Too Many Apples!!

1 year, 8 months ago
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Sasha poured over recipe books for hours, collecting anything that even mentioned apples, after Dahlia let her know what her next task around the Acres would be. It wasn’t a huge challenge, after all, Sasha was always happy to find an excuse to spend hours working on food. What better reason than to help a friend? She ate a few of the apples herself in the time it took to sort everything out, though it really didn’t do anything to thin the hoard. Once she’d listed out everything she wanted to make, it was time to solicit her family for help! Of course, no one really wanted to work away in a kitchen for ages… So, Sasha got to working on things by herself!

Originally, Wirt had protested when Sasha asked him for some help with the absolutely hilarious amount of apples that Dahlia had dumped on her, so she was pleasantly surprised when he stepped into the kitchen carrying a whole basket of them. She asked him if he’d changed his mind, and he only nodded, then got to washing them. Sasha absolutely beamed, excited that he was going to spend some time with her! It wasn’t often that the moody little Arborling spent time with his supposed ‘mother’, after all!

She helped him find an apron that would keep him safe from any messes, and once he was all suited up, they got to work! Wirt’s job was to sort ingredients into measurements for her, and hers was to prepare everything else! She promised Wirt a little bonus treat once everything was over with, but for now, they both had a lot of work on their hands! Sasha got out as many cups as she had, as well as all her measuring devices, and helped Wirt through the first few recipes’ worth of things, before giving him a little encouraging nudge and moving to her own area to begin mixing batters and doughs together!

They mainly worked in silence, Wirt carefully focusing on cutting up apples and measuring flours, and Sasha counting the minutes and temperatures in her head. After a while, Wirt started humming as he worked, and Sasha joined in almost immediately. Her mixing became rhythmic, seeming to move even faster now that she was working off a beat. She glanced back at her helper, and had to suppress a little giggle at the joyous smile on his face. It wasn’t very often that he was in a good mood, after all! She’d best not ruin it.

When it was time to start putting things into ovens and over stoves, Sasha carefully instructed Wirt on what to do, and set him on transferring her baking sheets into the oven. He did well, for his first time really cooking! Other than the surprise at the weight and a little stumble, he didn’t falter once. Sasha had her hands full between frying dough balls and checking that her sauces were boiling, so it was lucky enough that he didn’t need any help!

Once everything was done and finally they were able to take off their aprons, Wirt stood with his arms on the counter, sadly staring at the menagerie of treats they’d created.

“What’s wrong, hon?” Sasha hummed, picking up a baked apple and taking a bite, offering it to the Arbroling once she was finished. He didn’t reply, only shaking his head, pouting as he took the treat from her, nibbling off a small portion of it. Sasha didn’t want to press him for an answer, so she simply didn’t. If he was upset, she’d try another way to help out!

Rather than the two of them sitting here, staring at their success alone, she started placing things on trays to carry, giving two of the lighter ones to Wirt, and taking three by herself. It was tricky to balance them, but she did her best! After all, there was no way that they’d eat all these themselves! They had to share the wealth!

The first batch of treats went back to Dahlia as a thank you for the apples to begin with, and the rest, Sasha and Wirt carried around Cafe Central to give to anyone who seemed like they needed a treat! Of course, there were leftovers still on Sasha’s kitchen counter, but the important part was the fact that the two of them had managed to use up every apple except one of them! Thankfully, Wirt was hungry enough for something without dough and sugar added that he picked up the last apple and left the room, heading to bed with a snack. It was a busy day, and a little Arborling like him could only handle so much.