Mountain Event: Shattered Peaks

EnyaSol TheRufo
5 years, 4 months ago
5 years, 4 months ago
2 1012

Chapter 1
Published 5 years, 4 months ago

Shattered Peaks will take you on a challenging journey through the mountain biome.
The story will unfold in a series of chapters that will be gradually released, and each chapter will offer multiple story options to choose from.

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Ch.1: What Dwells Beneath the Canopy

The day began calmly.
The sun was rising over the slopes of the mountain, wiping out all the creatures that inhabited it.
Atlas was the exception, he felt the sun on his face, but he had not slept. And she would never sleep again. However, the beginning of a new day could be the beginning of a new adventure. And Atlas could not even imagine how true that phrase was. He stretched his paws, a routine he continued even as an esk, and looked around.
"There" He said to himself, looking at the highest point he could see from his position.
He began to climb, jumping and acquiring extravagant poses for such an ascent, nobody could deny him that he was like a goat.
Once at the top he stretched his neck, feeling tall, big and important.
However, a sound claimed his attention. It looked like a cry, disconsolate and heartbreaking. He asked for help. He needed help.
Atlas came down from the top, and began walking guided by the sound. At one point, the stones began to be covered with greenish moss, the ground was replaced by dirt and grass, and instead of stone walls, colossal trees emerged from the ground.
He walked through the forest, climbing the great roots of that dense jungle, following the echoes of that voice. He crossed another root, and ran through the grass that led him to the next.
"This grass must be very tasty," he thought to himself. And the truth is that in his life he had ever seen so much grass and so green, all together.
He enjoyed his image savoring that grass when he jumped to the next root and stumbled. Stumbling face to face with a creature.
"Baaaaaummm" pronounced that being.
Atlas jumped back and put his head on guard. Willing to charge against that animal.
"You well, little esk?" asked the creature.
"Esk?" Atlas was confused. He had heard that word before.
Then he noticed that animal: it didn't look like anything he'd seen before. He was enormous: he was twice Atlas' size, and he had a leafy mane on his chest, and a very long tail, from which he came out.... Mist?
"What are you?" asked Atlas, still confused.
"Baum? You esk, I esk like you!" Baum seemed happy to see another esk, yet Atlas still hadn't understood some things.
"Where are your rocks?" Atlas only knew Prithvi, his creator, who, like him, had stones in his body.
Before Baum could answer, that echo was heard again. The crying was more intense.
"Baum has come to help."
Atlas looked into the penetrating eyes of the great esk, and after climbing on a root that left him under, he said:
" Okay Baum, I'll let you help me help it."They followed the path, guided by the echo cry. Atlas crawled up and climbed any root or stone that made Baum stay beneath him. He hated being small so much... Probably he didn't even accept being small.They followed the path, guided by the echo cry. Atlas crawled up and climbed any root or stone that made Baum stay beneath him. He hated being small so much... That he probably didn't even accept being small. Baum watched him, because it was curious: Atlas ended up travelling the longest way, only to be able to be perched on one of those giant roots.
Atlas stood on a fairly large rock, Baum looked at him.
"Baum?" snarled the huge esk.
"I saw something move there" Atlas looked at the root of a huge tree (like most in that jungle), the tree grew twisted, as if among several thinner trees had interwoven the trunk, and its roots, bent and turned one among another, made a small wall, from which protruded a little head and ears.
" What are you, a fox?" Instinctively, Atlas stood a little behind Baum, who looked at him tenderly.
"Esk. Like Baum, like you." Baum approached without fear, and the little esk came out of her hiding place to meet the two of them.
"Wow," she said looking at Baum, "you're huge!" She ran two laps over Baum's elemental mist. "And you have powers!"
Her laughter could be heard like a chorus in the heads of both esk. Atlas, still pretending to be in hiding, looked at her curiously. The esk came out of his back and touched his stones.
" Wow, they are three different, what are their names?" Atlas jumped out of his fear, and went to answer her, but the cry was heard again: Deep, close, desperate.
The three looked at the tree where they had found Luah. At the top, the rewritten branches, turned into a blackish color, dead. Wherever that disease arose, there was a ring of light: weak and tenuous energy, which would not last long when lit.
The monument was crying, broken, lost. The esk could feel its pain and its sadness as the light went out and life died.
Luah lifted a shining piece of the ground.
"I found this before, I think it's broken, just like the light asks for."
Atlas then remembered that, steps back, he had also seen something similar.
"I know where there is another," he ran, jumping from the great tree, in search of the lost piece. Baum followed him, and at one point he saw another piece.
"Baum, here more!" he shouted as he carefully brought the piece closer to the tree.
Atlas came back just as fast as he had gone, carrying his chunk right in front of him.
When the three esk came together, they rebuilt that amulet, hoping that it would help.
Luah climbed on Baum's back, but her short legs couldn't carry her higher.
Atlas was ready: he climbed up the roots and sides of the tree as if he could not fall, and when he came to the light, the amulet was attracted like a magnet to its place. Leaves began to grow, and the trunks regained their color. Atlas looked at his companions.
Art by AishaWild
They had managed to help.
Author's Notes
For the ones that don't know, this is a entry for the first chapter of the Mountains Event going on TWWM, on July and mid August.
You should check out!
Option One: You have decided to fix the shrine token. If you concentrate hard enough, your spirit energy can pour into the shattered pieces and bring them back together. In doing so, a wave of light flashes from the mended shrine, and all at once the leaves around it begin to regrow. The bark of the tree behind it has started to regain is color, and warmth radiates across the mountain in waves. It seems an animal was watching you nearby–after witnessing your empathy, it feels comfortable enough to draw close. The forest glows all around you; you have bettered this place.
I write my entries in spanish, you could read the original here:
Spanish Version [Original]
Then I use a translator and I check that I understand all and correct some mistakes, but my english writing could be worse ^^"