Readopt Prompt

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Camera, flashlights, spirit box, and two cans of soda. These items made up the perfect ghost hunting kit. Tampa rustled through the backpack he had prepared, once again making sure that all of their supplies were securely in there. Looking up, he nodded to Miami, who replied with a grin.

They were ready to take on the forest.

Miami took the lead out of the house while Tampa carried their equipment. Ancient pine trees loomed ominously over their heads, casting long shadows and making the night seem impossibly dark. Tampa shuddered, but kept up with Miami as the other little Kalon strode ahead. It was a good thing that they had the flashlights. The path they had planned out earlier that day would surely disappear in the darkness.

They reached the clearing that they had previously identified as a prime location. Miami stopped and turned back to his brother, making sure that they hadn't gotten separated.

"Are you ready?" Miami asked Tampa. "This is going to be so cool."

"I hope so," Tampa hummed, pulling the camera out of his bag. "Did you want your soda now, or?"

"Later," Miami replied. "We have to focus right now. Did you bring the spirit box?"

"Yup!" Tampa said, already getting it out. "Where did you want it?"

"Put it right in the middle over there," Miami pointed.

Tampa did so while his brother set up the camera. Once it was ready, they regrouped and sat down a little ways away from the box. It began to play the garbled radio static that would help the brothers talk to any spirits that decided to join them. Miami began asking questions.

"Is anyone here?" he called out into the darkness.

Both brothers leaned forward slightly, ears straining to hear a response.


"Did you hear that?!" Miami whispered excitedly. Tampa hushed him.

"...out...get out...get out get out getout getout!"

The clearing suddenly exploded with sound. The spirit box fell over, all by itself. Tampa's blood ran cold as he heard the distinct sound of footsteps running towards them.

"We have to go. Like, now," Tampa hissed, grabbing on to Miami's arm.

The look of terror on Miami's face told Tampa that they were in a world of trouble. Without another word, the two Kalons bolted back towards their house. Tampa felt only relief when their back door finally came into view. They pushed their way inside, hastily locking the door before running to the room they shared. Tampa frowned, noticing that all of the colour had drained from Miami's face.

"What's wrong?"

Miami looked like he wanted to cry.

"I dropped the camera in the woods."