Hymn of Destiny

1 year, 9 months ago
1 year, 9 months ago
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Chapter 2
Published 1 year, 9 months ago

a recount of the magical changes bas went through after visiting the reach, only because writing individual stories for each would be A LOT. each chapter is a different experience explained, up until his magic has fully changed.

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The Sunless Jungle

**CW: GORE**

The memories are slow to return as he tries to put as much distance between himself and Mead as possible. He relives them; the fear, the symptoms, the visions. Sometimes they are hallucinations in the middle of the day. Sometimes they are nightmares, keeping him awake for days on end.

The worst of it, though, is his knee.

The pain woke him up in the dead of night, as though something has ripped through his knee.  When he finally manages to pull away his pant leg, he is met with blood pouring from exposed bone and tendon. It soaks his hands and his sleeves in a sickening crimson. The pain is unbearable. He cannot help but beg for help that he knows isn’t there. He thinks of Lasair and her magic - her corruption - and wonders if his is doing the same.

Help does come, in the form of a man named Moacir. Though it is hard to believe, Basileios is assured that his knee is fine and he must simply ride it out- the memories, they realize. He is reliving everything his magic had made him forget before.

He is grateful that Moacir stays with him, even though he is no more than a stranger losing his mind. He finds himself talking more than he typically would, perhaps to get through the pain. He's sure most of it is nonsense, but nonsense is all he can muster. Fuck, it hurt so bad.

When they part, Basileios lies about feeling stronger after being able to rest. In fact, he feels worse. The sun is too bright. The air is too hot. He can hear each wingbeat of the bugs in his ears. His mind no longer hallucinates, but it is so, so, so terribly foggy…