[RP] Lazy Lug

1 year, 9 months ago

Thrall and Mamba have a good old fashioned brother tussle.

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  • Benepotentia | Cobrathrall — 04/09/2022

    As sunlight filtered through the treetop canopy, Cobrathrall, unsurprisingly, spent the afternoon lazing in the sunbeams. The thick tom lay splayed out on the ground, inconveniently placed in the path of others, humming to himself. He stretched languidly, waving his tail, and rolled over to his other side. Other cats milling about moved around him or stepped over him, rolling their eyes or grumbling irritably at his choice in a sunbathing spot. The Ambassador seemed unbothered, even when nearly stepped on.

  • gala gala | Mambasmoke — 04/09/2022

    Mambasmoke Mambasmoke’s day had been one of uneventful monotony. All work and no play as per his usual grind and he was finally coming back to the central camp for a moment of resting and maybe even sunbathing. Though, on his journey to the centre, there was a round black nuisance in his way. Mamba’s already permanently furrowed brow drove together harder with a huff of annoyance. Cobrathrall, of course. With a grumble, the Deputy continued forward, as if he was simply to step around the ambassador like the others before him. Yet, one of Mamba’s heavy paws landed directly in Thrall’s stomach, then, as the weight shifted, two, three, and then four came and stepped on the lazing tom, walking through the cat as if his pelt was merely the ground. Once stepping off, Mamba turned with a single word on his lips. “Move.”

  • Benepotentia | Cobrathrall — 04/09/2022

    Cobrathrall Ah, what a lovely sunbeam. Hm? No, suddenly it felt less warm. “You’re blocking my sun—“ Thrall began, though he was cut off as he felt heavy paws grind into his belly. “OUUUGH.” He grunted, eyes flying open. Thrall narrowed his eyes at his brother, lashing his tail. As Mamba stepped off of him, Thrall’s paw flashed out to catch his sibling’s back foot in what he hoped would be a trip. “Learn some manners.” He fired back, sounding a bit breathy but unconcerned. Gala gala | Mambasmoke

  • gala gala | Mambasmoke — 04/09/2022

    Mambasmoke The paw on his back leg caused a small stumble, forcing him to ground his other three feet as he shook it out of Thrall’s grasp. Another grumble and huff came from him as Mamba freed himself from his brother’s impromptu trip. Blazing eyes squinted and his long tail flicked to smack Thrall in the face. Finally turning to tower over his brother with that set in stone look of disappointment. “You first. Move out of the way.” Mamba reiterated his first comment, this time more specific in hopes to get his brother to listen and move, yet still missing any notion of manners.  Benepotentia | Cobrathrall

  • Benepotentia | Cobrathrall — 04/09/2022

    Cobrathrall Thrall bared his teeth in a spiteful smirk as his brother stumbled. He laughed, rolling onto his stomach and raising a paw to defend himself if Mamba retaliated any further. His expression didn't affect the burly tom the way it did most-- he met Mamba's gaze with amused defiance. "I'll move." He replied with what seemed like a submissive shrug. After a pause, though, he added-- "Once the sun does." Gala gala | Mambasmoke

  • gala gala | Mambasmoke — 04/09/2022

    Mambasmoke Mamba’s whiskers gave a small twitch as his lip threatened to curl upwards, but for now, it was stamped back to its normal drawn position. Couldn’t let Thrall know he was enjoying their banter, now could he? “Hm,” Mamba thought as he stepped around Thrall casually, looking towards the leaves that failed to cover the warm ray of light. No matter, Mamba would do it himself. The taller cat stood in the way of the beams, casting a shadow down and across his brother, ruining any sort of sunbathing as his back absorbed the heat. “Seems it has.” Mambasmoke’s gruff tone carried through, his body shifting to sit down, making sure to block as much of the sunlight as possible. His long tail gave a flick as it curled around his body. “The sun never stops moving. You should learn from it.” The smallest hint of amusement graced his brief and stunted words, in fact, it was so small it could have easily been missed to those who knew nothing of Mamba. Benepotentia | Cobrathrall

