Post Processing

1 year, 9 months ago
1 year, 9 months ago
4 2157

Entry 1
Published 1 year, 9 months ago

Mild Sexual Content

After she was chosen as an emissary to save King Sausage of Mythland, she returns home with her winnings and tries to find herself between her disobedience to her patron and her affections for this strange king.

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A soft groan is shared between the royals' parted lips, a wet fflp following as Eskadinya sucks on Sausage's upper lip. She sighs against his mouth, feeling a big hand hesitantly feel at her chest, tease at her cleavage. To encourage him, she enthusiastically chases his mouth again, more wet sounds of their tongues tasting each other filling the dim room.

It was more like a cellar, a storage for alcohol. Dinya's hip bumps against a barrel, and Sausage moves to lift her up, leaning against a wall as her hips gyrate against his. She moans again, heat licking up her lower back as she realises once again how he lifts her about like she weighs nothing.

Eskadinya drops her tankard of ale, ignoring how it falls with a splash, and grips the front of Sausage's shirt as she nips at his lip.

"Oh, God," he groans, placing a hand on her lower back and pressing her stomach against his. "You've practiced a lot."

Dinya trails kisses on his chin, along his jaw, then nuzzles into his beard. "Your beard is so soft," she whines.

"I-I- thank you," he sounds unsure if that's what he should say. "Everything about you is soft."

"Mmh," Dinya hums, looping her arms around his shoulders. "Like…?"

She huffs in delight when she feels his hand slide down to the swell of her ass and-


"Okay lovebirds! Out! This isn't seven minutes in Heaven!"

Eskadinya pouts, especially when Sausage places her down. He rubs the back of his neck with a grin. "We're still looking! We'll be out in a moment! Oh, my Lady, don't give me that look. I'm not going anywhere."

He shyly tugs her blouse up, making sure that she was decent. "Especially not after learning that you kiss like that."