FF Drakon and Apollo's backstory

1 year, 9 months ago
1 year, 9 months ago
3 6727

Chapter 3
Published 1 year, 9 months ago

This world belongs to 74, my dear friend on the Far Lands wiki. This is one of the worlds Apollo and Drakon appear in.

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Part 3

Part 3: Artemis/Drakon’s POV

Today was the day. The day Artemis would FINALLY find Apollo - he had been searching for years now with no luck. And today, he had caught sight of some nearby Ruby Slayers, which must mean a camp was nearby.

Inspired by his older brother’s sword art, Artemis had trained hard to master fighting with a claymore. Reluctantly, Victoria had lended her son his father’s golden and silver claymore, Thorns. It was decorated with obsidian thorny vines and a rose, a theme highly valued in the family.

He gathered up a search party first thing in the morning. Lady Victoria, his angry, unforgiving mother who had blamed Apollo’s kidnapping on her younger son for years, was glaring at them from across the camp. Artemis chose to ignore her. He’d given up on pleasing his disappointed mother, but a little bit of him hoped she’d be proud when he brought her prized elder son back.

“Sir, Artemis, everyone has been gathered up for the search party - shall we head off?” One of the party members said.

Artemis nodded and pointed in the direction of the supposed location of the Ruby Slayer camp. “We need to be stealthy, so we’ll take the long route where the shrubbery and trees are thicker. Then we can surprise-attack the Ruby Slayers midday.”

Artemis knew the camp didn’t have faith in his mission to find Apollo. He was still young, only 15, and he had high hopes that may not come true. But he was determined that he would succeed in this mission.

As they headed out in the direction of the camp, Artemis’s heart pounded, feeling nervous and excited all at once. If the camp they had located was really the one Apollo was in, he could meet his brother again - but would Apollo be angry with him for being captured? Would he even remember his dear younger brother? Had he been turned to a Ruby Slayer, or was he still kept imprisoned as a human? And what if that wasn’t the case? Was he even… still alive? No, he wouldn’t consider his older brother’s death as a possibility.  

“Artemis, we need to be cautious in this area,” one of the party members strided next to him, trying to keep up with his speedy pace. “I heard the Ruby Slayers have been more active during the day recently. I think they know we’re searching for them.”

“We’re being as cautious as possible by taking this route,” Artemis reassured them. “It’s the furthest away from the Ruby Slayer activity while also being within their supposed campgrounds.”

“But what if they’ve predicted our move to use this route? We need to keep a lookout for traps.”

“Hmm.” As Artemis contemplated the idea of traps, some of the party members let out terrified shrieks behind them. He whirled around to see large Ruby Slayer warriors jumping from the trees above and attacking the party.

“RETREAT!” One of the party members shouted while they scrambled around.

“NO! We will NOT retreat! Stand your ground and fight back!” Artemis ordered, pulling out his claymore and swinging at a Ruby Slayer aiming to stab him.

The party members did not seem to listen. They panicked, causing more chaos and injury. Some fell dead, and others were able to limp away. Artemis was left with two horribly injured members and himself.

The Ruby Slayers began to grow in numbers, and soon they were surrounded. Artemis let out an annoyed hiss under his breath and grit his teeth. “Cowards. All of them, cowards.”

“We have you surrounded. Give up and drop your weapon.” A Ruby Slayer warrior ordered.

Artemis held his claymore tightly. He glanced around at the Ruby Slayers and the two injured party members who were groaning in pain.

“Artemis, we have no chance at beating them. Let’s just… make it easy for us. We can’t fight back,” One of the party members mumbled.

We can’t fight back.

No. They COULD fight back. He wouldn’t give up so easily. Artemis lunged at one of the Ruby Slayers, plunging his claymore into their stomach as they were caught off guard. The other Ruby Slayers rushed in, grabbing him from behind and pushing him to the ground.

“OFF! Get OFF!” Artemis shouted, struggling to get up. One of the Ruby Slayers grabbed a large rock and hit it on the side of his head, causing him to lose consciousness as he struggled to fight back.

No.. I need to fight back… I need to FIGHT.

And then everything went dark.



A loud, annoying voice alarmed Artemis. He sat up, looking around wildly. Where am I? What was I - that’s right, I was fighting the Ruby Slayers and I… No, I can’t possibly have been caught…

He looked around. It was dark. He was on a cold, hard cell floor. Oh no. He panicked. He had been caught. He had failed his mission. Unless Apollo was here… maybe he was in this camp…

“HEY! Dumbass! You’re awake!” A vibrant pink-haired girl popped up by his side.

“AH!” Artemis shoved her away from him in surprise and backed away. “Who are you?!”

