A collection of the Past

1 year, 8 months ago
1 year, 8 months ago
2 1365

Entry 1
Published 1 year, 8 months ago

Mild Violence

The footprints in the sand, a steady heartbeat and the chirping of the birds keeping them company — that’s the life Umbra had always known. Their parents were always travelling, according to their stories even before Umbra and Luna had been born. It was unclear where the two were born, but it never really mattered as no matter where it was, they’d never grow up there.

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Author's Notes

Word Count: 559 Words +5
Milestone Bonus +2
Backstory +1
Dialogue +2
Prompt B3: +10

= 20G

Where are you from?

The footprints in the sand, a steady heartbeat and the chirping of the birds keeping them company — that’s the life Umbra had always known. Their parents were always travelling, according to their stories even before Umbra and Luna had been born. It was unclear where the two were born, but it never really mattered as no matter where it was, they’d never grow up there.

Umbra grew up wherever the wind was leading the small magical family, always walking and rarely stopping for anything unless it was to stock up their resources. Occasionally, their father would go out alone and come back with expensive treats for the family and more often than not their mother would scold him for whatever reason. They had never disclosed what it was for, but the children were smart and they could assume it was for things like theft or extreme bargaining. After all, they’d been on shopping trips with their parents before.

Suddenly, Luna ran some steps forward, with an excited gasp before turning to the rest of the family. “Look, the ocean!” she had called out. Umbra quickened their pace, walking to where Luna was standing before watching the blue ocean, as the sun sparkled in the waters below. The waves were crashing against the rock formations at the bottom of the cliff and it seemed like the seagulls at the bottom didn’t seem to mind the water at all.

“Don’t stand too close to the edge,” their father called out with a laugh, as Aurora shook her head, equally amused. Their parents were rather carefree most of the time, rarely letting in on how they truly feel about situations — or they were always like this, and there was nothing the two were hiding from their children.

They had just crossed the border between Siregal and Ivras, after spending years in the North. According to Tenebris, Siregal was his home nation, and Aurora mentioned that she was born near Faline, which resulted in Tenebris’ expression turning sour, but whatever made him react like that, he didn’t say that to the young children. Instead he changed the topic to talk about Ritha’s landscape, telling stories of places neither Umbra nor Luna had ever seen.

“Dad, where were we born?” Luna asked suddenly, resulting in their parents to exchange a glance before their gaze seemed to glide over to the ocean.

“I’m not sure, actually,” he admitted after thinking for a bit, “it was near one of Siregal’s villages, but I don’t recall which one, do you Aurora?” However, even their mother shook her head.

“All I recall from the place was that the people were like a big community, always helping one another, and when I told them that I was expecting you two, they pretty much made it clear that they were going to help. They also helped us refresh our stocks and showed us part of what they enjoyed teaching the young — pottery! It was pretty interesting and I believe we would have stayed for much longer after your birth if the road didn’t call us back.”

Umbra looked over to the colourful array of pottery their parents always used to carry with them and wondered if they were part of the things they took with them back then. Probably.