
1 year, 9 months ago
1 year, 9 months ago
2 1028

Chapter 2
Published 1 year, 9 months ago

More in depth / clear about 'me' for Iban

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Son of Dionysus
One of the only half-bloods who seems to trust Val

Actually, grew up at the Camp due to who is father is, though Mr D tried to keep it hidden until the vines started sprouting around Iban. [when he was 12]
Iban wears some in his hair, they're alive and still grow, though will wilt if he's under too much stress
His hair also smells like wine, even without any vines in it. It is something Iban himself finds rather odd, and if he's honest, a little off putting

He fell in love once
He's decided it's not for him anymore...
He hates Eros with a burning passion though

Plays the Ukulele and sings, though it's not too common anymore
He prefers to help the children of Apollo heal or help rally troops
He's the mortal camp dad, a few younger camp members [and some of the older, more troublesome ones] do call him dad. Once when defending a group from a monster at the border he did yell 'Don't hurt my kids', he bribed them all with extra treats and grapes not to spread that around camp. [It still did though o7]

Design notes:
-Vines in hair optional [preferred] grapes do not have to be visibly there
-Please don't draw him without the purple undershirts
-Vines on trousers optional
-7 beads on his necklace