Thank you, Mr.Cat

5 years, 4 months ago

This is the Story of how the little Girl April met her Teruvoo Echo

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2 Years ago April happened to play with her friends as usual at the playground near the woods. Everything seemed quite and there was no sign of any danger. As if something strange could happen in a little town like this?
That was when the parents of the kids stopped focusing on their children and started doing the usual smalltalk about rumors in the town. I mean could there be any better place to discuss what the towns famous hairdresser told about the woman living a few streets away from the studio? Right, there is none.
The parents didn’t even notice what happened next due to being preoccupied with their little chat.
April saw a magnificent Deer standing right on the border to the forest they were not allowed to enter. The Kids parents always told scary storys about the dark, dark woods so they wouldn’t even think about entering it.
April pointed her finger at the deer and informed everyone of their presence. The Kids quickly noticed the deer was wounded and at the second they decided to take a step closer it turned around and returned with gracile jumps back to the forest.
Unanimously the friends ran after the wounded deer but quickly lost it between the bushes full of berries. Even tho they decided to turn around and get back to their parents they happened to get even more lost in the infinitely big forest.
That’s when a big mischief happened. April tripped and fell into a cave-like hole. She started crying out loud and even tho the other kids tried helping her with united powers it wasn’t enough. April was stuck and the kids became desperate.
After a while the kids on the surface decided to try find a way back to the adults to get help and ran away just leaving April back there in the cave all alone. Alone with her fears April sat in there holding her ankle and bleeding leg crying and screaming for help.
Suddenly a huge floating Cat which looked like a toy with buttons for their eyes has been floating to April and started purring to comfort April. It seemed to have worked because She stopped crying and looked at the strange cat-like creature and asked: “Are you here to help me Mr.Cat?” Not saying anything the Cat kept purring. “So you are? Please take me home, Mr.Cat.” April said determined but when the Cat stopped purring she added with a shaky voice: “Please…I’m scared.” That was when the cat pressed their head against her chest and started purring again. April got a big smile on her face and hugged her new friend while thanking them for a thousand times.
So the cat brought April home where her worried parents were already waiting. A lot of screaming in joy happened on her doorstep. But then the parents wanted her to explain what had happened. So April started to explain about the wounded deer they were following, the fall and how her friends wanted to get help. Her mother became worried and asked her how she got out of the hole. So April answered: “I was calling for help so the nice cat decided to help me. They helped me out and brought me home!” But her mother didn’t really believe her because when they turned around to look for the cat it had already vanished. “Honey, you probably heard your own Echo. I don’t know how you got out of there but I’m glad you are back” her mother told the kid while hugging her. But April became really sad because her new Friend was just gone.
A few days after those events April was standing on her window just staring at the forest when the cat appeared in her room. She ran to him and wrapped her arms around their soft body. With tears of joy in her eyes and a shaky voice she said: “Please don’t leave me again, Echo.”
The cat looked slightly confused at the girl which quickly explained: “My mom said I heard my own Echo. So you must be my Echo. And I don’t want my stray cat to get lost again.” With those words she tied a orange striped ribbon with a cute little Bell around Echos neck. This made even him smile and the two of them felt a strong connection. A bonding that can’t be broken.
