Carolina Shepherds 2022 Summer Event

1 year, 9 months ago
1 year, 9 months ago
14 4445

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 9 months ago

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Day 2

Hiking was one of Linus' most favorite things in the entire world. When he heard about the annual Carolina Shepherd event, he knew that it would involve some wonderful adventure. A hike up a large mountain sounded fantastic, and Linus was more than pleased when he found out that he was the dog who had been chosen to represent the Slate Mine estate.

He and his trainer had made pretty good progress on their first day. Linus hadn't exactly been counting the distance they had traveled, but the trainer seemed pleased and that was all that really mattered. This lower part of the mountain was covered in thick forest. Linus enjoyed all of the new smells, and spent a lot of the time on the very edge of the trail, his nose buried in the undergrowth.

There was also a lot of wildlife to see. Linus was sure that he had seen a fox, but he'd been very distracted running from some large bees that had appeared. By nightfall, Linus was exhausted but still full of excitement. He helped his trainer set up the camp by fetching the tent pegs. As the entrance of the tent was zipped up, Linus stole one last glance at the tree line.

Today had been a good day.