Path to the Throne

2 years, 1 month ago

Explicit Violence

5059 A.S.-- Princess Sordes knew she might be the queen of the SkyWings someday, but when her mother, Queen Quetzal, who has been ill for many months now, summons her to the queen's chamber with a special request, Sordes finds that things are moving quickly and not in the way she wanted.

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A Request From the Queen

Queen Quetzal was sick. No one had realized until she collapsed after a council meeting one day, but evidently, her health had been declining for some time before anyone had caught wind of it beyond the queen’s personal doctor. The news had shaken Sordes. Her mother had always seemed so immovable. As a dragonet, Sordes had thought she would be queen forever. But now…  

Queen Quetzal had sent a summons to Sordes, it wasn’t official, but the servant said it was urgent. Of course, Sordes wasted no time in answering.

“Sordes,” Quetzal stood as her daughter entered the room. Sordes frowned in concern. The muscle strain that nobody had noticed for so long was now glaringly obvious. Her mother’s exhaustion was thinly veiled. Her mother, the strong, unbreakable queen now looked small and tired, like a sudden gust of wind could knock her over. How did no one see this? Sordes felt a stab of guilt.

“Mother,” she answered, “how are you? You should sit down, you need to rest.”

 Quetzal shook her head waving it off as she turned towards the window. “Rest can’t help me now, I would rather spend my last days in beautiful surroundings than confined to my bed, I have strength enough for that.”

Sordes didn’t answer and it was silent for a moment before Quetzal turned back to her daughter and gestured for her to follow. “Come,” she said, “let’s go down to the gardens, I have something I would speak with you about.”

The gardens weren't very active at this time of day and the small group of SkyWings walked through the paths at a leisurely pace, though Sordes threw concerned glances at her mother as she watched for signs of Quetzal over-tiring herself. It wasn’t until they reached a small corner of the gardens that was just slightly overgrown– evidently, the gardeners didn’t find their way back here very often– that the Queen spoke again. “Let’s sit for a moment,” she glanced back to address the Skyhawk guards accompanying them, “you may leave us, I’ll call for you when we’re ready to return to the palace.” The Skyhawks nodded and moved away, surely to find a place to watch the gardens for threats from where they wouldn’t be invading the Queen and Princess’ privacy.

Sordes settled down on the ground beside her mother and began picking at the grass under her claws. Quetzal had yet to say anything and Sordes was beginning to feel concerned. She didn’t say anything though, only let the silence carry on as they gazed across the gardens.

“Sordes,” the princess looked over at her mother who had finally broken the silence, “I’m sick. Very sick. I’ve known for a long time and have come to peace with it.”

“You’ll get better, Mother, the physicians can fix you,” Sordes assured Quetzal as a small pit began to form in her stomach.

Her mother smiled. “No, this isn’t something that can be fixed. My body is failing me and according to the physicians, I don’t have long before I will be permanently bedridden and eventually die.”

Sordes couldn’t respond, only stare at her mother in shock and sadness as the pit grew. She had known it was a possibility her mother would die, but she was sure that the physicians could do something.

“That’s the reason I asked you to speak with me here, Sordes,” Here Quetzal turned and met her daughter’s eyes with determination, “I need you to do something for me.”

“Of course, Mother,” Sordes furrowed her brow. 

“I need you to challenge me for the throne.”

There was a beat, and Sordes realized she wasn’t breathing. She shook her head, taking a deep breath. “You– what?!” 

“You have to challenge me, as my daughter, so you can be the Queen of the SkyWings.”

“No! Mother I–” Sordes stood suddenly and began pacing, her tail lashing irritatedly. “I can’t do that, it’s not right. I can’t fight you while you’re–” Sordes choked, pausing in her pacing as she faced away from her mother.

“You have to. Sordes,” Her mother called her gently and Sordes glanced back over her wing but didn’t quite look at her mother. “I need you to challenge me and soon. If you don’t then the SkyWing throne will not be stable. I will not have you and your sisters fall into a power struggle. Even if you three come to an agreement, the rest of the kingdom may be unsure. They won’t know who to follow, and members of the council may see it as an opportunity for a power grab. The kingdom could fall into chaos. The only way to have a strong, clear queen, is for you to challenge me now, while you still can.”

It was good logic, but still, she didn’t think this was something she could do. Sordes dropped her face into her talons and let out a frustrated groan. After a moment, a talon was laid on her shoulder.

“Sordes, look at me.” Sordes reluctantly lifted her head to meet her mother’s kind, but so very tired eyes. “I would rather die now, at your talons, than live another year, maybe two, until I die, unable to move, to lift my wings and feel the sun and wind on them.”

“But… you could get better…”

“No, darling,” Quetzal’s smile was sad as she lifted her talon to caress Sordes’ face. Sordes leaned into the touch, closing her eyes as a tear slid down her cheek. “There is no hope for me, my body is wasting away and there is no way to reverse it. I would not ask you to do this if there was another way.” Sordes let out a soft sob.

