what is one skill that has kept them safe in life?

1 year, 10 months ago

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Falak is no stranger to the horrid environment that surrounds him. With exposure to such things comes the requirement of being able to adapt. Being a dark colored creature living in the depths of what's rumored to be the darkest forest in the entire universe allows the stallion to usually sneak passed whatever's in his way with ease-- until he can't.

This is where Falak learned the art of charisma.

Being able to talk his way out of what could end up in destruction, violence, and unnecessary injury has saved his life countless times; and he is sure it will prove to be useless countless more times in the future. Being able to stand face-to-shoulder with an irate beast twice his height, knowing the creature could very easily rip him to shreds; being able to talk the monster down from its rage, reason with it, then use innocent manipulation to convince the beast that Falak is of no harm, and will not cause harm. The skill took him many moons to develop.

Beneath his blackened fur lies many scars of varying shapes and sizes, all with stories deeply ingrained within his mind. The long, thin scar stretching over the apex of his shoulder-- a nasty blow from a creature who bore the ability to use the very energy surrounding them to act as a razor sharp blade. The scar near his hip that has bloated into a smooth keloid given to him from the horn of a half-bull, half-man whose horns proved to be far more than just an addition to his intimidating appearance.

But Falak's body bears no fresh or still-healing wounds. It hasn't for years, nor does he plan for it to weep scarlet red any time soon.