Shopping Trip

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👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Its time for a shopping trip! Natsumi, excited about the upcoming ball and wanting to raid the fancy Paris thrift stores, waits in the lobby for the others who wanted to come along. Also they can read French maybe and Natsumi cannot, so they're gonna need someone to go along anyway.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Ash bounces into the lobby, excited for a good shopping trip!!

Lethe is coming along mainly to get accessories.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty makes her way down and bumps her hip into Natsumi's casually with a "heyyy" ✨ . She is available to read French as needed!!

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Alex was equally if not more excited for this Paris shopping adventure and sprinted down to the lobby so fast he tripped on the way down. Nothing shall shake his spirit rn. "HELLLOOOOO!! TIME TO GO SHOPPING~"

Jamie is also here. Mainly cause he was bored. So ya know why not.

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸

Auran still doesn't seem fully back to his usual goofy grin ways, but he does at least seem more relaxed than he's been recently as he walks into the lobby to meet up with the gang, giving everyone a friendly wave!!

Albo | Jiemba🪃

Jiemba makes his way down as well! Quick to loop arms with Auran and waving at the rest of the gathering gang!  He's a lil less melancholy over all!

🎉 Ari | Syd 🔥

Syd is also here give me a minute bec is fighting me

Ain | Fiore

Fiore heard there was an outing happening and decided to just join in. Who knows, he might find something to add for his clothing collection. As long as it's all black.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

Natsumi bounces excitedly at all the people joining, many of which they have no idea who they are! But they smile at Wisty. "Hello!!"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Ash waves to Natsumi and links arms with Alex and Wisty.  "We waiting for anyone else, or are we ready to go go go?"

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

"I thought uhmmmmmm Athena and Kass...Kas-per" they struggled through then grinned. 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡 

Ash gives a thumbs up!!! They got it!!!!

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺 

Alex gives Ash a big ol hug as they link arms with a sparkly smile. "ASHHH~ YEAH! Lets go! Im so excited! We haven't done much big big shopping in Paris! A CRIME!"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty bumps her hip into Ash's too and checks her phone. "I think Athena and Kasper might be busy right now? We can always go on ahead and they can catch up to us later if they're free." 

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸 

Auran does a little cheery bounce on his legs as his arm gets looped around Jiemba's! He then proceeds to drag him closer to the rest of the group to listen to everyone talking!

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

Natsumi nods. "Okay okay! Then we go??"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty sends a text to Athena one more time to see if she's free before giving a thumbs-up. "Yeah I thhhink we're good?"

Albo | Jiemba🪃 

Jiemba is dragged to the rest of the group. Hell yeah, shopping.

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫 

Meanwhile, Athena was busy hovering jackets in front of Kasper to see which suited him more, her phone buzzing in her pocket again making her remember she forgot to check notifs “oh.. hold this.” She places the jackets in Kasper’s arms and peeps at her phone, seeing Wisty’s texts 

Oh! Sorry babe omg— Where did you guys wanna meet up? I was headed back to the hotel but got distracted by this store with really nice jackets and wanted to see them on Kas. We can meet up with you guys or I can send you the addy to this place? Big thrift store

(She takes a selfie with Kasper and sends it to Wisty)

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty blinks at the text, informing the rest of the group "Oh - yeah, they're already out, actually, at like a big thrift store, I'll get the address and we can start there." She takes a quick peace sign selfie with Ash and Alex and sends it with her message. 

oh ya no problem just send me the address and we'll meet you there <3

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Alex poses justly for the selfie <3

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

also thats a goodass jacket

🤺 Sir Nix/Dadte | Kasper 🦄 

Kasper was surprised when the hovering jackets were suddenly tossed against him— if there was any  strength in that toss maybe he would have fallen back— but he keeps his composure and of course poses as fabulously as he could for the selfie~

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

"Ohhh advanced!! Let go!" and Natsumi just. Trudges onward without knowing where they're going.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡 

Ash gives a peace sign and sticks their tongue out for the selfie.  "I'm surprised they found a thrift shop- but lets go meet up with them! Wisty, lead the way!"

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

"Yeaaaahh!!" Alex charges onward with Natsumi, also no clue where they're going! 

🌙 Matsu | Athena 💫

right? I’m torn between a few others but I can show you later. Sending you the addy now! See you guys in a bit!!

 She saves the selfie and sends the address to Wisty

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty laughs a little and goes out in front to lead them to the store. "Guys, just follow me, ok? I know where we're going." onward to store!! 