The girl crawled over to him, and he tried to back away more, but he ended up hitting a cold stone wall. “I’m Vibrant. You’re one of them Fallen Flowers, right? You hungry? I saved some food for you.”

Artemis observed the strange girl with narrowed, suspicious eyes. She wore bright clothing, which was unusual for both Fallen Flowers and Ruby Slayers. Then he recognized the mark on her shoulder - a Ruby Slayer mark.

“Get away from me,” Artemis hissed. “Ruby Slayer bastard.”

“Heyy, I’m not gonna bite you. I’m just about as harmless as Ruby Slayers come,” Vibrant laughed. “Look, maybe we could… just be friends. I’m down in these cells often, and I can give you a lot of Ruby Slayer info if you agree to give me Fallen Flower info!”

“Why would I trust you?” Artemis said suspiciously.

“Well, I’m thrown down here often - I’m a troublemaker - But one you could benefit from… How about… we make a deal. If I get you out of here, you can help me escape this place with you.”

“What?? So you could invade my camp and kill us all? No way,” Artemis spat.

“No!! So I can find my REAL family. I know this isn’t my real home.” Vibrant protested, looking desperate. “Our brains are wired to give us one goal - we kill and we take over. Like parasites. But I know there’s more to life than… being a mindless slave to flowers. I want to find my real family, get cured, and live a life where I can be FREE.”

Artemis still felt suspicious, but he understood her wish to want to be free. To be able to choose your own destiny. He wouldn’t enjoy being a Ruby Slayer either, being a mind-controlled slave. But he needed to be cautious. She could be lying.

“Ugh, you won’t listen, will you?” Vibrant sighed, slumping her shoulders. “That’s fine. I’ll just… sit over in this corner while you await your injection.”

Artemis watched as she dragged herself into the opposite corner of the cell. He stared for a moment before asking, deciding to take his chance and get some information, “Do you know anyone in this camp with white hair, purple streaks, a little older than me, maybe goes by the name of Apollo?”

Vibrant glanced over at him and she squinted through the darkness. “No.”

Artemis’s heart dropped and his chest tightened. So… this mission was a wasted effort…

“BUT!” Vibrant announced, making Artemis gain some hope, before she said, “Actually, there is no but. I just wanted to try and come up with something to cheer you up.”

Artemis scowled.

“Why are you wondering, anyway? Who are you looking for?” She asked curiously.

“My brother,” Artemis replied grumpily. “He was captured by some Ruby Slayers a few years ago because of me. And now I’m getting what I deserve. Rotting away in this cell until I probably live the same fate as my brother - being injected and becoming a mindless subject to my enemy.”

“Well, at least all your past trauma will fade away with your memory when you’re injected. I remember NOTHING about my past.” Vibrant shrugged, trying to cheer him up, although it wasn’t working.

“What if I want to remember my past? What if I just… want myself to suffer and remember all the mistakes I made?” Artemis muttered, bringing his legs up to his chest and resting his chin on his knees.

“What? That sounds MISERABLE.” Vibrant commented. “You’re crazy.”

“I guess I am,” He sighed.

They went silent for a moment before Vibrant broke it. “Well, I like crazy. Maybe when you’re injected, we can become friends. We can cause trouble together and make our leader go mad. We can fill his tea with spiders and then eventually have an epic execution of being burned at the stake together for being the most annoying, crazy people around!”

Artemis barked a laugh and tried to hide it by coughing. “Um. I’d rather die a glorious, memorable death than be executed for putting spiders in your leader’s tea.”

“Eh, that’s understandable. I would like to die a glorious death too, or maybe not die at all.” Vibrant sighed and rested her head on the stone wall. “I’d at least like to get a taste of freedom before I die. Or know where I came from, or find another purpose than killing and being a mindless slave to flowers.”

Artemis thought for a moment, hesitating. “Well, maybe I can help you. How can we break out of here?”

He could sense Vibrant’s eyes lighting up in the darkness. “You wanna break out of here? I can do that!! I know how to pick locks!”

Artemis went back to being suspicious. “If you can break out so easily, why stay in the cell?”

“Well, I guess… uh.. I just like feeling alone in the dark. I can be alone with my thoughts, and it kind of makes me feel… free. Not being around other mind-controlled slaves.”

“And you said I was crazy,” Artemis rolled his eyes. “Ok, weirdo, pick the damn lock - I want to get out of here.”

“Not so quick!! We gotta wait for the guards outside to change shifts,” Vibrant said. “I know the exact time when they shift - should be in a few hours.”

“Well, we’ll wait then. And then we’ll make our escape and freedom will be ours.”


