Work problems

1 year, 9 months ago

astareai is tired of dealing with "people" otherwise known as the head honchos up and downstairs

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it wasnt everyday thats astareai actually got to see god or lucifer. sure it was sometimes but not nessisarily everyday as they where the scale of the two, the supposed "perfectly equal being". but then there where days like today, lucifer quite literally just laying across their desk like the large inconvenience he was to get them to grant some sort of favor of some sorts, whatever it was today they had no idea, all they knew was they where not in the mood for his shenanigains. "will you get off my desk. for the king of hell your acting like a fool" they just glared slightly knocking his head with the top of a hardback book. lucifer just huffed, "your ignoring me though" astareai just gave him one of their standard 'am i? or are you thinking too hard again' looks. granted. lucifer wasnt exactly the best person for the situation, while god was kinda this odd floating ball of light who took form whenever and however he wanted....lucifer decided he would appear different to anyone who looked at him, and for astareai it happened to be a large buisness man in a red suit with the stupid tiny red tail. as such lucifer's, now trying to play the cute puppy eyes tactic, where doing absolutely nothing to them "i dont get into you and your fathers personal drama you drama queen incarnate." "but astar-" it was then astareai decided enough was enough. using their silver bottomed pointed lace up boots to quite literally kick the king of hell off their desk. lucifer let out an awkward 'oof' sound before whining they then shot the lump of lucifer on the floor with a look as they stood "dont, involve, me, in, your, DADDY ISSUES" they huffed "YOU JUST LIKE TORMENTING ME DONT YOU BECAUSE YOU KNOW YOUR THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN SCALE A PERSON WITHOUT BIAS" lucifer got up quickly yelling with a glare as astareai was already getting back to work, putting their soul books away as they pause for a solid second looking back to him smiling innocently "kinda yeah, actually" lucifer just fumed more, his slicked back hair starting to catch flame at the ends slightly "all i need to you do is rescale someone. THATS IT. my father has been hounding my ass about how he doesnt deserve eternity in baal's ring of hell." they then look back to him rolling their eyes "if i could do take backsies i would. but my magic doesnt do the shit yours or your fathers does. there are actual guidelines and that includes no re scales. if he's in baal's ring theres a reason bad enough to put them there case and point" "EXACTLY. you try having your own all powerful father bitch at you when youve tried to explain the logistics of it in detail. IN WRITING SO PLEASE JUST GET HIM OFF MY ASS" they then pause at that before sighing. "fine" they then let out a sharp whistle as a familiar albinto snake weazled out of the endless hall of bookshelves and jumping onto astareai's larger wing set. before the snakes eyes shifted from a pink pearl to a bright gold, and after a minute of complete utter silence, waiting for the receptionist to turn them over, astareai started talking just cutting the seemingly blubbering elder off "dont even start that shit with me. your son is down here because your the one thats been bitching at him to fix somthing he cant control. if you have a problem with my decisions you come to me you old crackerbarrel man of a light ball. do you understand?" there was another long silence before the snakes eyes whent back to its normal pale pink pearl sheen. lucifer just hugging astareai as they sigh patting his back. "the next time this happens just fucking ask instead of your dramatic laying on the desk tactic" lucifer then looked up smiling "but it worked" astareai just glared grabbing one of the plethora od heavy hard backed soul books and smacking lucifer across the face, sending him flying to the shute down to hell and into it with a few loud squeaks afterwards as the door swung from the impact "fucking marauder." they just mumbled with a groan, the snake  that had weazled their way on their shoulder let out some hiss like giggles before leaping back into and almost through the bookshelves. astareai putting the book back before now much calmly letting out a breath, getting back to work with the newfound and welcome peace and quiet.