Character Development Questions

2 years, 1 month ago


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  • Name: August
  • Nickname(s): 
  • Name significance/meaning: 
  • Gender: Male ( He/Him )
  • Age: 22
  • Birthday: 
  • Zodiac Sign:
  • Location: Halo Harbour City
  • Birthplace: 
  • Species: Constellion

  • Physical Appearance:
  • Skin Tone:
  • Complexion:
  • Eye Color:
  • Natural Hair Color:
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • Body Type:
  • Build:
  • Posture:
  • Birthmarks:
  • Scars: 
  • Dominant Hand:
  • Age Character Appears to Others:
  • Dyed Hair Color: 
  • Usual Hairstyle: 
  • Tattoos:
  • Piercings:
  • Makeup Style:
  • Clothing Style:
  • Clothing Size:
  • Shoe Style:
  • Shoe Size:
  • Nail Appearance:
  • Painted/Natural/Manicured/Rugged/FakeEyebrow Shape:
  • Features:
  • Face Shape:
  • Facial Hair:
  • Voice: What does it sound like?
  • Distinguishing Feature: What people notice right away

  • Extrovert or Introvert: Extrovert
  • Personality Traits: 
  • MBTI Personality: 
  • Enneagram: 
  • Instinct stacking: 
  • Optimist or Pessimist: 
  • Temperament: 
  • Mood: 
  • Attitude: 
  • Strengths:
  • Flaws:
  • Mannerisms:
  • Habits:
  • Morning Person or Night Owl: 
  • Pet Peeves: 
  • Favorite Sin: 
  • Favorite Virtue: 
  • Weakness: 
  • Strengths: 
  • Expressiveness: 
  • Ruled by Heart or Mind: Heart
  • Mindset:
  • Philosophy:
  • Motivated by:
  • Everyday Speech: Words or phrases the character often says
  • Life Motto: 

  • Energy Level:
  • Memory Level: 
  • Disabilities: 
  • Phobias: 
  • Addictions: None
  • General aptitude: Fast learner and very analytical, good at math and understanding world issues
  • Mental Strengths: Is your character mentally tough
  • Mental Weakness: In what aspects is your character mentally weak?
  • Physical Strengths: 
  • Physical Weakness:
  • Past Illnesses: Major
  • Surgeries: 
  • Accidents:
  • Stability: Is your character emotionally stable?
  • Allergies:

  • Job Title:
  • Company:
  • Career Type:
  • Education:
  • College: 
  • Work Ethic:
  • Job History:
  • Income: 
  • Political Party/Organizations:
  • Volunteer Work:
  • Dream job:
  • What job would s/he do poorly at: 
  • Career satisfaction:

  • Diet: 
  • Favorite Foods: 
  • Favorite Drinks:
  • Favorite Movie: 
  • Favorite Music:
  • Favorite Book: 
  • Favorite Place: 
  • Favorite activities: 
  • Favorite time of day: 
  • What makes them happy?
  • What makes them sad?
  • Hobbies:
  • Interests:
  • Favorite animal:
  • Loves to do: 
  • Hates to do:
  • Inspired by: 

  • Raised by:
  • Parent Status: 
  • Mother’s Name: 
  • Mother’s Age: 
  • Mother’s Background:
  • Father’s Name:
  • Father’s Age:
  • Father’s Background:
  • Relationship with Mother:
  • Relationship with Father: 
  • Parenting Type: 
  • Only Child? First Born, Middle Child, or Youngest?
  • # of Siblings: 
  • Relationship with Siblings:
  • Do they have kids of their own, or do they want them in the future?
  • Extended Family: Insert any details about aunts/uncles, grandparents, or cousins here. 
  • Family Relations: Are they generally close-knit or distant? How has family life shaped the character? Do they have any sibling rivalries, or are they best friends with a particular sibling? 
  • What they like most about their family:
  • What they dislike most about their family: 
  • Children:
  • Pets:

  • Best Friend(s): 
  • Worst Enemy: None
  • Many acquaintances or few close friends? Many acquaintances and close friends
  • Sexual Preference: 
  • Orientation: 
  • Relationship Status: Complicated
  • Marital Status: N/A
  • First Love: 
  • Current Love or Aspiring Love: Reyes ( ex-boyfriend )
  • Notable Ex-Lovers: Reyes
  • Friends: Briar
  • Mutuals: Micah
  • Dislikes: 

  • Childhood: What was their childhood generally like?
  • Did anything significant happen? 
  • Adolescence: What were their teenage years like? Did anything significant happen? 
  • Young Adult: What were they like as a young adult? Did anything significant happen? 
  • Adult: 
  • Coming of Age: When did they really grow up and come into themselves? 
  • Moments/Experiences that shaped them: List any important experiences here.
  • How have they changed as a person throughout their life: Were they raised as a spoiled only child, but later became a Buddhist monk? 
  • Major regrets: List any major regrets the character has from their life.
  • Biggest life lessons learned: Did they learn not to take life for granted when their best friend died?

  • Religious Beliefs: 
  • Upbringing: 
  • Core Values: 
  • Morals: What does s/he believe is evil? What does s/he believe is good?
  • Risks Worth Taking: What would your character risk their life for?