Hours went by, and Artemis had fallen asleep. He was awoken by Vibrant shaking him violently.

“I’m awake! I’m awake, don’t be so harsh,” Artemis snapped, waving the eager girl away.

“It’s time!! Quickly, get over here and watch me pick this lock,” Vibrant whispered in the dark, crawling over to the door. She pulled out a sharp metal pin and began picking at the lock. Artemis watched eagerly, and after a minute, the door creaked open and light poured into the room. They both peeked out. No guards to be seen.

“C’mon, quick!” Vibrant grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the cell. They ran out quickly, running through a tunnel - and then Vibrant halted at the tunnel exit. “The camp is right outside this tunnel. We need to be very quick - they’ll probably chase us out of the camp, but I know a route we can lose them in.”

Artemis nodded, following her lead. Vibrant began counting down. “Three, two, one… NOW!”

They burst out of the tunnel, hand in hand, and sped towards the exit of the camp. Shouts of surprise and alarm immediately followed.

“ADIOS, FUCKERS!” Vibrant shouted as they exited the camp. “YOU’LL NEVER CATCH US ALIVE!! HA!”

Artemis laughed breathily as they ran, dodging branches and bumpy places in the trail. Vibrant made a quick turn in another direction, which he followed, and soon they lost the Ruby Slayers running after them. They gasped for breath for a moment behind a large rock before bursting into relieved laughter.

“Wooo! What an adventure,” Vibrant sighed happily. “Thanks, uh… what was your name? I never got it.”

“Artemis. The name’s Artemis.” He replied, taking in a deep breath of air. “Alright… what's our next plan?”

Vibrant laughed nervously. “Not exactly sure. Where is your camp?”

“I…” Artemis looked around. “I don’t recognize our location. We may need to explore the area before I recognize it…”

“That’s alright - let’s find a place to call camp for now, a little bit farther away from the Ruby Slayer camp. I’m sure they’ll be sending out search parties for this area soon. If they catch you, they’ll inject you right away before you can cause more trouble. And then they’ll probably throw me into a cell for a few weeks, haha…”

“Gosh, how often are you thrown into the cells? And for how long?”

“Eh, usually once or twice a month. They can last up to a week. The longest I’ve been in a cell was a week and a half.”

“Well, let’s hope you don’t have to go back there, ever again. I’ll bring you back to our camp, we’ll try to heal you, and then maybe.. Maybe you can help me find my lost brother.”


Vibrant and Artemis set up camp a few miles away, setting up a very small fire that they’d put out before dark so they wouldn’t be spotted. Vibrant grabbed a few sticks and threw them into the burning flames, while Artemis skinned a rabbit he caught.

“Soooo… What is it like, being a Fallen Flower? What's your life like?” Vibrant asked curiously as she sat down on a rock beside the fire.

“Um.. I guess it’s alright. You have a lot of free will, but if you cause too much trouble, you’ll be kicked out. My mom, Lady Victoria, is the leader of our camp. She’s very strict. And the people in my camp are cowards. They left me to be captured by the Ruby Slayers. I’m sure there’s a braver camp somewhere, and I’ll probably move once I find a more loyal one.”

“Your mom? A leader? Wow. So you’re important,” Vibrant commented.

“Not really. My mom could care less for me. And if I went missing, I don’t think anyone would care. Except Apollo, my lost older brother. But he isn’t here right now,” Artemis stared at his muddy boots.

“I’d care! But I probably don't count because I’m a Ruby Slayer,” Vibrant said. She threw another stick into the fire.

“Well, that’s nice of you, I guess.” Artemis said, putting the skinned rabbit over the fire. “You and my brother are the only ones who ever really.. Uh.. Seem to care about me.”

“Well, that’s sad. No one cares for me either, except my best friend at camp, and now you. My best friend, Raven, is a medic - she’s very talented. We’re friends, but she doesn’t approve of my misbehaving.” Vibrant told him.

“I guess that’s what best friends are for - making sure you don’t get into trouble and caring for you.”

“Yeah… are we best friends?” Vibrant asked, looking up and making eye contact with him.

Artemis hesitated, then smiled. “Yeah. Definitely. You saved my life. Thank you.”

“No problemo, broski.” Vibrant smiled back.

The squawk of alarmed birds nearby disturbed the peace. Artemis and Vibrant looked around, alert. Silence. Nothing happened.

“Ha, I was nervous they found us for a sec-” Vibrant started, and then they heard voices.

“Shit, we need to get out of here,” Artemis got up and tried to stomp out the fire.

“HEY!! You two, stay put!” The voices shouted, and footsteps approached.

