The Memories That Bind Us

5 years, 4 months ago

Valkyrie's life as a young toskal.

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Valkyrie had always had an interesting childhood to say the least. She knew little about her father, but it was probably the same amount her mother knew. She knew he had been an apex, but not much else. She and her twin Max, were born and raised while their mother was on her rite. And as they grew older they helped her establish her tribe.

As her mother neared the end of her rite, she watched her hate, and fall in love. She saw a pair that couldn't be matched. That could face any challenge and succeed. A deadly force that wouldn't be ignored and wouldn't be forgotten.

Valk wanted to be a warrior. She spent her free time training, against piled of sand. Being raised in the sand religion she always thanked the dunes for allowing her to use them to grow strong. She trained with a series of blades, one in each hand and one for her tail. She also taught herself how to use a bow proficiently.

The young teen was intelligent. She had even been the one to propose the rope water collection system. Her and her mother spend weeks setting it up. Furiosa had beamed with pride upon seeing the idea work, the large ropes holding enough water for them to drink from. As the tribe gre they'd simply need to add more.

Valkyrie was ecstatic when toskal's began to call the tribe their home. She watched her mother's mate give her a sister, a strong fiery little alpha. She never wanted anything more than what she had. She was happy. This was home.