Steamed Beatles

1 year, 9 months ago
1 year, 4 months ago
5 12510 1

Chapter 3
Published 1 year, 4 months ago

Explicit Violence

Strange travelers from different dimensions arrive in The Caverns, a deteriorating and dark cave lit by blue bioluminescence. These travelers have to work alongside a group from The Caverns to unravel the mysteries of this world and to get back to their dimensions.

Updates will most likely be out of order. Eventually the entire story will be completed and it will make sense, however for now think of it as a collection of oneshots in chronological order.

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Author's Notes

Warning for the following: Discussion of violence, death, and murder


Infir walks on the wooden deck of her ship, holding Ealure's claw as they walk down together. They both step down onto one of the docks of Glowport, The Cavern's central island for trade and market. The structures in Glowport were constructed from primarily stone, wood, and for some vendor stands cloth. The roads were made from grey stones and the streets were bustling with people looking to buy and sell. The people of Glowport appeared to be from all locations in The Caverns, near and far. Many of the stands had glowbeetle lanterns hanging from a peg on the support beam. Infir had been to Glowport before, but to both of them the liveliness of Glowport was still quite shocking. 

"Where are we going towards again?" Ealure asked Infir.

"He works at a gourmet tavern near the eastern side of Glowport." Infir lifted up her arm and pointed to her right, "It's around that area. There'll mostly be eating establishments around where Achilyu works, so it'll be easy to tell when we're getting closer."

Ealure let out a small laugh, "Shouldn't we just get a map?"

"I don't know if that'd be the best idea. I sort of maybe had gotten into a rivalry with some of the cartographers in Glowport." Ealure shot Infir a look of suspicion and Infir groaned. "Okay, I admit I stole one of the compasses they were selling. I couldn't be bothered to spend five Pieces on some fancy compass. It wasn't the last one at least!" Infir sputtered out as she gave Ealure an embarassed smirk and Ealure laughed again. "Look, I just really don't feel like running into anyone who knows me. I have a sort of... mixed reputation in Glowport."

"That's alright, love. We don't have to get a map, I'm sure as we walk around it'll become more familiar around here."

Ealure began to walk again, holding Infir's hands. She had never been to Glowport before. Ealure had never even considered that there'd be a place in The Caverns that didn't have a dreary feeling in the air. The most lively location she had ever been to was Illuminate Town in the Emminence Isles. The crowds were a bit much, but besides that, she loved how bright and lively it was. It was nice as well to spend time with Infir. 

After some time had passed, Infir noticed something that caught her attention and she let out a gasp. 

"Ealure close your eyes! Stay here and sit at this bench I'll be right back!"

"Infir, what are you-"

"It's a surprise! Just trust me it's a really good surprise I wouldn't want to spoil it!" Infir let out as she rushed into a small store, weaving through a small crowd of people.

Ealure waited for a bit and continued to close her eyes, growing a bit impatient as she waited. The metal bench was quite cold, and since they were along the coast, cool breeze from the sea blew in. Infir rushed back, still trying to catch her breath after she had sprinted back to Ealure.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now!" Infir was hiding something behind her back, leaning down over Ealure as she sat. 

From her back, Infir revealed two pirate hats. One had a warm brown leather with an engraved stitching around the rim, two golden buttons, and a large, soft red feather. The other was quite similar, however the leather was lighter in color and had more of a pink-ish tone to it as well as a pink feather, and no buttons. Infir gave Ealure a big toothy grin and her face began to become redder. 

"I thought it'd be cute since we're official now to have matching hats. I-it's fine if you don't like them! I tried picking out the one I think you'd like and I also tried to find them to match-"

Ealure jumped forward and gave Infir a hug. "Of course I love it, silly. Thank you this is really cute," Ealure giggled, her face lighting up as red as Infir's. Ealure grabbed her hat from Infir's hands and placed it on her head. She reached for Infir's hat and placed it on her head as well. 

"I looks great on you, Infir."