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁


✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 — Yesterday at 11:44 PM


👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

They arrive at the Thrift store! A fairly large place, that feels already fancier than most 'boutiques' in the US. Natsumi starry eyes for a second before dashing in.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺 

Alex also gets stuck starring for a while, but then seeing Natsumi dash, he latches onto Wisty and Ash's arms and drags them along like a kid in a candy store "LETS GOOOOOO~" 

Jamies realizing hes even more out of his league then originally assumed and hovers near Lethe "Im... so confused by what half this stuff is-"

Ain | Fiore 

Oh it's big. Fiore now has cosplay in his mind and is now trying to make a list of what he can get. The possibilities are endless

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty laughs at the enthusiasm, texting Athena that they've arrived.

"Ah, this is fancy for a thrift store. Hope it's not, yknow, priced accordingly."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡 

Ash laughs and lets Alex drag them along, looking around curiously as they're dragged! "Very fancy! But it's born worn once, yeah? So hopefully it'll still be priced like it-" 

Lethe tilts her head, before humming. "Lets just look around in sections to start, yes?"

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸 

For some reason this always makes Auran kinda nervous. Wardrobe stuff is weird!! He hangs by Jiemba's side, not knowing where to look. So many options.......

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Natsumi is already raiding the various carousels of clothes. This place is large , with various racks and carousels full of clothes. Shelves at the back contain accessories, with a few changing rooms in the middle of them. Some items are framed or hung up on the walls, clearly high priced items that the store won't sell.

Albo | Jiemba🪃 

Jiemba stares up at the thrift store...this place was damn huge! "I have no clue where to start...probably should hover near someone who knows what they're doing..." He gives Auran a reassuring pat.  "I'm sure it won't be too bad" He does not sound sure about that at all

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Alex has a snoop around the clothes by Natsumi, checking the prices as they go and already collecting bits here and there "I wonder if they have a changing room and let you try stuff on.. Making the outfits is the fun part!" 

Jamie smiles a bit awkwardly "Yeah, I suppose thats the best start. Didn't you already get your outfit for the ball though? Are you searching for something?"

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

Natsumi's eyes sparkle as they hold up some expensive looking dress. "Yes yes! Making them is fun! I cannot wait to cut it up!!"

Ain | Fiore

Fiore peeled off from the group and started to look through the racks. He was surprised with the quality of clothes. It looks like they can survive a couple wash cycles, unlike the thrift stores back home.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty laughs a little and squints, making binoculars with her hands. "Yeah, I think I see some changing rooms over there, when you find enough stuff you wanna put together." 

🤺 Sir Nix/Dadte | Kasper 🦄

Upon hearing Athena’s phone ping, Kasper looked around the store and did see a group of people entering the store and quickly assumed it to be them. He excused himself from Athena for a bit to regroup with the others though did get distracted by a nice shirt along the way. Once he made his way properly to where he thought the others were, immediately he spotted Jiemba and Auran looking like lost sheep in a forest of clothing. “Heeeey glad you guys made it!! You ready to find some sweet store finds? ”

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡 

Ash nods in agreement with Wisty, before noticing something off to the side and detaching from Alex for a moment to go look at them. .... Turns out its a bunch of nice looking coats and sweaters. Go figure for Ash- just here to get more oversized sweaters- ... There's some pretty sparkly shirts also but - hoodies first-

Lethe gives a soft look in response and starts leisurely leading Jamie along. "Ah, I did. I'm simply looking for some accessories, is all."

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸 

Auran blinks and takes a very good look up and down at Kasper before finally processing what's going on and brightening up again. "...Oh! Heeyyy, 'sup Kasper! ... Help us. I have no idea what I'm looking for."

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Natsumi continues to dig, already throwing garments over their arm. Then they grab something and hold it up, gasping with a smile. "Ne ne, Alexu!! This is be perfect for you!!" They hold out a sheer but frilly pink top that has faint butterflies as a pattern, layering over each other. 

Albo | Jiemba🪃 

Jiemba perks up at Kasper's approach, "Ayyyyy~ You offering to be our guide in this..." He gestures, "Wild world of Linens and Fashion??"

🎉 Ari | Syd 🔥 

Syd accidentally wandered off one (1) time and isn’t seen again sorry gang

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺 

Alex looks over at Natsumi confused for a second at being called 'Alexu' but quickly distracted by the top the found "OOOO ITs pretty!! I wonder if I can find a good matching shirt- They have a lot of sheer fabrics here!" And then he turns to see the dressing rooms Wisty found "GASP! We could have our own little fashion show! It'll be fun!!"

