Pride Month: Kuri Celebrations

1 year, 9 months ago

Jun Sp. 2. How does your pokemon celebrate pride and what does it mean to them?

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Kuri’s kingdom is very open ended in regards to pride. This happens to suit the Joltik’s core beliefs and way of living his life perfectly, as he would prefer to not have to hide who he is or worry about his friends and coworkers being picked on for who they are. On the contrary-- many members of the kingdom Kuri guards are members of the pride community, and many are pan much like he is! As a result, Kuri takes great pride in celebrating with his friends. He cannot leave his guard post for the festivities that occur each year, even if he has been called lazy at his job at times.

Instead, the Joltik makes sure to get a post within town that allows him to see as many people as possible during the festival. It is possibly the only time in the whole year that the kingdom sees Kuri bother to do his job correctly, as the tiny spider finds himself hopping around to get people’s attention and sending them wishes! Every year, the other guards find him buried in a pile of flags, scarves, flowers and more that were given to the Joltik during his rare moment of enthusiasm for being who he is. Kuri is glad that everyone can celebrate together (even if he has to work)-- and moreso, he’s happy that his friends can be accepted and recognized by the kingdom.