Pokémon Gijinka Lore

1 year, 2 months ago
1 year, 11 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 2 months ago

Some fun lore and a bit of worldbuilding for the Realm of the Sapient, the setting in which my Pokemon gijinka characters exist.

I of course don't own Pokemon.

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Pokemon gijinkas seem to exist within a unique plane of their own; a continent that exists separately from both the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon world and the Pokemon world of the main series. This continent is completely inaccessible and unknown to the denizens of other two worlds. Owning to the human-like appearance of its primary residents, it is called the Realm of the Sapient, more commonly referred to as Reotsa.

The inhabitants of this realm, collectively known as the Sapient, take on humanoid appearances and live their lives as humans would, rather than living alongside humans as the Pokemon of other worlds do. Wearing clothes, going to school and work, and generally seeking out fulfilling lives, just as humans do. The primary difference between humanity and the Sapient are that the Sapient are also able to transform into their Pokemon counterparts, bringing that ability to change into their daily lives as well. Humans themselves do not exist within Reotsa's boundaries, in an effort to protect the Sapient from the potential for prejudice between the groups.

Feral Pokemon also exist within the Realm of the Sapient, in a manner identical to wildlife. Owing to the fact that they have a both a humanoid form and a feral form, The Sapient sometimes perceive themselves as above feral Pokemon, viewing them as beasts that are less capable of complex thought than they are. However, they do especially feel a sense of kinship with feral counterparts of their own species and their evolutionary relatives, and find enjoyment in caring for them. For example, it is not uncommon for the homes of bird-like Sapients to be littered with birdhouses, baths, and feeders for nearby avian Pokemon. 

The Realm of the Sapient has enjoyed an era of peace throughout its existence, but it is not quite a utopia of perfection. In taking on the traits of humans, their flaws are slowly but surely surfacing within the realm, and the repetition of humanity's mistakes are not entirely impossible.

Author's Notes

I've been working on this lore book on-and-off for several months before I initially published it here. A lot of elements originate from mechanics in both the main series games and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, and I highlight some of these inspirations in later author notes. Quick heads up that some things might seem nonsensical because I've been looking at this thing for months and it all looks fine to me at this point. Regardless, I hope reading this brings you some enjoyment.