Jamie follows staggered behind Lethe letting her lead the way easily. "Accessories, huh? I always forget those are a part of 'fashionable outfits' huh?"

🤺 Sir Nix/Dadte | Kasper 🦄

Kasper chuckled a little before nodding. “Sure can! But not sure where to start huh? Okay hmmmm.” He turned from them a little to get a good view of the rows of clothes behind them and gave things a thought. “Alright, so one way to go about this is a completely blind way, but if you’re pressed for time this isn’t always the best route the take. But this literally has us going through the store in order of arrangement and be surprised with what you’ll find. If that’s not going to be up your alley, we can start by narrowing down our search to what you’re willing to wear first! Would be a waste of time going through things you know are on your nope list I mean.” He shrugs a little before looking back at them. “So what would those be?”

Albo | Jiemba🪃

Jiemba ponders a bit. "Well i DON'T have a lot on my own nope list? I'd just like something that's i guess? Practical, but looks good? Doesn't restrict my movement too much in case shit goes down? So I suppose that would mean not a lot of flowy, hanging stuff? Like SOME is fine, but nothing I could trip over, y'know?" He makes a face, hoping that made SOME sense. "But also I DO like surprises. Fits just...JUMPING out at me" 

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸

".. Huh...." Oh man too many words. "I, huh.... Well we need clothes for the ball-- I don't wanna wear suits, I know that much-- I'd wanna go for... something that falls somewhere between... a dress but also not really?? Half yes half no?? I liked the flowy bouncy fabrics Alex had on his dress........" He gives a long sad defeated sigh, "I don't know what I want, man..."

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Natsumi nods and claps "Yes yes, go dress up show!!" they clap and continue their search, practically disappearing into the clothes racks.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Lethe picks up a ring as they walk. "They don't have to be, but they often are. It just feels incomplete for myself, to have nothing to add to the outfit."

Ash can be seen with a pile of oversized hoods in their arms, walking to the changing rooms. welp.

Ain | Fiore

Zipping up some boots, Fiore stood up and took a few steps and looked to the mirror. The black heels looked good and the red bottoms would match his eyes.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Alex is beaming at this idea. "OO IDEA!! What if we do like a full fashion show and pick out outfits for each other! Theres WAY too much variety here for us to not make a bunch of outfits!"

Jamie laughs a bit and takes a look at a rack of nearby shirts, though its clear hes not actually interested in it. "That's fair. I guess some accessories I do like to have, but at some point it starts feeling like im weighed down."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty is really just vibin' and following Alex around at this point, keeping an eye out for anything that might work and/or for Athena. "Sure, if you guys wanna, I'd be up for it"

🤺 Sir Nix/Dadte | Kasper 🦄

Kasper paused to think as he listened to the both of them, and it was quick for him to know where to start first. “Alright, Jiemba I believe you should perhaps start with finding a good pair of pants and shoes. Maybe some good form fitting slacks that can also stretch if you’re comfortable with that? I think the most important thing about shit going down is being able to run if you need to get away or chase after something, so we wouldn’t want your feet burning a few steps into the ball. Then from there you can build your way upward and find something up top to match what you’ve gotten so far.”

He then turned to Auran, pursing his lips slightly at how dejected he sounded. “Hey, but that’s still something pretty substantial to work with! I guess if it helps though, did you still want to wear pants? If yes, we can also find you something that can match up with a longer shirt that can be treated in the same light as having a skirt as a compromise— or of course we can just find a skirt that can go over the pants. Flowey fabrics then can also be worked on top of that, especially if we find a color you’re vibing with. How does that sound to you?”

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

Natsumi suddenly emerges from the clothing jungle with a sharp grin. "Wisty!! Come!" and they literally grab her and pull her in, to the section they were at. "Tada!!! You should wear this!" and they hold up a mustard yellow top that has an old-style sun motif on the chest, with the sleeves at the end flaring out in Y2K style. It has straps, with holes cut out from the shoulders.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Alex marvels at the top as they hand it to Wisty "OOO Thats so cool! Where'd you find it? Its perfect for Wisty!" He's very impressed.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty gives an "aCK" as she's pulled into the clothing jungle, laughing like "Okay, okay, I'm coming-" Otherwise she takes it fairly in stride, examining the shirt with a contemplative nod. " brand...." she takes the shirt from Natsumi. "Thank youuu"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡 

Lethe nods in agreement. "I understand that feeling. It's why I don't tend to have many permanent accessories. Wear them for one occasion, and then sell them later for a small profit."

