Back to School: Kuri

1 year, 9 months ago

Aug Sp. 2. It's back to school time! Describe what your pokemon's school schedule looks like.

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Kuri was formerly enrolled at Blackmyre Knighthood Academy, which was quite the prestigious school-- it was where anyone that aspired to become a royal knight went to have the best odds of being scouted. Even if you didn’t become a royal knight, odds are that you wouldn’t have any difficulty landing a job as a guard in the future so long as you did a good job during the academy.

This was how Kuri managed to squeeze into life as a guard for House Blackmyre, actually, as his usual bouts of laziness definitely don’t earn him any points here. Back when he was in BKA, though, he was actually just as laser focused on success as his brother Kreid! His mornings would start with him eating on the way to History Class, often accompanied by Kreid where the two would constantly quiz one another with various trivia regarding their upcoming tests for the class. After Kreid met Ophelia, this became less and less frequent-- but Kuri was still seen protectively trailing after Kreid until they got to class in the morning time.

It would be several hours before History ended, which would be when the two brothers would always be forced to part ways. Unlike the rest of the day, Kuri always left Kreid’s side relatively early during the small intermission break between classes just so he could arrive as early as possible to Combat Training. He always had to sit out of any and all proper demonstrations during the class proper, but if he got there early enough then he could catch a glimpse of the instructor practicing. Sometimes, if he was lucky, he would even get some personal one-on-one practice with the instructor herself. No one took the Joltik seriously when it came to actual combat aside from his instructor-- not that he minded.

These tiny opportunities to practice were more than enough to make up for hours of not being allowed to join in on practice spars, and Kuri himself was actually at the top of his particular class when it came to grades for Combat Training. It was pretty ironic, but he’d show them all what he truly could do If and when his brother Kreid got picked on at school.

After Combat Training was lunchtime-- of which Kuri often spent still at the arena with his instructor, usually with his own bento box that he made at home. Kreid would come to visit him here and watch his brother practice, which gave the Joltik some much needed confidence in his work ethic. Even when Kreid began to hang out more with Ophelia, the two would always come to eat lunch at the arena just so they could watch Kuri practice-- plus, Kreid would be coming here after lunch anyway. It only made sense.

Following lunch, the two brothers would once again part ways and Kuri would head to Protection class. It wasn’t exactly a class that Kuri -excelled- at, but it was one he still did his best in. Some of the things he learned in Protection class would go on to help him during Combat Training anyway, so it never hurt for him to focus up and try to absorb some knowledge…even if he was subjected to the same fate of not being allowed to be a part of the proper demonstrations and practice due to his abysmal size difference compared to his peers.

The two would meet up again during the small transition break to their final classes of the day. The two classrooms were across the hall from one another, so it was actually pretty convenient! It meant that Kuri could always check up on Kreid at the end of school without any trouble, and he could come to his brother’s aid (and vice versa) if one of them got sick or something in class.

Diplomacy was a course that Kuri enjoyed. It kind of helped that he was actually able to participate in this one without his size being cited as a cause for concern! He was actually extremely well spoken, and he was well liked among his peers-- at least, when they weren’t busy teasing him about his smallness. His presence lit up the room, even when he wasn’t actually talking, and it was perhaps his second favorite course in his time attending BKA.

When the academy ended for the day, Kreid would always come to see Kuri in the front of the Diplomacy lecture hall. The two brothers would always walk home together-- except on Mondays and Wednesdays, wherein Kuri would stay behind at school and attend Poetry Club. It turned out that Diplomacy had made quite the writer out of the young Joltik, and it was something for him to fall back on if he ever truly needed to retire from life as a guard in the future.