Feather trial

1 year, 9 months ago

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Andromeda woke up after a well-rested nap, the sky a beautiful mix of orange, blue and purple as the sun was setting. 

She's been waiting for this moment for ages, she has finally reached the age where she can participate in the Feather trial. She was determined to get her feather as soon as possible. She lived in the town of Manabane, she always loved the colours here. Everyone's been talking about the calamity and how everyones stirred up by it, afraid at most, and being so close to it. She decided this would be the best way to earn her feather. 

She gathered her satchel, a map of solaria, a water bottle, a sketchbook and some snacks. 

The town was busy with kiamaras bustling about their evening. Even when the sun is setting, the town is still awake. She doesn't know why she waited till the evening, she just always likes to see the night sky. 

She finally reached the calamity, well the beginning of it. She went as far as she could before an outer force stopped her in her tracks. She could go no further, this was as far as the other brave kiamaras have reached. She grabbed out her sketchbook, and waited to see if anything was there. Maybe she could find out about the decay that's been happening? 

Night time had long fallen, stars sparkled in the darkness. The moon was full casting a light glow on the land below. 

She started sketching what she could see, it wasn't much but she swore she saw a shadow. It could've been anything really, a critter or her mind playing tricks on her. She was a bit scared but stayed a while longer. 

She closed her sketchbook and noticed a feather, she had received her feather for her bravery of trying to find out what the calamity is. Even though she didn't discover anything new, only the brave got this far.