A Bump in the Road

1 year, 10 months ago

An old DeviantArt quest message from forever ago

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As the sun set on another day, the creatures of the farmer's market started to pack up their stands. Whisp was amongst them. She had a hood drawn over her head, with holes for her ears so she was able to do business with others. She wishes the rumors about her never existed and that others didn't flee at the sight of her. Well, there wasn't anything she can do about it now...

  She swiftly packed up her produce into barrels and strapped the wagon on, preparing herself for the long journey home. 

  After what felt like hours of walking, she was nearly there. By now, the last beams of sunlight had already come and gone, and the stars were shining brightly above the trees, in the sky along with a lovely crescent moon. She had walked this path many times, more than she could remember, but something felt...off..tonight.

  That's when her bright yellow eyes caught something in the grass that sprout in the middle of the path. Something...shiny!

  She haulted, the cart jostling due to the stop in movement. 'What's that?' she asked in her mind, knowing very well that an answer would not come, inleast, not with her standing there. She thought about all the stuff it could be. some water reflecting light? A shiny pebble? A potion bottle? Her imagination fed into her curiosity and she couldn't help but slowly trot up to it. I mean, what could it possibly be? Nothing too bad, right?