Back to School: Kreid

1 year, 9 months ago

Aug Sp. 2. It's back to school time! Describe what your pokemon's school schedule looks like.

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Kreid, much like his brother Kuri, was formerly enrolled at the prestigious Blackmyre Knighthood Academy. He had hoped for years to become a royal knight so that he could manage to properly take care of his little brother Kuri without worrying so much about money all the time. It wasn’t exactly the easiest raising him by himself, after all! Even if he didn’t become a royal knight, odds were in his favor to at least manage to snag a comfy job as a guard within the kingdom or something-- it’d make getting by a lot easier. Unfortunately, he had to put his plans on hold for a few years just to make ends meet-- which meant that Kreid was a bit older than he expected once he entered the academy. While Kuri was with him about two years later, this was his schedule during the years that Kuri wasn’t enrolled yet!

Kreid’s mornings at BKA were almost always the same: He’d begin making his way to his History class immediately, barely even taking a moment to stop and say hello to just about anyone. This changed slightly once he met Prince Zayne, however, as Kreid would then elect to see the fledgling prince out to watch him practice laps in the grand arena’s swimming pool while studying his notes for class. It wasn’t that Kreid hated History Class-- it was just that he wasn’t nearly as dedicated to getting straight As in it until he began to compete with Kuri in later years.

History Class always lasted a few hours, after which the Galvantula would get a short intermission between it and his following class to get his bearings and make his way to the arena. This was actually Kreid’s absolute favorite class, so he was always punctual regardless of the circumstances. This often meant that he got to have a bit of time to talk with Prince Zayne, as the Luxio’s second block class was also maintained within part of the arena. Magical Defense was always a strange course for Kreid, even before Kuri began to attend the academy.

Magical Defense was actually where Kreid wound up evolving-- an affair that resulted in Kuri being called out of class to be by his older brother’s side and take him home as an accident occurred due to the sudden evolution during a practice session. This was the incident that led BKA to implement a policy regarding size for practice during their practical lessons. Despite this accident, Kreid continued to attend Magical Defense regularly-- and was well respected despite the stigma that his species was not suited for defense, much less of the special variety.

After Magical Defense was over with for the day, Kreid had free time during lunch. Kuri was always so thoughtful and made the Galvantula a homemade bento, which he’d sometimes share with Zayne while the Luxio was still attending courses at BKA. The two often spent their lunchtime together, as Kreid didn’t have to leave the arena and the two were often already there. It was a bit awkward at times having so many eyes on the two of them, but it was just a quirk of being good friends with Zayne. This tradition of eating at the arena for lunch didn’t stop once Zayne left, and was instead carried on so that Kreid could watch over Kuri’s practice-- and later let him spend time with Ophelia.

After lunch was over, Kreid would leap straight into Combat Training. This, unlike Magical Defense, was a course that Kreid struggled with immensely. Kreid would lay down his life for his brother if he had to, sure, but he wasn’t exactly the greatest when it came to attacking people. This meant that he often lost any and all practice spars that he had during Combat Training,but the man still had a very firm grasp on the fundamentals…even if he didn’t like to use them very much. Kind of an awkward trait to have as a guard, but I digress…

Kreid got to meet up with Zayne again during the intermission that followed Combat Training. The two would often laugh and joke around on their way to the final class of the day: Cartography. The pair actually had this course together, and it might have been Kreid’s favorite-- had Zayne not graduated two years after Kreid enrolled. While Kreid didn’t mind studying maps and learning how to make them himself, it just never quite felt the same once the Luxio left. He’d go on to make a detailed map of the entire academy during his senior year though, which now serves as the guide for all new students.

Once Cartography was over with, Kreid didn’t ever really get the chance to say goodbye to Zayne. He was always swept away by the Royal Guard, which left the poor Galvantula alone. This void was filled once Kuri enrolled, as Kreid would then simply go and see his little brother to prepare for walks home together most days of the week. He didn’t have any extracurricular activities like clubs or sports teams to attend, so it meant that even once Kuri came to BKA Kreid would wind up walking home alone two days of the week. That was fine though-- it just meant that he always got a head start over Kuri with doing his history homework those days….