This is where we part ways

GoId Hymy
1 year, 8 months ago
1 year, 8 months ago
26 10503 2

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 8 months ago

Having known each other since their school days at Namarast, Thallan and Ilarion remain unaware of when their mentor-ship relationship turned into something else. Three years from present day, they're separated by circumstances out of their control.

CW for Trauma and Depression, non-explicit.

80 total gold for Gold, 82 total gold for Hymy

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Author's Notes

Set three and a half years ago, before Archon Miriam's reign.


Thallan stepped down from the carriage step, followed by their cousin Sarlota and her wife, Amelie. The sweet spring air was a reprieve to their tense shoulders after having spent the last hour listening to their bickering. Were all married couples like this? Arguing over the smallest details, unwilling to budge? Granted, at least they were openly honest with each other, but the ridiculousness of the actual topic was enough to make Thallan speak up even without wearing half of their usual enchantments today. They weighed in on Amelie's side as usual, comfortable with the way the two of them lowered their volume to match Thallan's and wait for them to get their point across.

But really, arguing about what color drapes to put in their newlywed bedroom? There were better things to argue about, surely. And when Thallan said as much, the response was a shrug, a hand-hold, a shared look of comfort. That was just the way they talked with each other, they said. A healthy debate.

Thallan silently begged to differ. The mere idea of bickering so passionately about everything made their skin crawl. They much preferred to be listened to in calm consideration, with patience, understanding.

Like how Ilarion spoke to them.

Biting their lip, Thallan looked up at the Lyre estate as their cousins moved past them, glad for their physical company to keep them grounded. For some reason, the idea of being alone with Ilarion had been making them more and more nervous as time went on, which was strange and uncalled for. They were otherwise comfortable around Ilarion, always engaged with whatever they had to say, fascinated with every facet of their mentor, always finding it difficult to leave when shared events drew to a close. The occasional teasing was....admittedly hard to deal with with any amount of grace, but the fluttering feeling in the pit of Thallan's stomach was new.

Well, that was what the cousins were for. If Thallan needed something to hide behind, Sarlota would do just fine. So they squared their shoulders and followed them inside, past the immaculate topiaries and flowers in full bloom.