In even 19 Seconds....Everything can change

1 year, 9 months ago
1 year, 9 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 9 months ago

Logan is entering back into reality with a messed up vision of the world, this must all be restored and he must look towards the bright side. . .terror is coming to Hawkins. . Yet again. . .

This is Supposed to be written as though it was a journal entry, from his point of view and how he sees things, not everything will be agreeable^^

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October 3, 1986

The ringing in my ears was putting pressure on my head, my heart was racing but he kept telling me to find them, find them and tell him what they were doing. I recognized one of them.. ‘Eleven…?’ I mumbled, with a questioning look on my face, Papa (Also known as Dr. Brenner) stared at me in shock, had I done something wrong? His face took over the vision of the others and I opened my eyes with a raised brow. “Eleven? Where was she? Nineteen, speak to me.” Papa gasped out, still staring at me as though he was expecting something more out of me. ‘ I…I’m not sure, you interrupted me.’ I spoke blankly, glaring at the floor. ‘ Do you remember when you weakened me? Maybe..whatever you did you could undo..and I.I could find her-‘ “ I’m afraid I can’t do that, a human being with so much..power built up could potentially be dangerous..and we can’t afford that again…” Brenner only told me the partial truth, I shrugged and stood. ‘ Can I go now? ‘ I asked, dragging my gaze from the floor to the door. “ Only back to your room. Let me escort you.” ‘no. I’m fine to walk by myself.’ I walked out of the room, slamming the door behind me as soon as Brenner went to follow me. I passed my door and from afar made it open and shut, so everyone would assume I entered my room. I also shut the cameras off, I chuckled when I heard the guards scurrying to figure out what happened to them. I thought for a split second, stopping and I heard footsteps down the hall. I hurried to find a place to hide but instead I bursted through the doors, climbing the small staircase and before I could think I was outside. It felt so…different, the sudden burst of sunlight was almost blinding. I heard yelling from behind the closed door and I ran, I ran harder than I had before. I was finally free, I didn't have to cater to anyone anymore, I didn't have to be constantly pushed around by my so-called siblings, I didn't have the stress of practicing with my powers anymore…there would be no more papa telling me what to do.. I could’ve cried. I hadn’t felt this happy since… Before I was taken from Mom.. ‘ Only… Now what…? Where do I go from here.. Hm..’ I took a moment to remember the location Eleven was, maybe whoever helped her could help me as well? I slowed my pace to a walk and walked down the middle of the road, how was I supposed to know I wasn’t supposed to do that. People swerved around me, or I was just clearing a path in front of me. I wasn't paying enough attention to what I was really doing. Though, quite honestly I didn’t care.

It was now pouring rain, storming, and cold. The pattering of the rain around me was peaceful, though it was chilling and miserable. I’d probably walked miles of rough terrain now, through the woods. Night had fallen and it was still raining, after hours and hours. I was soaked and cold. Thunder and lighting seemed to almost battle in the sky, one directly after the other. Strangely I found a small fort built in the woods, no one was there and it looked destroyed but enough was standing to be a shelter for the night. There were old papers and pictures torn, and worn with time. None of the people in them were recognizable, all except one picture. Four children, probably around my age, maybe older. I shrugged and yawned, collapsing under the shelter and falling asleep quickly.

I was exhausted.