Patrol gone wrong

1 year, 10 months ago

My Quest message for DeviantArt

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 The night was cold and unforgiving. The sky’s darkness enveloping everything and sending shivers down all the creature's spines. All, except Commander Wilds, who didn’t flinch as the chill tried to make her jump in her own skin. She couldn’t be detoured. It had finally stopped raining, and she was excited to finally get back to her usual nightly training. Despite her excitement however, her expression was stoic, bordering on grumpy. Behind her, she led a platoon of her company along with the platoon’s leader. Most of them seemed tired, but knew better than to complain. The better soldiers showed no expression, as the platoon leader did. As they walked, the group stayed silent, sept from the occasional whisper, which the platoon leader quickly silenced. Violet didn’t even flinch as the captain grilled his soldiers, her soldiers, after all, he was the one she put in charge of the group, and he had been doing his job well enough. Soon, the group grew quiet again, and they continued to travel through the night. 

    Violet didn’t acknowledge much of her surroundings, that was until she noticed how quiet everything was. She couldn’t hear a single hoof or claw stomp. Sure, her company was pretty quiet, but never this quiet. Slowly, Violet turned around, and saw how the group was focused on some creature. Violet felt a growl rumble in her throat, but held it back as she approached the circle the platoon had made. Pushing through the circle, she finally set her eyes on what the group had stopped for. 5 of the soldiers, who she assumed weren’t paying attention, were stuck in a hole. 

    Violet would have rolled her eyes if it wasn’t so immature. Who didn’t they just fly out. They had wings, didn’t they? Violet’s glare slowly melted, however, as she noticed the group were tangled in some sort of vine. They were thin and black, with dull gray thorns, and seemed to be curling into the holes in the changeling’s feet. Before Violet could think about what to do, a vine had curled into her front leg and started pulling her down into the hole. She tried to open her carapace to fly away, but the vines wrapped around the shell, and made it impossible for her to open it. 

    Violet kicked and slashed with her hooves and claws, but only managed to break a few vines before more came to take their place. She soon stopped, realizing it would be hopeless. By the time she had reached where her soldiers were in the mess, her expression was beyond angry. She looked out at the soldiers, who looked at her with guilt and fear. The changeling, despite her emotions, forced herself to inleast appear calm. 

    “Everyone!” she yelled, “Lights up!”

Suddenly, the area was litten up by the lights of 3 changelings, Violet included, using their horns to produce light, along with the others producing a soft glow from their gems. The youngest soldier was obviously nervous, as she still trashed slightly against her restraints, but the more experienced soldier next to her tried to calm her. 

    Violet looked up at the group above her, and yelled as loud as she could, “ Stay away from the hole!”

    She heard the familiar voice of her captain call back, “Should I get a Captain?!”

       Violet forced herself to bite her tongue and scream back a swear at her captain for even suggesting the idea, then she looked over at the soldiers, all unnerved, and on edge. 

    Begrudgingly, she turned back up and yelled, “Affirmative!”

    The soldiers looked at her puzzled, but relieved. 

    The youngest soldier nervously gave her a smile, and she gave her a comforting smile for half a second before going back to her scowl. She knew only the Beast could get them out, but she wished she was one of them so she could get them out. Even as they pulled her out, she still wished she could have found a better way, but only the Beast were strong enough.

    She felt a tap on her shoulder, and turned to spot the younger soldier presenting her with something.