"It looks divine on you, darling."

"I think we're getting closer. I recognize some of these restaurants. It should have a sign over it that says 'Aperatic's Finest.'" Infir told Ealure. "Oh wait, I think it's that one over there!" Infir grasped onto Ealure's claw and bolted towards the entrance. Aperatic's Finest was a small tavern with a stone base and thick wooden supports. There were custom engravings in the stones with accents of dishes the tavern served and jellyfish as well as singles and fours of wisp symbols. Infir opened the silver handle of the door to the tavern and was greeted with a mix of warm and blue lights from flame lanterns and candles as well as glowbeetle lanterns. The tavern was strangely quiet compared to the rest of Glowport, you could only hear chatter from a few of the tavern guests. Infir locked onto a jellyfolk chef that seemed familiar. He was cutting up some tuna to serve to a guest waiting at a seat in front of the counter. His knife was an ornately carved dark wood with purple crystal veins wrapping around the twisting wood.

"Infir? I didn't expect to see you so soon. When you wrote to me about an offer I expected at least a month of waiting for this supposed proposal," a smooth and deep voice chimed. "And is your guest this 'Ealure' character you've been talking about?"

"Oh yeah, Ealure's my lovely girlfriend now! One of us finally confessed to the other about how we felt. How's stuff with your wife?"

"Enlasce has been doing quite well. She's had quite a lot of performances lately, but she'll probably visit me within the next few days. Apologies Aliatet, I promise I'll get back to your dish as soon as possible." Achilyu swiftly spun and placed his knife back into the black holster around his hip. "I'll be back in a second, Emloer, if anyone comes into the tavern in the next couple minutes tell them I'll be back very soon." Achilyu's raised tone shifted back towards being rather quiet. "You two, we can discuss matters inside. If I know half the trouble you get into Infir, it'd be best that not many people could hear it. There's an area on the end of this corner where its extremely quiet and discrete. Follow me and we can discuss matters there instead." 

The three exited the tavern, making their way to a small dark nook to the right of 'Aperatic's Finest.' There was a bridge covering the light and sound from above, so Infir felt quite confident they wouldn't be caught. "So? What is this so called proposal," Achilyu prompted.

"We want you to join the Decapodal Decree," Infir blurted out.

"And that is?"

Ealure jumped into the conversation. "It's a group I formed with Infir. You know of the atrocities that Louis the Shrimpteenth has committed, correct?"

"Of course. I despise that bastard,"

"Good. Well, the Decapodal Decree is a group that strives to take down Louis with any means we can muster up," Ealure continued.

"I would have told you about it beforehand, Achilyu, but letters and written word would be quite incriminating if the word spread of the Decapodal Decree, so I couldn't risk it. And this is going to be nearly impossible to not be shocked about, so just prepare yourself for it so you don't yell or anything. A couple months ago, Ealure and I went to confront and threaten Louis about what he had done but... I got stabbed Achilyu. Straight through my stomach."

"How the hell are you not dead, Infir?!" Achilyu blurted out in a hushed tone.

Ealure took a sharp breath in. "It was because I managed to revive her... I used crystal magic to save her and stored the magic in the pendant she's wearing now."

"You... you revived Infir? Ealure that's... Infir died and you..." Achilyu was at a loss of words. The tentacles around his face contorted in perplexion, acting almost as eyebrows.

"If you decide to join the Decapodal Decree however, we can provide you with shelter, transport, and food supplies all without it costing you a single Chip. All we ask is that you support our cause and provide us with meals. We'd love to have you as a chef on the Decapodal Decree, Achilyu," Ealure reached out her claw towards Achilyu, awaiting a response.

"I'd be honored to join a team with you two. I'll let Emloer know that I'll have to resign for now. I can let her know of another talented chef I know from Aperatic Isles. I'm sure they'd love a promotion to Glowport." Achilyu added. "I'll finish up my shift and once I'm done we can leave together. Why don't you stay in and have something to eat in the meantime?"