Personality: Orphelius

1 year, 9 months ago

5. What is your Pokémons personality?

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“Don’t let him get to you, Lance. He cares, I promise.”

Orphelius has always, at his core, been a rather kind and thoughtful individual. Even as a Trapinch, Orphelius thought of nothing more than being able to help others in their time of need, even if it was as simple as helping an old lady carry groceries home from the market. This trait has followed him through his entire childhood, and is still a defining character trait of his even now.

You wouldn’t know that if you saw him as one of his coworkers, however. Orphelius, like his king, puts up a facade in the presence of his subordinates. While it can be rather harsh and come off as incredibly cold, he is actually always looking out for the guards that he now has to watch over from day to day. This ruse is very effective in keeping his fellow guards from becoming biased or attached, but doesn’t help Orphelius when it comes to getting attached– he has been known to cry when saying farewells to guards that go on to become knights.

He is also known to be rather empathetic and a good listener, as shown by the fact that both King Antonidas and Prince Lance have seen it fit to confide in him their woes and struggles during times that no one else could. He keeps those secrets close to his heart, and he is likely to take such things to his grave.