Joining the crew

1 year, 9 months ago

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After hearing about the commotion earlier today at Sal's ship, Syn decided to hang out at the Marina. She overheard some kiamaras talking about crews and stuff. 'What's all that about?' She wondered, she better go find out. 

She headed towards the beach where she spotted a friend of hers, Cenvi, the brown spotted 'Mara called out her name in pure excitement. 

"Syn! Over here." She shouted. Syn headed over. 

"What's happening?" Syn said. 

"They're recruiting temporary crew mates to help find the stolen jewels and the little tin can. I heard you can make your own crew too. How cool is that!" Cenvi told syn excitedly.

"That's pretty cool, I'm going to make my own crew. Do you want in?" Syn decided instantly that she was going to make her own. She ain't one to work well with others that she doesn't know that well. She needs to trust the people she's working with, especially something as serious as finding the stolen items and the tin can. 

Cenvi looked at her, bewildered that she made a decision so fast. "Hell yea, I'll join ya crew. I'll be here waiting when you gather more." Cenvi responded to syn. 

"Awesome, I know a couple of others who may want to join. Bye cenvi." She waved goodbye to her friend and headed to the bar. She knows someone who is quick witted and fairly sneaky. She's a bit shady but has a good heart. It was her friend Melantha, a bar waitress. She headed to the prancing pony, a nice cosy tavern. It was always busy and hopefully Mel can spare a few minutes to talk. The tavern was dark and loud, kiamaras dancing and having a merry time. Even though it was about midday, you could mistake it for night time when you're inside. The dim building was lit by torches on the side of the stone walls. 

She spotted Mel talking to some rowdy patrons, and she walked over to her quickly.  

"Sup syn. What brings you here? It's not like you to come here." She asked curiously. 

Syn rarely comes to the tavern, occasionally and with friends. Never on her own though as she preferred cafes and diners. 

"I'm making a crew to find the stolen jewels and the tin can. We're meeting at the beach later today. Are you in?" Syn asked.

"Uhhhh.... unfortunately I'd lose some pay if I were to go join you.... unless you can offer me a coin or something in return. I also have a friend that's interested in these types of things. I think you met him once. " She responded bashfully. 

"I'll offer you what I have in my pocket and a percentage of what we manage to bring back." Syn offered. 

"I'll take it, Junichi and I will be there. At this time of day, he'd be fishing on the pier. Tell him I sent ya and he will know."

"Does Junichi get some of your coins?" Syn asked jokingly but Melantha didn't hear as she turned her back and was across the tavern continuing with her work. "I guess not." Syn giggled, she always admired the slyness of Mel. 

She headed off to the pier, the sunlight burning her eyes as her eyes slowly adjusted to the daylight. "Damn eyes, it was only a few minutes in the prancing pony." She muttered to herself as she rubbed her eyes. 

'She didn't tell me what he looks like....' she groaned. 'Just look for a kiamara fishing on the pier. Surely he'd be there.' She thought to herself optimistically. 

She walked on the wooden platforms, the sea breeze ruffling her fur. She shivered, regretting not bringing a jacket with her. The scent of sea salt wafted in the air, she does like the smell of the sea. She can't wait to have her own crew, alas this would be her last crewmate if he decides to join. She saw several kiamaras fishing on the pier and recognised none of them. She gulped and took a big breath in. "Hey, I'm looking for Junichi, has anyone seen him?" She asked the fishermen.  

"Shhh you'll scare away the fish." One of them growled at her. 

She looked down at being scolded, but looked back up again. She had gone to see Junichi, and she saw a Kiamara waving at her and signalling to walk back to the start of the pier. They headed off in silence until they reached the start of the pier. 

"Sorry about that, they don't usually like people talking loudly or at all up there." He apologised for the kiamara that scolded her. "I'm Junichi, what brings you here?" He asked curiously. 

"Hi, I'm sorry about the commotion before. I didn't want to be the cause of the lost fish." 

Junichi laughed hysterically, "They're just grumpy that they haven't caught any fish at all - even if it was silent!" 

Syn giggled, "I'm glad I didn't cause too much of a mess, I was here to find you. Melantha told me you had an interest in these things. I'm making a crew to find the stolen items." 

Junichi's eyes glowed in curiosity and happiness, "Mel was right! I do love adventures. Count me in!" His enthusiasm is contagious. 

Later that day, Cenvi, Mel, Junichi and Syn had met at the beach. There were heaps of kiamaras there, some clustered together. 

While the others were talking, syn slipped away to see what the other kiamaras were doing. 

A kiamara approached her, "so this is ya crew?" They asked curiously while they pointed to the crew that syn had assembled.

"Yes, that is them!" Syn replied excitedly. 

"What's your thoughts on them?" The stranger asked. "Do you think your crew has what it takes?"

"Mel is smart and cunning, and very sly. I think she'd be able to outwit anyone and even gain some coin from it." Syn laughed. "Cenvi, she's always watching people like a hawk, she always knows what's going on and all the towns gossip. She has a bunch of skills too. She's pretty crafty when needed but also a bit lazy. And Junichi, I've just met him.. I think I met him before but I can't remember him. He seems very kind and full of enthusiasm, I'm sure I can trust him." Syn replied, she trusts her crew with her life, even though she just met one of them but he seems kind. 

"I'm sure we've got what it takes with all our different skill sets. We'll get to the bottom of this and find the stolen jewels and find the little tin can." Syn declared.