Short Story-Jay

1 year, 8 months ago

Just a little mini story I felt like writing. Enjoy!

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Jay stood on top of Mount Ebott. Like the countless other AUs that have been trapped underground this one always ended the main story at sunset. AUs had the tendency to reset shortly after the monsters were freed, but this one hasn’t… Yet, the players were unreasonable and they sure as hell weren’t consistent with when they ended the stories of the worlds they visited. Sometimes they killed everyone, sometimes they spared everyone, and other times they set things into chaos and watched everyone crumble into chaos. Seeds of chaos these players were, he liked it though. It gave Jay a reason to look into their stories, it gave Jay adventures that he sure as hell was thankful to the creators for. Battles were exciting and all, but sometimes he liked sitting back and watching the stories unfold. Sometimes he even accompanied the hosts of the players, sometimes he would intervene, either on the players/hosts behalf, or on other characters' behalf. Jay especially found it interesting when those ‘hosts’ never had a player in the first place. Frisk, Charas, Alizas, Bettys. They were all interesting seeds of chaos. Especially when they were keenly aware of the consequences of their actions. He could watch these stories all day everyday. But what interested him the most these days were the lives these characters could live without the players or creators intervening. And that’s what he was currently watching over. Everyone was leaving like they usually do, and he watched Frisk make their choice to stay with Toriel, and as they were leaving he caught Frisk's eye and he waved at them. They waved back happily before leaving with Toriel. He helped them out of some sticky situations a few times but not too much as to not catch Inks eye. He’s had a few incidents where he intervened on the story too much and was dragged into a few battles with Ink. He was such a buzzkill, luckily Jay has perfected his ways of intervening. Hell he even learned how to weave some of his code into the stories so nothing was too suspicious. Though he never left any of his code behind, unless he specifically wanted to forget something. But with AUs being destroyed more frequently thanks to Error, his code almost always came back to him. Anyways, he watched the sunset for a few more minutes, then once the sun went down he hopped off his spot on top of the mountain. And walked his way down wondering where this specific side story was going to go.

Author's Notes

Man I had such an urge to write this. I love my boy Jay but I can't do much as of storywise for this man. Love thinking of him as a little aware of the stories and players and his own code. I love having him adventure places. The AU or timeline this was set in is up to interpretation! Enjoy thinking about where this man could go!