April 10, 2022

  • Benepotentia | Cobrathrall — 04/10/2022

    Cobrathrall Cobrathrall's eye peeked open a smidge as the ray of light, once again, disappeared. "Mm. Isn't it my job to play the role of Jungle's Most Annoying Brother?" His tail flicked with mild irritation, though few would recognize it was feigned. Thrall rolled onto his back and stretched his limbs out in a luxurious stretch. Extending his toes as far as they could go, Thrall lurched upward suddenly to wrap his paws around Mamba's neck. "Let me do my job." He followed up his rhetoric and dragged his littermate down to the ground.
  • [8:03 PM]
    Gala gala | Mambasmoke

  • gala gala | Mambasmoke — 04/10/2022

    Mambasmoke A small chuff that could be equated to a laugh caught in Mamba’s throat. “Apparently, and you are doing a good job at it.” Mamba hadn’t quite caught on that Thrall had been calling him the annoying brother, but, he found it funny regardless. Amused by the antics of his brother he slowly rose onto his back legs ever so slightly, getting ready to pounce upon the exposed belly once again. But, his chance was missed as Thrall grabbed his neck, pulling the unbalanced tom down to the very path they were bickering over. Mamba rolled against the ground, his front legs reaching out to grip Thrall in return, pulling his thicker brother in against his chest as his back legs pulled up to kick. “You, monkey shit-” Any more cusses were muted as Mamba’s mouth found his brother’s signature thick mane, teeth clamping down to get a grip. He playfully growled out as he gave a few kicks of his back legs, aiming for Thrall’s midsection. Careful not to injure the tom too badly.  Any thought of this being a public space was disregarded as he was dead set on winning whatever this little fight was. Benepotentia | Cobrathrall

April 11, 2022

  • Benepotentia | Cobrathrall — 04/11/2022

    Cobrathrall Thrall rolled with his brother until he found himself on top, hoping to use his weight to hold him down. Unfortunately, that wouldn't save him from bicycle kicks to the gut. Thrall grunted, narrowing his eyes as his paws found the floor. He lifted his back end off the ground, though his chest still pinned Mamba.  "How's the mouthful of fur taste?" He grunted, swatting at his brother's head with his front paw, battering his muzzle. Gala gala | Mambasmoke

  • gala gala | Mambasmoke — 04/11/2022

    Mambasmoke The tom's ears flattened and eyes shut for a moment as he was swatted at. "Dew ye ephan athe?" Mamba snorted out and tried to mumble a retort between all the fur stuck in his mouth, nearly incomprehensible. A quiet laugh was followed by a swift kick to Thrall's back right leg, pushing it out as he twisted his form. Teeth dragging his brother into another roll, returning to his own four paws as he leg go of his grip, other than the one in his mouth. He didn't move to try and pin his brother down again, instead he kept his grip and started to try and drag the lazy log out of the pathway. Just because he was distracted, didn't mean he wasn't still trying to achieve his goal. Benepotentia | Cobrathrall

April 12, 2022

  • Benepotentia | Cobrathrall — 04/12/2022

    Cobrathrall "Didn't mother teach you not to speak with your mouth full?" Thrall puffed, yelping as he was dragged in a roll. At this point, a few cats had stopped to watch and roll their eyes as the brothers got up to their usual antics. Mamba's combat training had been far more intensive than his own, so the likelihood of Thrall winning this fight was slim. He knew this, but didn't plan to give up easy. He had to live up to his reputation of being a pain in the neck, after all. In the end, Thrall latched his claws into a root and went limp otherwise, making it a challenge to be dragged from his sunning spot.
  • [9:14 PM]
    Gala gala | Mambasmoke

April 13, 2022

  • gala gala | Mambasmoke — 04/13/2022

    Mambasmoke Seemed the both of them were being pains in the neck, Mamba a bit more literally as he yanked on his brother's neck. Claws hooked and Mamba let out a growl, his own digging into the ground as he set himself in place. He gave Thrall a few tugs, attempting to dislodge those pesky claws with brute force. But, since Mamba didn't actually want to hurt his brother he couldn't put enough force behind his movements to yank the pain off that dumb branch. Like a whistling dog's pup, he kept the tug of war taught as they reached what seemed to be a stalemate. Mamba was no loser, and refused to be bested, especially not in such a simple way. With his jaw locked and stance set, a harsh and quick jab found his brother's exposed ribs, then another, and another in rapid succession. Mamba hopped to his other front foot and jabbed his other side as well, alternating for maximum peskiness as he continued to poke and jab relentless. Benepotentia | Cobrathrall

