Claire's backstory

5 years, 4 months ago

Stella frequently interviews Claire, the infamous mysterious witch in the woods — but how did she become this way? Here’s her backstory UWU

I haven’t drawn Chucky or the mushroom house // forest environment where Claire lives yet, so stay tuned !!

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      Claire was the type of kid that ate worms, never washed her hair, went outside too much, and dirtied all the freshly mopped floors that her parents spent way too much money on. She had well-off parents that should’ve never had a child; they lacked an understanding for their child and they were far too busy and impatient to deal with her. Claire’s parents would always go on vacation to get away from their *stinky* daughter so she mostly grew up on her own and spent time doing dumb, meaningless tasks (without supervision most of the time). The almost last straw for Claire was this one time when she invited some friends over and her parents thought she was gay because she was holding a girl’s hand even though it was just a stupid miscommunication ;) Her parents basically disowned her that day and announced her as “the family disappointment”. She was still allowed to stay in the house, just in a completely different section away from everyone else! Despite all of this, Claire was never fazed by it at all and was like, "pff whatevs idc”. She was used to her family not liking her; this is normal. All she really wanted was someone to play with (she had some friends but they weren’t that close). Unfortunately, Claire never really had anyone so she passed the time growing plants, cooking random recipes, and talking to animals. Claire showed early signs of interest in magic and witchcraft when she was four and would always practice spells and potions. Claire began practicing seriously when she found this spellbook in the trashcan one day :D At the time, she was six years old. She had a real talent for magic! Too bad her parents never knew...

      Eventually, she got bored and thought about leaving. Claire could take all the things she needed to live comfortably on her own for a while and there would be no difficulty in leaving. In fact, her parents would be ecstatic to see her gone! They probably wouldn’t even notice until a few weeks have passed by.

      So, she walked out the front door with a couple bags of supplies and headed towards a forest in the middle of a normal day. The temperature was warm with a cool breeze; it was mid-august. Claire felt the temperature drop a bit as she went under the blanket of trees that reach to the sky. She looked up at the barely visible sun and continued on until her legs were sore to the point where she felt numb and weak. This is where she takes a break and contemplates her life choices! She takes a breather and drinks some water from her bag. She looks around at the sight of poison ivy, swampy green water, moss, rabbits, and random hat in her path. There were also a faint sound of something coming from the mushroom. Her curiosity was at peak level. Her hand reached towards the pointy dark velvet hat to reveal a tiny mushroom underneath. Even though it looked like a normal, bland, off-white mushroom, there was just something so special about this mushroom that she loved.  “I could live in this mushroom” she thought. A smirk appeared on her face as she placed the hat on her head neatly. Claire’s been practicing magic for eight years; it’s a complicated spell but she could do it. 

      Basically, she casted a few spells that made the mushroom grow and bring it to life wowowoow!!! The mushroom grew approximately twenty feet tall and five feet wide. The main floor is fifteen feet and the attic is five feet tall. The noise grew louder and distinct — a roaring sound. Claire tried to cut a door with her wand/hand when she suddenly fell into the mushroom. To her surprise, it was hollow?? And there’s a bear trapped inside the mushroom?!?! The bear was mauling at the walls, but it seemed to keep regenerating. Claire yawned at the sight of the bear— she’s not really scared of much. That was the day Claire got a pet bear and named him Chucky~ She achieved this by hypnotizing/mind-controling him! At one point, she stopped doing that and tried to tame him (it took a while, but it worked o.O). She also used some potions and great bear food to help! Over time, she controlled other animals to do her normal house chores and stuff. Claire became a powerful healer that brewed potions and all those witchy things :) She grew her own food and potion ingredients in her garden and got water from a nearby swampy lake. 

      The “living” part of the mushroom had an eyeball on the top front section that had multiple purposes. The eyeball can see into a person’s life and their purpose/destiny and it also works as protection. The eyeball will split in half to reveal a mouth w/very sharp teeth to protect the home. Claire has a spell to shrink/grow the mushroom anytime (everything inside the mushroom will also shrink, so that’s why Chucky was okae). She shrinks it when she wants to move somewhere else or camoflauge. If anyone happens to step on it, the mushroom will grow and eat you unless you have eclairs or any sort of food on you. It’s ruthless and won’t give mercy! 

Extra info:

- Mushroom house is waterproof and can never rot; It’s poisonous and it has a scent that repels anything nearby. If someone/something passes that scent, there’s always Chucky to keep them away.

- The mushroom only moves when it wants to stretch or eat people! It rarely moves out of its place, but it can be done if neccessary. Note that it’s very lazy ,,

- The mushroom can grow by itself if there’s someone nearby and it wants to scare someone for fun! It’s a jerk like that lol (mushroom doesn’t always listen to Claire, it has a mind of its own). So you don’t have to step on it to make the mushroom grow, it can shrink/grow by itself anytime.

- I could describe the inside of the house, but that’s boring to read so I’m going to draw the design soon!! I have it all on paper bc I wrote this a couple years ago but I never made it digital woopsies

- Claire thought the witch hat looked a bit plain, so she added a cute pink bow to match her shirt :> Yes, she should probably have different outfits but I haven’t drawn any yet sdlkfjslkdf

Note: To the outside world, Claire's mushroom house is a myth. There are stories of people who went into the forest and never returned. It’s known as “the legendary mushroom eye of death". People often come to the forest to see if the mushroom myth is real ~