Ball dances

1 year, 8 months ago
1 year, 8 months ago
3 3251

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 8 months ago

SC logs (September 2022)

Logs for Auran's various dances at the ball.

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yes the boys danced


the boys DID dance!


id say they probably caught how a waltz works fhsnbd

not super well but

got the rhythm down at least


yeah, i think they def fell into a rhythm and faked it til they made it! And I think they had a fun time with it too regardless

i think once they fell into a rhythm, Jiemba would probably just check in with him as they moved along, leading him with a gentle tempo. "So, how's the weather in there?" Gentle forehead bump


yee auran was the one pulling jiemba along with a confident ass grin when they started dancing but i think very quickly he let jiemba take the lead again

grin settling into soft smile


man so confident when neither of them know wtf they're doing initially, i love that))


sighing when jiemba asks that and just kinda rests his head on jiembas shoulder like "eh... partially cloudy with a chance for overcast"

gdksbdks he had his 5 minutes of confidence before giving up


Jiemba Hums, "Gotcha gotcha...Would a...brisk back slap help any??" A puff of a laugh, "I still can't believe they did that"


"oh my god please dont" snorts

"eehhhh... in hindsight im not surprised"

"its natsumi, bro. always expect the unexpected."


"Oh, right right, I see where I fcked up" 

"I had 0 expectations, so it caught me of guard as hell" 

"....It uh....seemed to help out though?? In a way. Abrupt as it was"

"How do you feel about....I guess, the 'group' decision?"


"i mean. i guess??? it sure did fuckin distract me from the rising panic--"

"i, huh,, mm,,, well ive thought from the start that the whole... 'occult killing an activist for occult rights' didnt really seem right in my head?? but i couldnt figure out a why"

"like it feels like we're missing something"

"a 'why' piece to make it make sense"

"and the thing jarno said made me,,,, connect dots, i guess?? it made sense"

"and i dont like the sense it made"

"i just,,, hope that if that really is the case it can just... be explained"


Jiemba nods, "Jarno really made a hell of alot of sense with that. And I wouldn't even be surprised if that's the case even" 

"I hope thats the case too. Because its just...strange other wise" 

"And a bad look for our occult mates. Which I'm beyond damn sure some parties would love to see" His face turns visibly dark at that "The lengths people will fckin' go."


aurans face just goes back to a sad frown and he buries his face in jiembas shoulder

wrapping his arms around him

time to do the prom dance sway instead of actual dancing

bc no way u can dance hugging


Not like that not Jiemba doesn't hesitate,  hugs him back, swaying gently 

Resting his chin on his head  "....Sorry, possum, didn't meant to chase your smile away by souring the mood with my questions n shit..." 

"I love seeing your smile"


"no-- no, its fine, really-- its not your fault"

squeezes him tighter

"it was... already there, anyway"

"the thoughts, i mean"

"they'd... come back one way or another"

kisses his shoulder but still doesnt feel like lifting his head

swaying feels soothing and hes just gonna stay like that for a sec thskbf


Jiemba kisses the crown of Auran's head "Right..." 

I feel like the probably sway for a nice while, merely enjoying eachothers company, but probably absorbed in their own thoughts 

"Y'know, I know I keep saying this, but you are so damn pretty tonight" 

"Like i keep having to do double takes" "Ugh, i am not worthy"


snorts into his shoulder

and jiemba can probably just feel

the smirk coming back

"daw please, you're plenty worthy and more"

"look at you all stylish"

"in gold and black like a gourmet brand"

finally looks back up at him and hes just staring into his eyes

lost in the sauce


That snort and smirk fuel him and he's just grinning already, even if he can't see that expression immediately 

A light laugh "You are so damn sweet and give me way to much credit" 

"I am merely here to catch people's attention with my bling, but you're the beaut that's gonna suck 'em in" 

"What with your snorty laugh, and smile, and your everything

Soon as he makes eye contact with him, Jiemba is captivated 

for the longest time 

and then just holds his cheeks, mumbles real silently "You are going to make me act unwise as hell at this establishment if you keep looking this good, I swear to God" Before giving him a big, very shamless kiss

"And thats not a complaint"

me typing this, "ya'll gay as hail"))


hes just melting, doesnt even have words to respond

just lost staring at his face with a soft ass smile

slight nervous giggle and red face at the compliments bc hes def still not used to that

"well i guess both of us are gonna have to behave today cus we're not gonna do anything weird on the job" with a teasing smirk before kissing him back

...... and then notices the way the fabric thingies attached to his hands move around jiemba and hes lost playing with those instead

what is an attention span

little giggly "hehe"s as he moves them around and then just wraps his arms around jiembas shoulders


Jiemba groans dramatically, "Fiiiineee , I will hold back my base need to ravage you in only the way weirdos know how until we are no longer working"

Jiemba just slow blinking as Auran gets so thoroughly DISTRACTED by his flowy clothes, but he's also watching them interest now

he is LAUGHING when Auran finally wraps his arms around him again, "Heheh, easily distracted AND entertained are we???"



auran just snorts so loud at that

"yeah babe you can do whatever you want when we're back to the hotel but not here"

"well. i wanna check up on david first"



"Def need to check on David first"


".... also yes very easily distracted and entertained"

"very very easily"

"there are no thoughts behind these eyes"

"well there are too many thoughts actually. maybe thats the real problem"


"I was about to say"

these boys are ridiculous

also Jiemba gonna need to grab a selfie of them gotta show the fam back home how pretty one of his bfs looked today

sorry Auran, you are bragged on sm


omfg jiemba




he will gladly take a selfie


Jiemba appreciates him so much! his family is nosey and his parents and sister want ALL the tea

but def see them probably going their separate was after this to dance with their other friends, but they end up walking back to the hotel together after its all done, arm in arm

stop and get their sunshine boy some soup and tea

having two partners has its perks

