Shank and Jonny on a stormy night

1 year, 9 months ago

It's storming during the zombie apocalypse and Shank and John find shelter in and abandoned house

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It was a dark and stormy night. What was there to worry about, the damned rain seemed like it would never let up. A young man stalked over to the window and stared out at it. He watched the downpour and the whiskers on his face twitch with his frown of disapproval. 

“Why the long face, Johnny boy.” a cool voice spoke up behind him. 

Jonathan shook his head. 

“Nothing, don't worry about me.” 

“That rain will let up, bud, ya just gotta stop staring out that window all the time.”

He nodded, “Shank, bud?”


He shook his head. His mind was swarmed with worry, trapped under the rubble of his own thoughts. He shook his head again to clear it. 

“Maybe the rain is a good thing,” Shank nodded in agreement, glad that at least John could redirect his worries, even just a little bit. “Flesh rots in water, so maybe it’ll take care of those… those.” he trailed off. The idea of living in some old rundown house while rotting, hellish abominations chased them felt like something out of some odd movie. He felt like they were trapped in some weird version of Night of the Living Dead.

Shank moved their red-stained baseball bat to the side and patted the soft ground next to them. “I think you should lay down and get some rest, bud. I'll stay up and watch for any zombies.” 

Johnathan sighed and resigned himself to the floor next to his companion. At least Shank was trustworthy, they were a couple of scrappy teenagers, but Shank was certainly the more capable of the two. They were tall, almost freakishly so, and didn’t seem to get scared of anything. Even in the face of the dead coming back and trying to rip their flesh off Shank found the most logical way out for the two. John admired them. He curled up comfortably on the floor, trusting Shank to keep the two of them safe. Maybe the rain would take out most of the undead hordes. Maybe it already did. For the first time in almost a week his muscles relaxed, he reveled in the warmth of Shank next to him. Maybe it was okay.

They were okay. He was sure of it.