this unicorn seems to be rather mischievous

1 year, 10 months ago

are they really, or are they just misunderstood?

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All his life Ubel was an outcast; he was the one usually at fault for broken pots, stained clothes, missing personal and valuable belongings. As a wee child he loved to feel the wrath of those above him. Being yelled at, chased down the path, and seeing those who his shenanigans had hurt grieve over destroyed and missing items satiated some sick, sadistic itch deep within his brain. Nobody would befriend him for obvious reasons, and Ubel preferred it to stay that way.

The satisfaction of getting away with theft crimes, knowing he had the ultimate power to take anything away from somebody without them even knowing, inflated the unicorn's ego. He didn't stop at just petty crimes, though. As he grew into a young adult he began to try for bigger, better prizes; family riches, heirlooms worth more than he could count, and items that were irreplaceable. Because of this Ubel began to be seen as a felon, quickly climbing the ladder of infamy until he was near the top of every villages' list. Ubel was chased out, abused and assaulted; beaten and bruised until he could barely see two feet in front of him. He wasn't safe around anybody, and he knew it. It lead to the unicorn being banished from the civilized lands. Ubel was set to be alone for eternity, trapped in a world of solidary abandonment.

At first the unicorn was happy with what he'd ended with. Being alone to live amongst the wildlife, able to do and say and be anything he wanted to be with nobody to stop him and tell him what he was doing was wrong. He loved it! Ubel ruled the forests he was banished to. The animals knew him as their leader-- or that's what he wanted to think. They lived with him now, not the other way around. Any rabbit, squirrel, and any other creature smaller than the unicorn inhabiting the forest bowed to Ubel, would complete his requests and bring him anything he wanted, until suddenly they didn't.

It confused the unicorn. Why weren't they there to serve him as they had been for the passed who-knows-how-long? No matter how many times he'd called out to them, nobody came to meet him. None of whom he had considered to be family padded their way to the hollowed tree he'd made into his home. Ubel didn't quite know what to think, and so he let his emotions take course. The unicorn turned to adolescent rage and violence once again, destroying everything in his path. Bushes of berries and flowers were left torn to shreds. Any rivers were immediately polluted by foliage and mud. Trees were knocked over, fowl nests were knocked from their perches and their eggs splattered across the hardened soil below. Ubel was furious, but for what?

After realizing that nobody was going to stop him, his anger died out almost as quickly as the fire had been set ablaze. Why didn't they care? Why weren't they trying to stop him, didn't they love their forest? Why, why, why? A million questions yet no answers flooded the unicorn's mind. He didn't understand it at all. They loved the forest, but wouldn't that mean that they loved him, too, since he'd declared it to be his? Hooves beat down on the dirt paths long forgotten by anybody with the ability to take care of them as his legs carried him wherever he went. Ubel's head swam with nothing but confusion, anger, betrayal, and, for the first time in his life, hurt. The fact that none of these furry little animals came to his side in his time of need truly hurt his feelings, and he couldn't understand it at all. But after an eternity of running with no true destination the unicorn began to slow his pace, cantering along now as the reality of his situation started to really take affect.

Ubel was a loner. Ubel was a loner because of the things he'd did so carelessly for so many years. He didn't blame the villages for banishing him to the outskirts of the world. None of the things he did would he want done to himself, and so the guilt started flooding in. His chest grew tight and his eyes grew blurry with tears of hatred and agony, not for the world, but for himself. He hated himself for all the things he'd done throughout his life. Had he known that he'd end up in such a lonely situation he would have stopped. The village people were there to tell him to stop, but he didn't. He didn't because he thought he knew what was right, and it wasn't. The harsh reality of everything leading up to that very moment made the unicorn cry for the first time in his life, tears wetting his fur and causing slick tracks down his face. He had to change, he had to. But where? How? How could he change when he'd decided his fate so many years ago?

Ubel didn't know how he found himself back at the riverbeds he'd destroyed. He didn't know how long the walk back took, who he passed, if any of the forest creatures even risked getting close. He lowered his head to investigate the damage closer, trying his absolute best to fix what was permanently broken. Nothing worked, anger started to bubble up again, but for the first time, Ubel began to do his best to apologize, wordlessly. Leaning fallen trees back into their somewhat upright state, pushing rocks and mud back to try and fix the current of the river. He weaved new nests, tried his best to unplug the dens and burrows he'd collapsed. Ubel didn't want to be alone anymore. He wanted friends, family, and a place to truly call home without demanding respect from the inhabitants. And if it took the rest of eternity to redeem himself for his wrongdoings, his sins, and his arrogant behavior, then he was prepared to die while doing it. Ubel promised himself to never let himself slip back into that aggressive and toxic mindset. And if that promise were to be broken, then Ubel would take the next step to ensuring it'd never happen again.