“RUN!” Vibrant grabbed Artemis by the hand and they ran out of their makeshift camp and through the woods on a bumpy trail. They swerved through the trail, trying to lose the Ruby Slayers, but these ones were fast.

“Keep running!” Vibrant urged. “If we get caught-”

Vibrant let out a sudden deafening shriek of agony as an arrow struck her shoulder. She staggered and tripped, sending Artemis crashing to the ground behind her.

“Ahhh… Ouch… Artemis, get up! Quick!! You need to run before they catch you!” Vibrant let out a hiss of pain as she tried to get up.

“But - I can’t leave you! C’mon, get up, I can carry you!” Artemis protested, bending down and trying to pick her up.

“No, I’m fine. You go ahead. Quick!!” Vibrant begged.

Artemis backed away, urging his legs to carry him away and run to safety, but his feet stayed planted to the ground. “No, I’m not leaving you. I’m not gonna lose another friend. C’mon, help me carry you…”

He grunted as he dragged Vibrant up, and they began staggering away. “Ugghhh, stubborn asshole! I’m going to drag you down!” Vibrant groaned.

“That's fine - But I won’t forgive myself for leaving you behind. We either run away together, or die trying.” Artemis huffed as they picked up speed.

“STOP!! HALT!” The Ruby Slayers were gaining speed quickly.

“Artemis, you idiot, let me go!” Vibrant began to cry. “I can’t let myself drag you down! I’m a horrible friend!”

Artemis staggered under the weight of Vibrant. He wasn’t as strong as he thought he was. Vibrant was dragging him down - but he didn’t care.

A Ruby Slayer lunged towards them, catching Artemis by the boot. He let out a yelp and fell to the ground, dropping Vibrant as she let out a screech of pain.

“Let GO!” Artemis kicked at the Ruby Slayer as they lifted their dagger and tried pinning him down. Artemis twisted and was able to get the warrior to let go of his foot, allowing him to crawl away a few inches, but the Ruby Slayer managed to get up and pin him down.

“Argh, no!! Let me go!!” Artemis kicked and screamed until the Ruby Slayer used the back of their dagger to knock him back into unconsciousness.


“Artemis, please! Please wake up! Fight back! Please!”

Artemis’s eyes fluttered open. His vision was blurred and his head hurt like hell. Of course it would, being knocked out twice in a day. He glanced around, his vision blurred. He eventually gained sight and could see Vibrant’s worried, desperate face. She was being held back, kicking and struggling against a Ruby Slayer guard.

“Artemis!!’ She cried when she saw he was awake. “I’m so sorry - It was all my fault we were caught. I forgot they can track us down so easily… our brains are all connected so.. So they know where we are, constantly… I should have just let you escape by yourself. It’s all my fault…”

Artemis tried to reach out to comfort her, but he was being restrained by tight ropes. He struggled against them, but it only got tighter. “Shit.” he mumbled, scowling.

A large Ruby Slayer walked over, a needle in hand. Artemis’s heart picked up speed and he struggled more against the ropes. “Stay away from me,” He snapped.

“This will only hurt for a moment,” The black-haired Ruby Slayer said gently. “Just… don’t struggle. Make this easier for yourself.”

Artemis spat at her. “I will NOT give in to your evil mind-controlling injection so easily!”

“I’m so sorry,” Vibrant sobbed in the background. “I’m so sorry…”

The black-haired Ruby Slayer brought the needle to Artemis’s shoulder. He tried scooting away, but the ropes kept him in place. He let out a furious scream as she injected the needle.

“No, NO! Stop! Do not… Please don’t…” Artemis’s mind blurred. The room began to spin. He desperately tried grabbing onto reality, but soon everything faded away - his memory, his entire being, sucked into a black hole, never to be seen again.


“I… who am I?”

“Ah, you’re awake,” A voice said. “Welcome, young warrior. You were asleep for days.”

The boy blinked, looking around. He was in a medic tent, he knew that by all the medicine laying around. A tall man sat beside him. He looked important. Perhaps his master? His leader?

“Who am I? What is going on?” The boy asked, sitting up.

“Drakon. You are Drakon, a Ruby Slayer and servant to the flowers.”

“Drakon,” He repeated slowly. He was slowly coming back to reality. “Yes. I work as a Ruby Slayer. But why can’t I remember… anything else?”

“That isn’t important. What is important is that you are here now. As soon as you feel better, the camp members will show you how to patrol and fight. You already seem skilled in the ability of a claymore. Come, child, why don’t we walk around for a little bit? Get some fresh air.”

The man helped Drakon up, and they left the tent. Drakon, feeling light and mindless, as if a past burden had been lifted, followed his new leader.

This was his new home. His new reality. And nothing else mattered.