The feather hunt

1 year, 9 months ago

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It was a cool breezy day as Mal wandered around the streets of Pandrea, he had completed his feather trial but had wondered what if there is more? He was originally from Newport and travelled all the way to Pandrea by boat and hiking the rest of the way on foot. He had been talking to Sal before about feather hunting and selling feathers for coins, but he also thought about what Benji had said during his trial, that feathers are special and may be the only hope to find out more about the calamity. He doesn't know what to think, he does however, believes that feathers are in fact special. Why else would they have to prove their might to receive them and go on special quests to find them.

He thought some more, maybe he could find more feathers and keep them for himself. It's a tough decision for him since he does love his coins but something about what Benji said about feathers stuck with him more than what Sal had told him. He cares more about feathers than coins as tough as that decision was. He thinks that Sal should humour in Benji's whole 'feathers are the salvation' thing  and see more from his point of view. Mal also thinks that Sal is smart to sell feathers and making money off of them since so many 'maras do love them. Sal must make a lot of profit. He believes Benji in every word he says, especially regarding feathers.

He decided on one thing for sure, he is going to hunt for more feathers. He chose that the best place to hunt today is the bootleg bog, it was close to the calamity as well. Perhaps he may find something out about it as well while he hunts for feathers. He also chose bootleg bog because he had heard plenty of stories from other kiamaras that it was home to rare and strange feathers. He has never been to Bootleg bog before, he gathered his supplies; a rope, a flashlight, bottle of water, snacks, map and a flare in case he gets lost.

He went on a small boat that crossed river channels and eventually, arrived at Bootleg Bog. He believes his treasure lays inside the deep dark cavern. He climbed his way up the rocky trail that led up to the caverns entrance, 'this is it', he declares after looking at his map. He grabbed his torch and cautiously walked into the entrance of the cavern. Moisture was dripping from the caverns rooftop, falling onto pinnacles of rock formations. He looked around and saw several tunnels leading deeper into the cavern, he thought of an old nursery rhyme that he remembered from his childhood at newport. It was used to help make a decision without thinking too much about it... eenie …. meenie .... miney .... mo. His finger landed on the central tunnel. With a gulp, he strode towards it with a swift pace. He was ready to find some more treasure and feathers, more importantly feathers.

While being in the dark, hardly seeing much in front of him, he thought more about Benji.. Maybe Mal could potentially be the saviour of solaria, or well... maybe he could help solaria. He doesn't think that he'll be the sole saviour, maybe there's a group of saviours and not just one mara. Maybe he could be the one to help figure out what the calamity is, how it appeared here and what the rifts are. He believes Benji is wise.

Mal encountered another split in the tunnel he was in, should he go left or right. He blindly went into the left one, he didn't have time to sing nursey rhymes while he was in here. When he first arrived at Bootleg bog it was early morning, being in the dark, he has no idea what time it is. He continued on, the path was heading uphill and then took a turn right, and went downhill. He had to avoid rock formations while he was walking. Being alone in a pitch black cave had him thinking again, he admired Sal with having the guts to sell special -or- so called special items. If he wasn't believing in Benji, he would've went feather hunting for Sal - instead of himself. He reached the end of this tunnel, perhaps something was there awaiting him.