Ash comes back to their original group with a very large hoodie on. "Oh that's very Wisty core indeed! Gonna try it on?"

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Natsumi nods. "Mm! Do you like long or short? I have skirts!"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty thinks about that for a sec. "I meannn, I don't wear skirts all that much, but it kinda depends what for?" She holds up the shirt with a lil grin. "For going with this, though? I think shorter." 

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸 

Auran perks up slightly again, tilting his head in curiosity. ".... I think so, yeah! Just not.... normal suit pants.... does that make sense??" He tilts his head the other way and then up at the ceiling like he's thinking. "Skirt over pants sounds good actually....... yeah I like that idea! Skirt, pants and flowy fabrics on top...... ah I still gotta be able to run,"

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Alex turns to wave at Ash as they return, then stops to admire the adorable hoodie. "You found an oversized hoodie in all these racks?? Where! Its so cute!"

"You sell them? You don't just like, hang onto some and cycle thru different fits? I used to do that mostly in high school." He tilts his head a bit confused and picks up a watch to look at the price.

Albo | Jiemba🪃 

Jiemba eyes lit up at Kasper's wisdom!! "That's actually super helpful mate, thanks" He's going to be on the look out for some SEXY pants and SEXY shoes. He brightens even more at Auran's options, "I will help you look for cute af skirts, babe, you are going to slay me"

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸

Auran snort-laughs at Jiemba

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Natsumi nods. "Sooka! Ja, this one! I see a fluffy clear yellow skirt over there, I think I could put them together." they hold up their short option, which is a jean skirt with bedazzling along one side of the hemlines.

Albo | Jiemba🪃 

Jiemba is very gay for that snort-laugh.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁 

get a room

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty takes the skirt from Natsumi, still nodding thoughtfully. "Like, tear them both apart and sew them together? That could look nice." 

🤺 Sir Nix/Dadte | Kasper 🦄 

“Absolutely makes sense! We can look for something at a different length or cut from the usual suit pants. And hmmm… maybe we can hold down some of the fabrics to your wrists? Or fingers? That way it just doesn’t go all over the place and can still flow behind you.” And at Jiemba’s words of support, Kasper smiled widely! He very much supported the gay.  “I think I saw a rack over there with some good skirts if you want to look there first? Did you have a color in mind by the way?”

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡 

Ash grins. "I just went looking for the extra large hoods! I have a stack at the changing rooms if you wanna try any of them on!" "Ooo- that would look cute combination!"

Lethe shrugs. "Perhaps. I don't know. I'm more focused on having a book on my travels than I am an accessory, and I can always buy another one another time."

Ain | Fiore 

Something pink caught this man's eye as he was putting back on his boots. After a closer look it was one of those sneakers with pretty thick soles. Checking the size Fiore immediately grabbed them and made a beeline to Alex. "Alex. Here." The man handed the pair of pink shoes to the pink haired person.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Natsumi nods. "Yes yes! Go try! I see ikemen, so I go!" and they disappear into the racks again... Only to appear next to Auran, Kasper, and Jiemba. "Hallo!!!!"

🤺 Sir Nix/Dadte | Kasper 🦄 


🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸

"Oh!!" Okay, this was better now! At least a solid direction to follow!! "I've never tried that........ that sounds like it could work-- Hmmm, colors... maybe dark blue?? I'm never super sure, but Athena said that looks good on--" Aaand he jumps startled with a "gYAH-!" when Natsumi shows up.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty makes the pensive face. "See you space cowboy........" She drapes the clothes over her arm to try on once one of the others has enough stuff go over to the changing room again. 

Albo | Jiemba🪃

Jiemba was eager to help his bf look AMAZING with Kaspers help! What he wasn't banking on was a heart attack from NATSUMI. His pearls and chest are clutched. "Holy shit--" 

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

"OOO I might! Which room are your clothes in?-" Though midway thru asking Ash about his hoodie stash, he felt Fiore approach behind him and smiled before seeing the shoes. "Oh! They're cute!!-... They're tall though-" This man fears for his ankles as he slowly takes them.

Jamie laughs "You really do love to read huh?... I'll be amazed the day I get to see you having a 'wild side.'" Not that he could ever picture it

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Natsumi smiles up at the boys. "Hello!! I have clothes." they grin

Ain | Fiore 

"They're not that tall... take a look at this." Fiore holds up the boots he tried before to Alex. "And They're pretty affordable too."