“Why me?” She whispered. “Why not Gracilus?”

Quetzal sighed. “Gracilus means well, but she’s not ready. She doesn’t understand what it means to be queen.”

“But I do?” Sordes responded, doubtful and pleading.
“You do,” her mother said, her voice firm despite her illness, “you may not realize it yet, but you do. And you will do wonderfully.” 

The Challenge

Sordes felt sick as she walked into the throne room. 

The council meeting had just been dismissed, the councilors were gathering their scrolls and preparing to leave, but looked up as the second of the princesses entered the room. Skies, it wasn’t that long of a distance, but it felt like an eternity before she stopped before the throne, surrounded by the councilors who were watching her with curious eyes. Quetzal was sitting on her throne, gazing down at Sordes with a gentle intensity. You know what you need to do. 

“Princess Sordes,” Quetzal greeted calmly, as if she didn’t know what her daughter was about to do, as if they hadn’t had that horrible conversation just the day before. 

Witnesses will be necessary, her mother had explained, set the challenge after my council meeting so none can dispute your claim. It made sense, but it didn’t make it any easier to ignore the eyes of the 20 or so dragons boring into her.

“Queen Quetzal,” Sordes’ voice was loud as she recited the words, it rang and echoed through the room, sounding much more sure than Sordes felt, “you are no longer fit to take care of the SkyWing kingdom, we are weak as long as you sit on the throne, therefore, as your daughter–” Sordes took a deep breath, steeling herself as she raised her head to look at her mother, “I challenge you for the throne and the crown.”

There was a beat of silence. Then Combustion leaped to his feet from where he was sitting beside his wife. “Sordes, what are you thinking?!” He demanded, “You can’t challenge your mother while–”

He was cut off when Quetzal raised a talon to quiet him. Everyone looked to the queen for her reaction. Sordes felt a pang as her mother rose slower than she normally would. “I accept,” Quetzal announced clearly, “I will meet you in the arena.” Quetzal gave her daughter a nod before stepping down from her throne and leaving the room with Combustion close behind her. Raptor hesitated, giving Sordes a look she couldn't quite read before following with the other Skyhawks present.

The councilors were slowly trickling out, murmuring and staring at Sordes in a mixture of shock, horror, and disapproval. Sordes didn’t move, enduring the stares until the room was empty, save one dragon.

What were you THINKING?!” Sordes’ head jerked up as Gracilus stormed up to her and she instinctively stepped back.

“Graci… I-”

“By the skies and the moons, Sordes! Mother is sick!” Gracilus snarled, pacing back and forth in front of Sordes, “How could you do something so… so heartless and cowardly?!” Sordes dropped her gaze to the floor, ears pinned back as she felt a burning sensation start to build up behind her eyes. Don’t cry. “I can’t believe you’d be willing to try and kill mother while she’s like this! Just to be queen! I-” Gracilus cut herself off with a growl. “You couldn’t even wait until she was better for a fair fight! I can't believe you, moons!” Sordes didn't speak. Even if she had the heart to try and justify herself— There's no justification for this, she deserves Gracilus' anger— Sordes didn't trust herself to speak evenly. Her throat felt tight. So Gracilus continued. "You know how the kingdom will respond, they won't support this. The council won't think you deserve the crown, and they're right! You are not ready to be queen!"

Sordes flinched back with a small gasp as Gracilus whipped towards her, wings flared, teeth bared, and angry smoke curling out of her nose. 

There was a beat. Sordes opened her eyes cautiously. Gracilus had stopped her rant and was staring at Sordes with a conflicted expression. Then with a snarl and a flash of golden wings, Gracilus disappeared around the corner and was gone. Sordes let out a shaky, choked breath as a tear fell onto her talons.

Soon after she was left alone in the throne room, Sordes composed herself and made her way to the arena. She wasn't finished yet, she had to see this through, she promised.

So now she was standing in the hall leading out into the arena, staring out into the open enclosure. They were still waiting on a couple of the councilors to arrive, so she'd be waiting a few more minutes.

"Hey," the unexpected voice startled Sordes and her wings twitched as she turned to see Gracilus standing awkwardly further down the hallway.

"Hi," Sordes responded, shifting her weight hesitantly before straightening her posture. She needed to look more sure than she felt. The whole point of mother's plan was that dragons wouldn't question Sordes' validity.

"I um, I wanted to uh…. I wanted to check on you. Before you went out there." Sordes wanted to drop her gaze but she forced herself to continue looking at her sister. “I.. I just wanted to make sure you're ready," Gracilus mumbled. 

"Why?" Sordes whispered, shaking her head. Gracilus was known for her outbursts, but this was different. She had every right to be mad at Sordes, so why was she here? Trying to be nice to Sordes in her own way?

