Peace and Betrayal

1 year, 9 months ago

And that was how she finds herself massaging her temples as the brunette made pathetic sniffles, the redhead looking remorseful and the blonde looking tense as if ready for an outburst. She likes them on good days, to be honest. But really, can they not do all this drama in front of her?

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It was inevitable that her shared room was going to be the target for this... little get-together

She does not completely buy their excuse of missing the nights at the inn thus this impromptu sleepover. Logic suggests they had always planned for it - probably for days now - and had taken into consideration the large probability she won't join them. A part of her finds it endearing, that they know her well enough for now that such a childish act was not something she would participate in. On the other, they are brats that set her up to be unable to say no - using her room as a venue

After all, she was the only one still staying at the inn - forget Alistair literally being the one to run the place because his living quarters were shared with two other people - who, in the blonde's own words, may be too overwhelmed having their private space invaded by unfamiliar faces. As if the man had no authority to lend them one of the unused rooms for the sleepover, he just smiled that knowing smile, telling her there was no use to put up a fight...

Plus... they used the excuse of it being her last day at the inn before moving out to that new building she now shares with the florists. Licorice, in protest, had asked if it wasn't more logical to have a celebratory sleepover in the new building instead but it all fell on deaf ears

If she didn't actually enjoy their company every now and then, she'd be throwing the lot of them out - though she wasn't gonna broadcast that. There was no doubt these brats - and she calls them this with whatever endearment in her she can muster - were fully aware by how they easily sidestep her narrowed eyes and drag her to their tune anyway

And they promised her a night free of Dylan... so there was that. Her darling fiancée had been shipped off to Alistair's own room for the night as the latter took residence in his. Fair exchange

He had been warned not to touch anything of importance there so there was no worries. Besides, she doubts Dylan would pry into the financial report of the inn sitting dutifully in the other blonde's desk - the man was allergic to anything work-related

Still though, as much of a night owl she can be, even her social fuel can be run to empty... and so does the others, apparently

If prompted, Licorice cannot promise she can recount step by step how they reached this situation. It had been going smoothly if the others' gleeful laughter were to go by. The small dinner of sandwiches and soup had long since been cleared, while their plates of desserts had been scattered on the floor, surrounding them. She and Alistair had started to share a bottle - or two, she can't tell - of wine between them. He talked the youngest of the bunch into some sort of activity. Rune had been among the wine-goers, the blonde could never resist a good wine - but she had soon wandered off to the younger half to see what it is they were concocting

Then... whatever this was going on now broke both of them from whatever buzz they had

Her eyes had narrowed at this childish display, tinted lips parted in a reprimand but Alistair grabbed the inside of her arm, head shaking no...

The brunette, with her fluffy pajamas and cutesy hairstyle, pointed her betrayed look at the male redhead, voice quivering as she pleaded, "You don't have to do this"

"... It needs to be done", he shook his head

If it was possible, her voice broke even more, eyes shining with unshed tears, "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you"

Licorice couldn't hide her wince, and even Alistair sported a grimace. Those were definitely strong words coming from Noelle - and directed at Locke, this was getting pretty serious. Sooner or later, they'll need to cut this - before anything else might be said that either party regrets. They should get in-between and mediate now, right? She glanced at Alistair and the man was immobile

"... You don't really mean that...", Locke whispers in disbelief, his eyebrows crunching in concern. 

An unexpected voice cut in, "I am on Noelle's side for this one"

If anyone saw how her eyebrows shot up behind her hair, Licorice had a perfect excuse for that. Little miss peace-keeper Rune? The one who always broke up fights no matter how absurd it was - actually picking a side? 

She wasn't the only one shocked by this either, if the raw expression on Locke's face were any indication

"This is going too far, Locke", Rune shakes her head, "We used to be your friends. We thought we were"

The redhead stuttered, ready to defend himself. "Of course you guys are, but - "

"How you are acting now says otherwise"

That clammed him up. The words were short and precise. Licorice could feel her temple throbbing, and it wasn't even from the wine anymore. Before she could consider playing mediator once more, all three conversation participants took on various resolute expressions - Noelle accepting, Locke determined and Rune neutral

Locke stretched his palm outward, sliding that damnable piece of paper in the center of their loose circle, explaining, "Life is harsh, Noelle. You will learn it soon". Once he draws his hand back, everyone can perfectly read those dreaded words, "Draw four cards"

The cry of frustration came from the brunette as she had been the target of such treachery. The blonde simply brandishes her 15 cards with ease as she mumbled, "I cannot believe this"

"You are all children"

Rune says nothing in defense, offering her empty glass instead for a refill

She massages her temple and glares at the blonde across from her, shaking his head fondly at their antics. Trust these brats to turn a simple game of UNO to something about life and death. "You had to give them the paper and pens, didn't you?"