🤺 Sir Nix/Dadte | Kasper 🦄

Kasper blinked for a second and tilted his head as he looked at the clothes. “Oh…. Thank you! …Which are for who?” He said as he further curiously eyed the pile. “…Are there any jackets in there by any chance….” 

Albo | Jiemba🪃

Jimeba blinks down at them, "G'day...." He's eyeing those clothes with mild concern but alot of curiosity himself. "Watcha got there...?"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Ash waves to Wisty as she goes to try the stuff on before turning to Alex, about to lead them to their changing room when- ah? Oh Hi Fiore!!! They wave to him!! ... Oh those were tall- "Good luck in those, Alex!" They encourage, unhelpfully.

"It's something to get lost in, to pass the time." Lethe puts a hand over her mouth as a little smile graces her face. "Will you now? And what sort of 'wild side' are you expecting?"

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

"A knife!" and they hold up a shirt to Jiemba "Actually a shirt." What they hold out seems to be a completely leather blouse, with velvet lining... "And and!" Wear this over it like holster!" and they hold out neon green/yellow nylon belts. 

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸 

"Oh jeez god fuck--" Yep he definitely got jumpscared, "I, huh-- you sure do! ... Whazzat" He curiously eyes the clothes on Natsumi's arms, then proceeding to tilt his head in Jiemba's direction.... and back to the clothes.... and back to Jiemba....

Albo | Jiemba🪃

Jiemba is mildly concerned at the knife comment, remembering the eyeliner. But it settles when he sees the clothes. "Huh..." He takes them, glancing at Auran and Kasper before looking back at Natsumi. "UH, do i go put them on now or?"

Ain | Fiore 

Fiore waved back to Ash as he stood there awkwardly. "So you found some things to try on?"

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Still fairly nervous, Alex takes a look at Fiores boots with a "Wooooah- but don't your feet hurt in those things??" and then pouts shooting Ash a look as he was clearly being teased. "I will!" And hes committed to try them on hes gonna break an ankle

He shurgs a bit, smiling in return even if he couldn't see hers. "I don't know, maybe under all the proper attire and books is some kind of screamo maniac. That'd be something to see." Hes very obviously joking

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

"Yes!!! I have a skirt or pants too for you! And stuff for you too Auran!!" then looks at Kasper "not enough sparkle in here for ikeman."

Ain | Fiore 

Fiore tilted his head confused. "But Alex, I always wear these heels when I cosplay. They don't hurt anymore."

🤺 Sir Nix/Dadte | Kasper 🦄

Looking over the clothes being given to Jiemba, Kasper blinked before laughing a little. “Yeah, should be worth a shot! Go ahead and try them on. ” Though at the mention of there not being enough sparkles for him, it was Kasper’s turn to be dejected. “Aww…  “ he said with a pout before it also hit him the next second. “Also my name is Kasper.”

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Natsumi stares for a solid second at Kasper. ".....Kassu-chan!"

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸

"Ah-- sure? I mean. If you wanna try it on. We have time--" Auran pipes up and coughs, turning his attention back to Natsumi and Kasper. "Oh don't worry buddy, I'm sure we can find a bottle of glitter to dump on you!" He snorts at the new nickname before settling back into curiosity. "... What'cha got for me, my guy?"

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Alex squinted up at him "Your feet scare me"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty, who chose this moment to come back from the changing rooms, comments "Well, the only way to get over some fears is to face them, I guess."

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

"Mm! I found this high low vest, ne? And these skirt pieces- We can sew it all together to make big drapey dress vest!!" and they show him.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

"... I should face his feet-?" Alex is very confused by this cryptic advice hes been given.

Ain | Fiore

Fiore is even more confused at this feet conversation. They were just talking about heels a second ago. "Why feet?"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

"I dunno, maybe, I came into this without any context so." Wisty takes a bite of a granola bar from her pocket. "Finding anything good?"

Albo | Jiemba🪃 

Jiemba coos, "Kassu-chan! That's so cute!" He nodded at the group, "I'll try them here soon, then!" He glances at Natsumi's picks for Auran, eyes going wide at the pieces. "Oooo Natsumi, your brain is so big"

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

"Oh! Then look!" Hew presents the high top pink shoes Fiore brought him "Look how nice they are! But im afraid I'll trip cause they're kinda tall..."

🤺 Sir Nix/Dadte | Kasper 🦄

“…Yeah, you got it!” And he gave them a supportive thumbs up for the name. The glitter comment from Auran that came after both made him cringe and laugh at the same time. “Oh jeez maybe for some makeup, but otherwise good luck getting any of that out of the laundry.”

