Domain of Kuvollik

1 year, 8 months ago

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Domain of Kuvollik




Main Population

Utopys angels



Naturally Occurring Magic2


Known For

A certain feeling of comfort and safety as soon as one enters the domain.
Uniquely potent resources for storing and amplifying holy magic, commonly found in the craftmanship of utopys angels.
Food and drink suddenly appearing for those in need seemingly without explanation.
Rowdy but friendly inhabitants; very happy-go-lucky and unbothered.


Main Religions






Places found here

Type: Capital city


Truly the epitome of "If everyone lends a hand we'll get there in no time!". The culture in Korteq is very focused around everyone helping anyone with what they can and what they have energy for, especially doing so with a smile and good spirits. Thus, if anyone should ever need something they just need to ask and a group of people will be there to help, no questions asked and nothing expected in return aside that the person helps someone else with the same mindset.
This mentality has largely created the phenomenon that everyting in the capital is free, given that the resources needed are not hard to get. Having everything they need be at their disposal also serves to help everyone pursue what they truly want to do as well as gives opportunities to take breaks and relax without worry, providing most with a passion and energy for their craft that is seldom seen elsewhere.
The free access to things has also brought with it a rather loose mentality for material wealth, however. No object can't be replaced, and should something accidentally get destroyed then what's the issue? They'll create another one to replace it! Destruction is, on top of that, a great way to create something new, resulting in it never being seen as bad when something is destroyed but rather as an opportunity, as long as it wasn't done with ill-intent. This mentality can be an issue for people who don't hold the same ideals seen as it is quite hard to remake things such as mementos or other material wealth that holds emotional value. Suffice to say that the people of Korteq don't tend to have such items.

All that being said, they do not take kindly to people with ill-intent, nor to those who only wish to take and never give. While helping and being there for others is a large part of their culture, taking care of oneself is as well. You can't truly help anyone if you aren't in good shape yourself, after all. Thus, should a person with such intentions be found in Korteq and show no interest in bettering themselves, they will promptly be banned from the capital and escortet outside its bounds, and to times even the entire Domain of Kuvollik.



Ruling System

Korteq has an absence of a government. Rules and laws are only required when dealing with outsiders since the native residents are inherently helpful, kind, and non-malicious. The consistent mutual want to help others become their best has led to this utopian-like society which is based- and dependent on the continuation of the selflessness, kindness, and passion of their residents.

Known For

Their utopian-like society build upon trust, inherent kindness, and eagerness to help others.
Secondarily known for their excellent blacksmiths and artifact crafters both magical and non-magical, as well as their uncanny work philosophies.
Not to mention that everything is free for residents, unless the items are hard to get by. For tourists and other outsiders, things like drinks and food are also free.


1 Cloudland is a biome that is, you guessed it, located in the clouds. Completely detached from solid ground or sea, cloudland is forever floating above it instead. Consisting of mostly firm clouds which can be walked upon, it exhibits a unique type of flora that can survive on the direct sunlight from the sky and the moisture found in the solid clouds. Its fauna is usually winged or otherwise able to fly.

2 Magic in Krakrasien is divided up into five main categories; Celestial, Chaotic, Holy, Unholy, and Natural (A sixth artificial category exists which is not commonly counted; Arcane).
These five main categories are naturally occurring across the entire world but will be stronger in some places than others. While all five categories are always present even if very faintly so, one or two categories will always be strongly present and able to be drawn energy from. It is extremely rare for one category to be entirely missing, and even more rare for all five to be strongly present or entirely gone. Magical power can only be drawn from categories that are strongly present for the vast majority, and so these are the magic categories listed in the Naturally Occurring Magic section.

html by Goldbeauti