The Pride They Bring

5 years, 4 months ago

Valkyrie , Furiosa's oldest pup heads out on her rite.

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Valkyrie stood at the flat overlook above the market place. She smiled watching the toskals below. Mesquisa wasn't particularly large, but it was strong and thriving. She loved home, but now it was time to leave. She knew she'd be back if all went well and she survived. Of course, the rite was tough and unpredictable, who knew what would happen? 

She walked back into the chambers she shared with her brother and parents, she figured Max, would be leaving for his before too long as well. She hugged her family grabbing her bag and weapons. She had made enough arrows to last quite a while if she was smart with them and recycled when she could. Her blades all rested in sheaths on her hips and thighs, all decorated and sharpened. They should stay sharp throughout, though if needed she know how to sharpen them with stones.

She was nervous, but also shivering with anticipation. She was ready. She would succeed. She would survive. She'd come home. These were the only thoughts on her mind. Valkyrie left the warmth of her home and headed down the spiral cave system carved by some long dead tribe. 

As her toes hit the sand she inhaled deeply taking in the last scents of home as she headed toward the entrance. As she stepped passed the bounds she looked back toward the caves and up at the overlook. Her family was there watching her, seeing her off. She couldn't help but grin, excited to make them proud.