Ain | Fiore

"Alex just doesn't understand that I got used to wearing heels." Fiore showed Wisty his boots, "Just these boots at the moment. I might look around for more."

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸

Auran's face seems to light up like a lightbulb at the things Natsumi's showing, a true grin finally coming back to mark its presence. "Oh shit!! That sounds cool!! Hell yeah!!"

He snorts at the laundry comment, remembering very well the........... maybe a little too creative arts and crafts his sister used to get into as a kid............... "Makeup then! .... Oh man I want glitter makeup that sounds fun"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty looks between the shoes, nodding contemplatively. "I mean, they might have a wide enough heel that you wouldn't wobble too much? But also if you feel like you're gonna break an ankle or something, better safe than sorry." She hums appreciatively at Fiore's boots. "Oooh, those are nice. I'm sure you could find some stuff to go with 'em, too, somewhere in-" waves at the massive store "-all this."

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Natsumi nods. "Mm mm! And we can find pants and sew the leftover to it for a skirt look"

Albo | Jiemba🪃 

"The laundry probably needed a little sparkle anyway" Jiemba laughs, "imma try to figure out how these nylon things are supposed to work with this fit in the changing room" He looks at the clothes in slight confusion before moving towards the changing room "be right back" He might actually need help LOL

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

"Well I still kinda wanna try them..." He looks around as Wisty motions and gets excited again "Yee! Lets look around more!- Oh, did Natsumi's outfit look nice??"

Ain | Fiore

"Yeah... I'll go ahead and look for something that can match this now..." Fiore bowed slightly and ruffled Alex's hair before he fucked off somewhere to a spot in the store.

🌌 Iné | Auran 🛸

Auran nodded energetically at Natsumi in agreement!! And then looked again at Jiemba's clothes... very....... confused by all the belts.......... how was that supposed to be worn................ 

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty pats Alex's head. "Well, if you break an ankle, I promise I'll at least try to heal it." She waves bye to Fiore as he goes and links arms with Alex. "Oh, yeah, it was pretty good - not reeeally my usual style, but trying other stuff can be fun sometimes, right?"

Albo | Jiemba🪃

Jiemba will making very confused noises from the changing room because he too is very unsure.

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Alex smiles and waves Fiore off, going a lil red from the hair ruffle before taking Wisty's arm and heading to look at some of the other racks. "Welllllll, that does make me more willing to try them!~" he smiles "And yeah! Hard to find your style if you don't try things out~ Maybe I could pick you out something next!"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Ash waves to Fiore and looks to Wisty and Alex, following after them. "Yeah, trying new things is half the fun, I think! And you'll never know if you never try!" They chime in, before settling in to just watch as Alex puts the offer out for Wisty.

".... What is 'screamo'?" Lethe asks, confused. Sorry Jamie, have fun teaching Lethe modern music-

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty laughs and squeezes Alex's arm. "Sure, if you want to try, feel free. Want me to try and find something for you, too? We can trade."

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

"OH! YESS! Thats way more fun!! Wanna do a three way trade?" He asks turning to offer to Ash as well as they catch up with them.

Jamie has realized he might've made a mistake. "Uh... Its kinda like.. rock? But with screaming for the vocals- I guess.. Harder to explain without hearing it I guess." 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | Ash 🌠Lethe🗡

Ash giggles and bounces in place. "Actually, I was thinking the same thing!!! So I'd be down, if Wisty doesn't mind!"

Lethe looks a little more confused, before an idea comes to mind. "How about you show them to me when I get back, if it would be easier to show than tell?"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Wisty gives a thumbs up. "Yeah, I'm up for it, let's go~"

👽 Bennie | Alex 🌸 Jamie 🐺

Alex nods excitedly, but then has a thought and quick checks the time on his phone "Oh, we might need to do it fast though- What time does this place close?...."

"Oh, sure, I can. There are a few screamo bands I used to be pretty into, but I havent listened to their recent stuff." He looks around the store once more "Actually, wouldnt mind heading back soon."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Wisty checks her phone too. "Ahhh shit. Yeah we better be quick-" she gives a quick wink and disappears off between the clothing racks to go hunt for things.

👻 Bec | Romeo 🥀Natsumi👁👅👁

Everyone continues to try on clothes, assemble outfits, and question Natsumi's seemingly transportation abilities in clothes racks. Many things are found, many things are bought, RIP to their wallets. Good Job!