
1 year, 9 months ago

Playable characters always get a whole list of voicelines in Genshin, so I made some for Andrian!

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"The name's Andrian, pup. Don't mind the attire, I'm not affiliated with anyone at the moment, just orienting myself. Wanna tag along? The whole "lone wolf" talk just comes from angsty teens anyway... N-no, I am not angsty! Black is just a stealthy colour! Oh shut it..."

When it snows
"Nothing says potential like fresh, undisturbed snow... Wanna run trough it?"

When it rains
"Brrr! You sure you wanna keep traveling trough this weather?" Sigh "Very well, just don't say I didn't warn you when everything smells like wet dog..."

When it storms
"The swirling of dark clouds above, like an ominous precense. The smell of lightning filling the wind with tension. The feel of the static in the air troughout my fur. The whole world holds it's breath in anticipation of the next strike..."

Good Morning
Sniff sniff. "You smell that? The dew on the grass, it holds on to every scent of the night. If we want to chase these trails, now's the time."

Good Afternoon
"Suns high, insects buzz, everythings calm. Nothing's meant to get done around the slow hours of noon, and everything knows it. Predator and prey could be gathering around the same watering hole and neither would bat an eye at the other..." Yawn. "How about a nap before we bother with anything else?"

Good Afternoon
"You go ahead and start on dinner, I'll go for a run first. Twilight always awakens some hunting instinct, I just can't eat unless my blood thinks I've earned it"

Good Night 1
"You look as awake as me, pup. Screw rest, let's go out, appreciate the moon."

Good Night 2
"Awoo!" Coughs. "You heard nothing..."

About Andrian: Collar
"What, my collar? Of course I can take it off! I just... Wear it as a keepsake. You know, to never forget where I came from, and..." Sighs, switches to a hushed tone. "Okay so maybe it's stuck. Tried to pick the lock only to completely jam it, and by now I'm a bit embarrassed to ask anyone for help... Let's just pretend it looks cool, okay?"

About Andrian: Ears
"Don't think I don't notice you staring, what's up? ... You want to pet my ears? Works on Gorou you say... Well I'd rather you don't. Not sure if you've noticed but they're already tattered, if I go around letting people pull on them they'd probably come right off, or hurt at least." Moments pause, heaaaavy sigh. "Damn puppy eyes... Fine, fine, just once. Just make sure you- A-ah, softly... They're sensi-..." His speach falters for surprisingly soft whimpers. 

About Liyue
“Ah Liyue, the land of tall mountains and taller taxrates… I first arrived there, but the contracts and paperwork all just gave me a headache. Glad I made it to Mond.”

About Razor
“The silver haired kid from Wolvdon, I know him. He’s raised by wolves, isn’t he? Might actually be more wolf than me at this point. He got the matting out of my tail and taught me how to keep it this way, much better. I guess I just never had the time for selfcare before… Hey, remind me to bring him a roast later on.”

About Diluc.
“I’ll be honest with you, he still scares me. He may tolerate me but I don’t believe for a second he trusts me, which is a shame because I do trust him. Maybe it’ll die down, though I’ve heard he’s cold to everyone… Maybe this is just how he shows he likes you? With threatening glares and hands near his blade? It’s almost cute if you ignore how terrifying he is!”

About venti.
“Green bard guy! I liked his singing and bought him a drink as thanks, which was all it took to be his friend it seems. Tells great tales, too. Though, when I told him the tale of my vision, he had this knowing smile… He might know more than he lets on, might try and see if he spills the beans if I get him more drunk.”

About Xiao.
“So I’m staying at Wangshu in, enjoying their food, right? I get up, take a wizz, come back… And there’s this prick in my spot, eating walnut tofu or whatever! I told him to scram but he didn’t listen. So, I sat down across from him, not about to get scared away from my own table. Seems we were both too stubborn to move because that was the most awkward dinner of my life.”

(Unlocked at friendship lvl 6) Tales and Truth
".. Hm..? Oh, sorry, didn't mean to stare at you. I was just lost in thought... Hey. Do you ever wonder if you're lying to yourself? That you took every good aspect you could find or fantasize and blew all that up to make this amazing, glorious hero who would prove them all wrong and run away and... And that maybe, you are just ignoring the big picture. I say I'm more wolf than dog, but I don't know to be honest, I've spend more time obaying than running, this whole freedom thing is just recent. It's not the norm. Maybe instead of being the rebel who chose freedom, I'm just the mutt who was more trouble than he's worth. I'd like to think I'm the first, but one must wonder... What do you think I am?"