the patches that were spreading the fastest. Both Cereos and Sorn did the same, albeit in different spots.

Copious amounts of back and forth later the fountain had started to look a little sad with its low water level, but the flames showed no signs of ceasing.

“This isn’t helping!” Cereos cried out, trying not to fall into a panic.

“No, it is. Just slightly.” Sorn tried to reassure him as she nervously watched the flames inching closer to their location.

She let out a sigh of relief as more and more people trickled in, returning from the trip to the lake. 

The trio watched as more flames were being put out, but new ones started forming.

“About time the firefighters arrive…” Rook mumbled, fear gnawing at his heart.

“Come on, let’s shovel some more water on there.”

The Runner filled up another bucket and went up to the burning abode, getting a little too close for comfort. 

He jumped when he heard something burst in the flames, followed by a loud snap.

“Rook! Watch out!” Cereos and Sorn shouted in unison, but their warning came too late as they watched a wooden beam fall right onto the spot where Rook was standing.

Rook looked up, panic gripping his heart and as fast as he could react he stepped out of the way.

The beam landed on his tail, mitigating most of the damage. Yelping out in pain, he ran back to his friends for comfort.


“Rook! Are you okay?!” Sorn found herself frantically looking over Rook for injuries, though he seemed unscathed aside from some burnt hair on his tail.

“I’m alright, I’m alright… I just really hope the firefighters get here soon. This is getting too dangerous, too out of hand.”

Rook trotted over to the now almost empty fountain and jumped in entirely, letting the cool water ease the pain in his tail and cool him down as being within inches of the hungry flames got. 

A few more moments of silence and the trio spotted carriages rapidly approaching in the distance. All that weren’t immediately carrying water looked to see the firefighters finally arriving at the scene.

“Everyone get back, we'll handle it from here!” One of them shouted before blasting the area with a high powered stream of water. 

It didn’t take long for the once fierce flames to slowly die out and soon enough the fire was no longer anything more than a smoldering pile of black ash. The rescuers went from fairgoer to fairgoer aiding those that were injured in the fight and getting them more proper help.

Sorn jogged over to one of the rescuers, motioning to Rook and his burnt tail in hopes they could help him alleviate some of his pain.

“You know, she really cares a lot about you.” Cereos spoke quietly to Rook, a warm smile on his face.

Rook blinked for a moment, surprised by his comment, “I mean, we are close friends, isn’t that what friends do for one another?”

Cereos snickered softly but held his tongue as Sorn and the firefighters drew closer to help Rook with his injuries. 

[1063 Words]