solar city interview

1 year, 10 months ago
1455 1

an interview of the ex-ultimate priestess, eloise angelis.

this is specific to the world of solar city!

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Author's Notes

some things to note: in the game solar city, cast members are ex-ultimates. there is slight divergence from eloise’s storyline.

q: “tell me about yourself!”

it’s a question that startles eloise, light yellow eyes softening as she mulls on the question. a hand cups her cheeks, delicate fingers drumming against it. her eyes lower to her feet, “oh, you’ve put me on the spot here…” her shoulders lower with a sigh; what to say, what to say.

“mmm…ah.” her posture straightens, “well, my name is eloise angelis. the ultimate—“ not anymore, is she? what an oversight. “the *former* ultimate priestess…” said with a gentle smile. her hand gently strokes against her arm, “but i still serve the lord, ultimate or not.” a quiet breath, “titles don’t matter to him anyways…he loves us all, doesn’t he?” eloise’s laugh is warm, dripping with sunlight reflected through her teeth. “but that you would have known already,” her eyes soften with her gentle smile, “oh…what else?” tucking her hair behind her ear, she pauses to muse the question some more. “haha. i’m an avid reader of poetry. not only on religion, though it can help with other’s understanding…”

she looks away, “a particular favourite of mine so happens to not be about that, however.” eloise’s hands reach to tug on her cloak, “most of my hobbies can be done at home, i realised…is that not funny?” her voice didn’t need to be soft in volune for it to be cushioned in her words. grace exuded in the way she combs teo fingers in her hair, twirling the strand. “perhaps that’s because i’m not a fan of high energy sports…i’m no,” a beat, “*adrenaline junkie.* what a funny term.” she softly giggles at her own words.

looking back up, eloise tilts her head in intrigue, “oh, look at me…i’m *boring* you with how much i talk about myself…” though she teases, no malice is found on her face.

“now…would it be so rude to ask you about yourself?”

|| ||

q: what’s your favourite childhood memory?

eloise knows her answer. it’s a definitive memory, warming her heart even on its coldest nights. one that shaped her life to be as it is today. her lips curl upward just thinking about it; ah, being young. she folds her legs together, lifting the hood of her cloak up and over her head in a swift, deliberate motion.

“i met god.” her eyes close, recalling. “he gave me answers i wanted. *needed*. epiphanies, you could say.” each word is ennunciated with purpose, holding memory in meaning. “he parted words of wisdom - it was all so sudden for my young mind to fully comprehend at the time.” yes, becuse even clergies when they were young sought guidance in how to understand god. children are naturally curious in that way, she supposes.

“but i think as i grew older i realised how right he was. i believe that is the case for a lot of his words. but even as a child, i knew it was a special moment. i understood that god speaking to me was a fortune not many had.” a hand gently lifts up and rests on her heart. “so i took to filling that role.” eloise opens her eyes and breathes out a sigh tinted with melancholy, “many seek guidance, many can’t find it.” she can feel the rise and fall of her chest, the way her heart beats. “what a sad notion…”

“oh, but i’m getting sidetracked, aren’t i?” feathery light chuckles nestle themself into eloise’s soft palm, masking the small smile tugging at her lips.

|| ||

q: ( "hellooooooo? you fall asleep or something? in case you zoned out, i asked you to tell me about your talent..."

the crowd giggles a bit, it appears you zoned out for a while. )

…ah. gentle, delicate fingers swipe along half-open eyelids, wiping the drowsiness away. it falls to her parted lips, in surprise. “you…you must forgive me, a-ahah…” taken off guard by her falling asleep - and waking up to the sound of *laughter* - the former ultimate blankly stares around. her mind was never at it’s best when freshly awoken. she stifles a cough into her cupped hand; the finest china were always easiest to crack.

a warm smile takes place of a once confused expression. “i’ve mentioned it before…the albaflammae catholic church…” her eyes cast downward, “my father, he was originally the priest. but…age took it’s toll.” her lips press into a thin line, wearing a melancholic expression. nothing was crueler, a larger burden, than the ticking clock, so it seemed. “he retired, eventually, but i took his place. it was nothing short of an *honour*…” her voice was no louder than a dreamy whisper. it’s no secret how hard she worked for her title. “i was trained, of course, after expressing initial interest.” she recalls, tapping her finger against her cheek, “memorising psalms and verses - that one was easy,” she giggled, “baptisms, confessions…i won’t bore you with specifics.”

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she looks down at her crossed legs, hands placed one on top of the other - deliberate, painterly. “but being a good priestess is more than simply training for the sacrements. you must have faith, the word of our father means nothing to you, otherwise.” a fire burns in her chest as she speaks; delicate eyes harden with determination. passion, perhaps. she takes a few steady breaths, “but, simply put…my talent spreads his divine words.” her head tilts an inch to the side, with a smile that reaches her eyes, “and i am more than happy to be a vessel for such inspiring words. to see more people visiting my church, hearing our sermons or simply coming to pray…it puts a smile on my face, i must say.” a content sigh escapes her lips, “even if it’s just one person…i know i’ve done my duty.”

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q: what is a common rumor about you that people think is true, but it isn't?

eloise’s face blanks, her expression reading as nothing but lost. eyebrows slightly raised, mouth opened a sliver - this wasn’t the question she was expecting. though it’s not a *bad* question, certainly different to the regular questions she’d hear in prior interviews, similar to the previous questions. so perhaps it’s more good than it is bad that she has a chance to clear up some misconceptions. she breathes out an amused sigh, fingertips reaching to fiddle with her cross cuff at her hood. smiling slight, as if she found humour in the ridiculousness of it all. she had, one could say, but she wasn’t *tactless*. besides, it’s a natural assumption anyways, isn’t it?

“oh, well…i suppose that i *lost* my title. i did, but not in the way people initially assumed, i believe.” she clutches the cross, pressing it close to her chest, almost making an indent in its shape unknowingly. “i didn’t commit a grand sin to strip me of my role as a priestess.” she shakes her head, brown flyaways caught in her eyes. eloise brushes them out, tucking them behind her ear, shy. “i stepped down from my ultimate title. willingly, i must add.” she paused, “well, not *wholly*. perhaps under different circumstances, i’d still be an ultimate today.” she lifts her lips into a smile, though not one of amusement. there’s a slight sadness - in her smile, in her diverted eyes.

“i still serve under the lord - i’d love to see new followers come to the church.” eloise gently tugs at her hood, “my role as a guide hasn’t let up with my title, after all.” her hands fall down to her lap, straightening out her skirt. her head hangs down, still not meeting the interviewer’s gaze.

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q: thank you for coming out for this interview. is there anything you'd like to promote?

her head lifts back up, eyes remaining lowered, “oh, it’s been a pleasure, really. i must thank you for having me actually - i hope my inexperience doesn’t show.” she lets out a bashful laugh, before cutting off abruptly. “p…promote? oh, yes, i’d love to. if you so happen to visit pietrapertosa, or you are nearby, please visit the albaflammae catholic church.” she rests a hand on her chest, “beautiful church, if that piques some of your interest.”

eloise lifts from her chair with the poise one would expect from her - it’s almost effortless, her grace. she nods in the interviewers direction, before waving with a gentle smile and walking off.