WoR Purity Trails: Sustain Trial I

1 year, 9 months ago

WoR Purity Trails: Jounrey Trial I 1594 Words +15 Personal Art +3 Total - 18

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Draw your Reosean either stalking, chasing or taking down a prey item from the Prey List

♦ Vitalus: Bear

Individual Submission by Mechanic-Drone


Sorn 14744 | Kyjo 15319 | Deevion 15286

Wind blew through the mystic forest that laid ahead of a trio of reoseans. All within the group had a glazed over and tired expression, yet determination seemed to be underlying amongst it. They seemed to be tracking something, each time one spots a hoof print in the dirt it causes the others tol perk up and get a bit more excited. That is, all but one.

“Guys, we’ve been following these deer tracks for hours already. I think it is safe to say the trail went cold a long time ago.” The smallest and only runner of the group spoke up, his tone was that of defeat and the exhaustion he felt was clear to see on his face.

“Nonsense Deevion! We just found fresh scat not that long ago! I’m sure we are gaining on the herd; we'll probably find them within the hour if not sooner.” The largest of the group replied to the small runner's concern, “We just need to catch up and with them bring down at least one and we can pass our sustain trial. We can’t give up when they're so close!” 

Rolling his eyes, the last of the group finally spoke up, “Deevion is right, we aren’t making any progress tracking this herd. Even if we found fresh scat not that long ago, even just a couple hours is all the herd would need to get far away to lose us. It isn’t giving up if it is an unwinnable battle, we're probably better off finding a different target.” Kyjo, the last of the group, sounded the most annoyed of the three, the hope is his eyes now blatantly the look of frustration at the thought of losing the herd. It was rather apparent he didn’t spend much time outdoors and even more clear he didn’t want to be there with the other two. In fact, it seemed apparent none of them had much outdoor training to reply on.

Sorn furrowed her brow at the two males before looking back at the scattered hoof prints that laid around on the soft forest floor, “Well then what's our next plan? I have only seen one or two rabbits this entire hunting trip, so I don’t think switching targets would be the easiest option to choose. I really do think we should keep trailing this deer herd, unless you two have seen anything else better we can hunt?” Determination was in her voice as she spoke with confidence in their ability to find the herd they had been following for so long. 

Though the motivation Sorn had didn’t seem to spread to the other two like she had hoped and Kyjo let out a frustrated sigh while Deevion pinned his ears back as the bags under his eyes seemed to grow. It was clear the two were still quite fatigued from their first trial. 

“Sorn, listen I appreciate your confidence and all, but I really think-” As Deevion spoke a loud shreik echoed through the forest and bounced off the group. All three looked at the other before a newfound excitement washed over each of their expressions.

“They’re close, come on guys!” Sorn shouted before she began to run carelessly towards the deer call they had all just heard.  

“Hey slow down Sorn or you’ll end up spooking them and this will be for nothing!” Kyjo yelled after her, his lack of confidence in the large female apparent in his tone. 

Both Sorn and Deevion ignored Kyjo’s warning though as they both ran full sprint towards the noise. As they began to close in though they came to a sudden halt as scent of blood entered both their noses. Now stopped both lowered themselves to the ground as though to hide to the best of their abilities, now that it was clear something violent had happened and it almost seemed as though their hunting trip was about to become a hunted trip. As Kyjo caught up he opened his mouth to make a remark about the two being reckless but before the words left his tongue, he too caught the scent that had halted his companions. 

Slowly, the trio crawled towards the smell, the metalic scent becoming stronger and stronger to the point they could taste it. As they closed the distance they came to a group of bushes that bordered a large, open field of grassland that mimicked the salt flats a bit. The three lined themselves up so they could all look out into the field, and to their surprise the scent of blood was coming from a dead deer that looked to be ripped up in the center of the grassy area. Though what they saw feasting on it made their blood run cold. It was a bear, possibly the largest bear any of the three had seen in their lives. 

Sorn let out a frightened gasp at the sight, though the moment the noise escaped her mouth Kyjo slapped his paw over her it to stifle the noise. The beast let out a low rumbling growl as its attention was torn away from its prey, and before looking in the direction of the three. Each of them froze as it began sniffing the air, as though trying to smell for the source of the sound. 

Each of the group were frozen in place, not even daring to breath as the bear continued to let its gaze scan the shrubbery they were hidden in. However, luck seemed to be on their side as the bear let out a grumbled and turned back towards its meal as though it was brushing off the noise it had just heard. 

Sorn, Kyjo, and Deevion all looked at one another, the expressions in their eyes seeming to display their desired actions. Kyjo looked excitedly at the bear, licking his lips quietly as though ready to dig into the bear's thick hide. Deevion on the other hand kept his eyes locked onto the large predator ahead of them, determination within them clear that he was ready for a fight. Only Sorn’s eyes seemed to betray tje fear within she felt within at the sight of the behemoth that laid ahead of them. 

Kyjo looked at his two companions and nodded, though Sorn's fear was clearly noticable Kyjo seemed to disregard her concerns before he turned himself back towards their new target and launched himself out of the bushes towards the bear.

“CHARGE!” Kyjo’s voice boomed over the open field as Deevion darted after, him towards their now “prey”. 

Sorn hesitated, fear keeping her rooted where she was, but as the bear turned to let out a mighty roar at the boys that were drawing closer and closer into its attack range, she closed her eyes tightly and began running into the fight too, letting out a battle cry of her own. 

Deevion was the first of the three to make it to the bear due to his speed, and though he was far smaller than the other two he used his size and quickness to dodge the bear’s furry of swipes. As the now angered bear focused its attacks in on Deevion, the small runner managed to get it turned around just long enough for Kyjo to launch himself onto the mighty beasts back. The beast let out an angered roar before Kyjo sunk his teeth into the back of the bear's neck. 

It bellowed and bucked wildly trying to get the large male puller off but just as its attention was on Kyjo, Sorn rammed the beast headfirst, their two skulls colliding with one another. For a brief second, both the bear and Sorn seemed stunned for the head collision, and in an act of anger the bear reared up briefly to unleash a hailstorm of attakcs before losing its footing and falling back onto Kyjo. 

Kyjo yelped, though his cry was muffled through the mouthful of bear fur within his jaws. Even through the immense weight though Kyjo refused to let go, and while Sorn tried to get herself together from the strong impact she had, Deevion launched himself at the bears soft throat. Deevion latched on and refused to let go, the bear now wailing in pain and struggling to break free from the grib Deevion now had. Within a few seconds the bears panicked movements became less and less, and seconds later, the fight was over. With a sickening thud Kyjo pushed the now lifeless beast off of himself, panting hard from the energy he had just exerted. 

All was silent for a moment aside from the tired panting of the three. Suddenly before Deevion began to chuckle. The other two smiled weakly before they too began to laugh along with him.

“Did we seriously just take down a bear?” Deevion said almost hysterically laughing at this point, “Man are we dumb or what?” 

The other two continued to laugh at his comment before Kyjo finally got a hold of himself enough to respond, “Hey but we did it didn’t we? Plus none of us even got hurt. You’re welcome.”

Sorn rolled her eyes, a large smile still on her face, “Oh yeah, cause you did everything.” 

The three sat happily bickering back and forth before they all slowly came to a quiet conclusion. They were going to have to bring the monster of a bear back to the city for the trial. All of them groaned and moaned as they began to wrap the bear in ropes to drag it the long journey back home.

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