Just a little thing

1 year, 9 months ago

This was something I had to do for programming class, that why the format is a little weird lol

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Hey gus, are you coming home? It's getting late and you promised you were coming to hang with me and the kids

Sorry henry, I'm coming. I just saw something that caught my eye.

What caught your eye at this time of night?

I don't know, it looks odd tho, doesn't look like any creature I've seen before 

Ignore it, millie is upset that your not home yet 

Tell her sorry, ok, if I come too late, tell her we can hang tomorrow

Ash is worried about you too

well then just tell them both we can do something tommorrow. 

Ok, bye then

NO, Henry plz stay on the phone with me, just for my safety


Thx, I just saw this thing run into some weird hole that leads underground, the hole quiet big, I'm going to follow 

Don't go in 

Too late for that, it's pretty dark in here

Get out 

But I found this creature is, I see a light not too far

This is how you always endanger yourself

Ya, ya, I know, I just made it to the light, and it easier to see from it 

What does it look like in there?

Pretty big, looks very grey, lots of tunnels, and smells like something is burning in here

Are you sure you not in the sewer?

No no, it's too big to be the sewer and besides I hear people talking not too 

what are the people saying?

You ask a lot of what questions, I thought you were hanging with the kids? 

You told me to stay on the phone

True, but anyways, it's too hard to make out, I'm getting closer to the noise

Do not get closer gus

Too late, sounds like their making some sorta deal.

Like drugs?

No, doesn't sound like a drug deal, sounds more like a nagoseation

A nagoseation? For what? Not sure yet, but I found my creature, it's a 7ft lizard with a flame tail

A 7ft lizard, really 

Yep, I think I figured out what the deal was

What's the deal

It's about if some guy gives them money then they won't kill him. 

Sounds shady

 Yep, I'm assuming your writing this down to solve later


Heh, you always do, but I think there rapping it up, I'm leaving, I should be home soon

Ok, come home safe I will, see ya soon, bye for now

See ya soon for now

CRAP, I made too much noise, that damn lizard crawling up to get me

Do you need backup?

You don't even know where I am, I'm just booking it rn 

Give me the location then 

Not right now, it's too hard to get the location when a raging lizard is chasing you 

Hide then 

I WILL, THIS THING IS gdhsagdhsad

GUS, are you there? Plz answer




plz say you just lost your device


come home, please