Experiment 102914

1 year, 9 months ago
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Experiment 102914


Behavioral Analysis 

Entry 01 

We give thanks to Fullmoon as we begin recording our behavioral findings of the now fully matured experiment. Today she began speaking. We believe it to be the spinel side, as she speaks only with her Spinel programming. "I want to play" and "where is my playmate" are her most common phrases, to which of course, we oblige by letting Fullmoon see her. She tires easily. We believe this is due to her artificial growth, meaning she has been exposed to no amount of sunlight, since she did not emerge from a planet's crust. When she finishes playing she falls into long periods of total inactivity, where her light form remains intact as she rests. We believe this is "Sleep", an organic process where the body rests and the mind remains active.

Her games are engaging and entertaining, a perfect behavior. We have begun to consider her our first successful synthetic fusion.

Entry 02

Today, Iolite was given bands around her wrists to assist with stability in her light form. She found them fascinating and was eager to add them to her form. She tells us that they "help her to play", which is decidedly true, as she sleeps very little with them on her form. The pearl personality continues not to speak, but she has proven that it does exist, as she sometimes is known to have conversations with herself. We find no issue with her cognitive ability despite this. 

Entry 03

She has begun to develop a sense of self that we could never have anticipated. She has become less docile and more curious; she climbs on Fullmoon often, and stares into his eyes for long periods of time. Fullmoon has provided no comment on this behavior, but seems to understand it.

She has noted that she is a fusion, beyond what we thought she could understand. She described the feelings that the connections between the gems giving her form provide, as well as exact details of the system that connects them. She knows she is both a Spinel and a pearl, but also that she preferred to still be called Iolite (not taken verbatim). 

Entry 04 

Regrettably, the experiment is believed to be totally incapacitated. We brought her into the sun upon which time she immediately poofed, followed by an assumed inability to form.

Entry 05 

Several weeks have passed, and Iolite has reformed. When she came into being she informed us that she had been taking in as much sun as she could, and that "Pearl" told her it was necessary. She has retained everything and often asks for Fullmoon by name. 

However, her personality has shifted. Her gems, blocked from sunlight, had developed no sense of person and only followed their basic programming with slight variations. Now she will barely speak to anyone but Fullmoon and I. She easily becomes aggressive and laughs at any mistakes or misfortunes my colleagues face. 

Entry 06

Today, we released her from her room, and she left with Fullmoon to provide him company. Fullmoon has informed us to no longer observe her. End log.