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2 years, 15 days ago

Bohai's adoption day! Features Wolvden wolves Aloy, Erend, and of course, Bohai! (Aloy and Erend are not listed on my TH)

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Hello hello! This is the first time I've posted a literature here on TH, so I hope you all enjoy! :D

I figured instead of posting just art of all of my wolvden babies, I'd post some "lore" things as well for them.

Again, I hope you enjoy! :D

Two wolves, an older male with his younger female, stood side-by-side, looking at the hundreds of puppies that were brought to the enclave. Lillemor, the mother bear, watched the pair closely as they observed.

The red female was rather particular, it seemed, by the way the pup looked. It had to have something that reminded her of herself and her mate, as a way for him or her to sort of “blend in” with his or her siblings–this pup would have two older brothers, an older sister, and eventually another younger brother or two, as the pair was currently expecting another litter–probably their last–and was due in the next month.

An orange-and-white–somewhat rust-colored–puppy bounded up to the couple, his orange eyes growing wide. He seemed intrigued by them, seemingly as if he chose them over them choosing him or someone else.

“Well, Aloy, what do you think?” The older male spoke, “I quite like the little fella,” he nodded, “Pup’s got a lot of spirit, just like you.” He nudged the smaller red wolf, Aloy’s shoulder gently.

Aloy seemed to really ponder this decision. The pup did have a lot of her qualities, as well as her mate’s qualities. 

“This one,” Aloy sat down, nodding, “I want this one.”

“All because of me?” Her mate teased, chuckling.

“No, Erend, you goof, but if you want to think that, be my guest,” Aloy retorted, letting out a huff. Erend only laughed in response.

Lillemor clapped her paws together, “Great! Aloy, Erend, may I introduce you to your new puppy. What shall he be called?”

The duo thought about it. They already had Orn, Elisabet, and Muns… What would go well with their names?

“Bohai,” Erend said, almost simultaneously with Aloy. He smiled when he realized they’d thought of the same name at the same time.

Lillemor chuckled, “Then his name shall be Bohai!”

“Welcome to the Sunhawks, little one,” Aloy whispered, wagging her tail.

Bohai wagged his tail back, panting with a smile.

Erend crouched down and let Bohai climb onto his back so they could take him home; Bohai obliged, his tail wagging the whole way.