April 14, 2022

  • Benepotentia | Cobrathrall — 04/14/2022

    Cobrathrall The tom seemed content with his percieved win, knowing full well Mamba wouldn't try to harm him. He hummed idly, ignoring the yanks on his fur as best he could, as he remained fixed on the root. What he didn't exprct, however, was the tickling. He let out a loud, high-pitched and undignified yelp, writhing to try and worm his way out of Mamba's pokes. Unfortunately, he couldn't do that and cling to the root at the same time. "Filthy, underhanded, stinker--" He cursed, claws dislodging. Gala gala | Mambasmoke

April 18, 2022

  • gala gala | Mambasmoke — 04/18/2022

    Mambasmoke Mamba couldn't stifle a joy filled laugh as he was cursed. As soon as his claws left go, Mamba seized the chance to yank Thrall away from the root, and finally, out of the way. With a new found vigor from his small victory, he hauled the tom over to a patch of light that was unoccupied and not within a walk way. He spat out the black scruff of his brother and stepped in front of Thrall. "Stinker?" He questioned with a slight lilt of amusement, his brow quirking upwards. "The word weaver has decided that stinker was his worst insult?"  Benepotentia | Cobrathrall

April 20, 2022

  • Benepotentia | Cobrathrall — 04/20/2022

    Cobrathrall Defeated but still determined to be as annoying as possible, Thrall went limp and heavy as his brother dragged him across camp. He let out a long, loud, agonized moan of defeat, obviously playing it up for dramatics. “I had other names in mind but I wouldn’t want to scar the children.” Thrall swept an arm toward the nearby nursery, rolling onto his back. Gala gala | Mambasmoke

June 2, 2022

  • gala gala | Mambasmoke — 06/02/2022

    Mambasmoke "Oh, how considerate." Mambasmoke drawled out, trying his best to mimick his brother's dramatics. Though the intonation felt like tree sap on his tongue, and left an equally bitter taste. He moved on from the struggled words with a bit of a smirk, amused by the irony of calling the pain in the ass considerate. "Enjoy your sunpatch, this time no one will step on you." Mamba stated a bit flatly, tail giving a flick before he stepped over and gave Cobrathrall a lick on the top of his head, purposefully combing his fur backwards to be a nuisance. Despite the delivery being a bit rude, Mamba did mean his words sincerely. Benepotentia | Cobrathrall (apologies for the wait ^^)

June 9, 2022

  • Benepotentia | Cobrathrall — 06/09/2022

    Cobrathrall Thrall snorted, fluffing out his mane to look even larger than he already was. At being called considerate, he stuck his tongue out and let out a fat ptttbtbtb. "You were the only one to step on me." He fired back, swiping out a paw to try and catch his ankle and trip him again. Thrall grunted and reached up to flatten his fur again after his brother's lick. "Aroint thee, brother. I'm sure you have something better to do." Gala gala | Mambasmoke

July 3, 2022

  • gala gala | Mambasmoke — 07/03/2022

    Mambasmoke Mamba lifted the leg his brother swiped at and gave it a little kick in distaste. "Preventative measures." The tom's canines poked out from under his lip as it curled into a smug grin that wiped itself away in seconds. "As do you. Do not forget to take a break from napping to do some work." Mambasmoke chuffed with a dry humor. His ebony tail flicked and gave a final swat, just out of range of his brother before he turned and started to march off. Uncaring of if his brother wished to deliver any final verbal blows as he did in fact have better and much more important things to do. Benepotentia | Cobrathrall

July 4, 2022

  • Benepotentia | Cobrathrall — 07/04/2022

    Cobrathrall Never one to give up on getting the last work, Thrall mimicked Mamba's voice in a mocking tone. "Don't forget to take a break from napping," He mocked in a higher-pitched and childish tone. "That's you. That's what you sound like." Thrall rest his head on his paws as his brother walked away, fully prepared to return to his rest. He deserved it-- he was a hard worker, after all.