August Prompts

1 year, 9 months ago
1 year, 9 months ago
6 1987

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 9 months ago

August Prompts for Anathema, forgive me as I have no motivation for a fun title right now

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Anastasiya: Option 2

She had been far too busy to go and fight. Leaving for the Whispering Sea, when her dream of providing shelter and escape from the Order for mages was so close, would have potentially ruined the project, or at least set it weeks behind. So even though she had wanted to help, she would have inevitably been useless, trying too hard to protect herself rather than those who needed it. 

Now, she wondered if it was the right decision. 

She was no longer bound by the Order's laws- a mage on her own. She could come and go from the fight at will, and she did not need to fear death. But the mage protectors of the Order- they were limited. She imagined that the Archon limited the amount of mages allowed out to fight, too afraid of their magic and their potential escape from her tyrannical rule. She was far too concerned with her control over the mages than the protection of Ivratian citizens. 

It was a fatal flaw, one that she hoped would bring her downfall- though not soon enough. 

She sat on the roof of her home, far above the street, staring out into the world below. Senàn sat beside her, sunning himself in the late summer's day. "Did I do the right thing?" she asked, her soft breeches- such strange attire for a lady, her mother would have said- not protecting her from the bumpiness of the tiles on which she sat. 

Her gaze met her wyvern's- and she saw in his eyes that he, too, did not know. No one can make that decision but you, child, he said, turning his head to gaze at the world below, one that had slipped once more into hating mages for not doing enough, for not being enough, and yet being too much.