"I just…." Gracilus trailed off, shifting her feet awkwardly. There was a pause and then drums began to sound out in the arena and Sordes glanced over her shoulder. It was time to go out. Sordes took a deep breath but before she could take a step, there were wings around Sordes. Sordes froze, realizing it was Gracilus, but after a second closed her eyes and leaned back against her older sister. She didn't hate her. Sordes had absolutely no idea why, but Graci didn't hate her. 

Eventually, Gracilus pulled away, not quite meeting Sordes' eyes. "Don't die, please," she said softly, and disappeared down the hall, probably to go sit in the stands.

Sordes turned to look out into the arena. The drums were settled at a low, repetitive rumple and the dragons in the stands— which wasn't a large amount, it was merely the council and the Queensguard, maybe a few of the councilors assistants?— were waiting solemnly for the challenge to begin. As she stood on the threshold of the doorway, she saw Quetzal emerge into the arena, her jewelry removed, save her laurel crown.

It was her turn now. Sordes took a breath and steeled herself, lifting her head high as she stepped out onto the sand of the arena. No one said anything, but she could feel the looks of anger and disgust directed toward her. She ignored them, she couldn't afford to let them affect her. Instead, she looked at her mother. Quetzal was looking at her like she could tell her every thought. She looked understanding, but her eyes were firm and she gave a nod. She was sure.

The drums stopped. King Combustion stood from where he was sitting in the stands. Athena was sitting beside him already, glaring down at Sordes, and Gracilus was moving into the balcony to join them. The sisters’ eyes met and Gracilus gave Sordes a nervous nod. Sordes looked back to her father. He was fuming, though he seemed to be trying to be composed; smoke was curling out of his nose and his lip was curled just enough that his teeth were visible. He wasn’t looking at Sordes— she wouldn’t be surprised if he was actively trying to avoid looking at her— but she could still feel the ire and hostility directed at her, and not just from her father, but from the councilors too. 

“Queen Quetzal, Princess Sordes, let the challenge begin!” Combustion shouted.

Sordes and Quetzal began to circle one another, watching each other. It must have carried on for just a little too long because Quetzal’s eyes narrowed and her gaze intensified. “Sordes, your promise,” she urged.

Sordes nodded hesitantly and, mentally bracing herself, leapt forward to slash at Quetzal. She dodged, though not as quickly as she would have normally. Sordes still had to jerk back to avoid Quetzal's retaliation. The outcome of the challenge may have been planned, and Quetzal may not be as capable a fighter as she used to be, but she was planning on giving it her all. 

The fight was intense for the first couple minutes, Sordes was on a more even level with her mother in this state, but she was tiring quickly. The fight wouldn't last much longer. Sordes' thoughts were confirmed when Quetzal was knocked to the ground by a tail blow and didn't get up as quickly as she should. Sordes was on top of her in a second, pinning Quetzal easily. She grabbed a hold of Quetzal's horns, but paused. 

"I can't do this, I can't, I can't, I…" Sordes realized she was whispering under her breath, shaking her head.

"Sordes," Quetzal said firmly, "do it. It's okay."

Sordes squeezed her eyes shut and then twisted, trying to shut out the sickening snap. 

There was silence, Sordes was taking deep, heaving breaths as she stepped back, forcing her eyes open, though she avoided looking at the body. She lifted her head to face the scrutiny of the observers. The fight was over.

And it had just begun. 


It won’t be easy, my darling, many will likely disapprove of the circumstances, but they won't be able to question your claim to the throne and that is what's important.

Her mother's words echoed in her head, almost audible in the large, empty throne room. Well, empty save for Sordes and the Skyhawks standing guard around the edge of the room. Despite that, Sordes still felt alone. Her mother said it wouldn't be easy, but that didn't mean Sordes was ready for this isolation. 

After the challenge had ended, her father had risen to proclaim her the queen in a cold, clipped way before turning and leaving. He hadn't returned yet.

Gracilus wasn't outright avoiding her, and neither was Raptor, but it was clear they didn't feel comfortable around her. When they were in the room with her, they didn't quite meet her eyes, they were tense. Gracilus was trying to be normal and Sordes appreciated that, but the relationship was still strained. 

Athena on the other claw was avoiding Sordes. She hadn't spoken to Sordes yet, but her anger was palpable. Geyser had yet to return from his trip, but Sordes wasn't sure she was ready to face his anger either.

The rest of the kingdom was angry and concerned, but, true to her mother's word, could not dispute Sordes' claim to the throne. That didn't stop some from trying though. Already, journalists were releasing less-than-ideal reports and theories. There was much to do now that she was queen. Much more than she could handle by herself.

A guard entered the throne room, announcing a visitor and Sordes couldn't help the smile on her face as Oriole walked in.

Fortunately, she'd have some help.