
1 year, 8 months ago

SC log (September 2022)

The boys tell David what happened at the fashion show

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Over the course of the night, David has been holed up in his room.  He can handle physical pain, but something about being sick always takes him out.  He spent most of the evening cocooned in a blanket playing on the switch before he fell asleep, curled up in the corner where his bed meets the wall.


((ok mood david))


Jiemba pulled out the room key, pressing it to the door. He pushes it open, peeking inside and seeing the David shaped lump in the corner of the bed. He glances back at Auran, "Do we scare him to death or do this gently?"


"I think there's been enough scares for the night" Auran peeks into the room behind Jiemba before quietly stepping in. 

"Daaaavid... Daaaaviiiiiiiiid..... Are you awake...." His voice still sounds slightly gone, even if barely noticeable anymore.


David blinks slowly, still peeking out from the blankets.  "mmrph?"  He shuffles a bit, and his hands appear out of the blankets to rub at his face.  "Mph, yeah, yeah I'm up."  He looks back at Auran and Jiemba, scanning over them.  "How'd the show go?"


Jiemba enters after Auran, turning on one of the dimmer lights so there would no tragic tripping. "Ah well" He scratches the back of his neck,  "would it be cool if Auran and I cleaned up first and got in some comfortable clothes? Tonight was..." He glances over at Auran, before looking back at David with an slight grimace, "Alot."


With more light in the room it definitely shows a lot better how tragic they look. Auran's face is still red from crying, his breath still vaguely shaky, not a single piece of hair in its right alignment. He runs his hands down his face and sighs. "Everyone and their mother got hurt, there's dead werewolves and an anti-occult group targeting all our heads."


David gives a small nod to Jiemba, a flash of concern crossing his face.  "Yeah, of course, you guys get settled first." 

It's when Auran says that, that David's eyes go wide.  When he speaks his voice is quiet, breathless.  "Did....people get killed? Are- Fuck, are you guys okay?" He shoves the blanket off of himself, scrambling up to walk over and hug them.


Jiemba's expression go from somber to worried when David gets up so quickly "Hold on, don't move so fast mate, you're sick--" He's cut off by the hug, pausing a bit before hugging back. 

"I...we're fine physically...those that got injured were healed but....yeah the...the werewolf designers....their family was..."   

He trails off. "Mate its...its really fcked up"


Auran doesn't manage words for a bit, only hugging back tightly. When he speaks again his voice is cracking and struggling to make a sound. "... There's... this militaristic group-- that are anti-occult, they-- the triplets were set up, they didn't-- they were lied to and--" And his voice is gone again as he buries his face in David's shoulder.


David holds the back of Auran’s head, keeping him close, his other arm wrapped around Jiemba’s waist.  “Their family? What do you mean they were set up? And what military group, did they attack during the event? Were they connected to the murder?”


"They..this military group..I can't recall the name right now.. They held their family hostage, and told them to give Elaine the arsenic we found. They told them it would just put her to sleep...and they would release their family after the deed was done but..." His eyes flash briefly with anger. "The bastards killed them anyway. The triplets were fckin coerced into this shit"


"Vitality" Auran pipes up, tightening the hug. He takes a few deep breaths to calm himself down again and pulls his head back up, still hugging David. "Yeah... and-- their leader is... kind of ridiculously strong and even Carlos seemed afraid of him..? Our leaders seemed to... know them..." And then he adds under his breath, "threw people around like ragdolls..."


David gently guides the two towards the bed, sitting down on the edge and keeping one arm wrapped around each.  His voice has hardened and gone quiet by now.  "I don't understand how this could've happened I mean-"  He squeezes his eyes shut, shaking his head.  "Is this group new?  Can't we go after them or something?"


Jiemba takes a seat, pressing close to David, "It sounded like they ARENT new...just went dormant for a bit? At least from what I could gather.  Like Auran mentioned, there seemed to be some history between the Vitality leader and the SC heads..." His expression turns frustrated, "Carlos didn't seem too eager for ANY of us to go after them....and seeing how powerful the leader I don't know"


Auran sits down too, head dropping sideways on David's shoulder as he talked. "I wasn't... paying much attention to what the guy was saying but-- I got the impression that our bosses thought they weren't... around anymore? I don't... know... what's gonna happen. He did... talk about targeting us... but I don't... fully grasp what the fuck that was about other than just... being major assholes" He squinted at nothing in specific as he added, "... he could make portals though..."


David frowns, eyes fallen to the ground in front of them.  "Portals?  What else could this guy do, you also said he was throwing people around?" 

He glances over at Jiemba.  "You said they...they killed the triplets family?  What happened to the triplets though?  Did everyone make it out?"


"Aside from being a fckin hypocritical bigot bastard who could apparently take being struck by magic lightning? He didn't show much else..." 

After a pause, he turns to David, "The triplets made it of them had actually left during the show to retrieve their family members but.." He makes a vague gesture, "The triplets are just as much victims as Elaine was..."


Auran nods slowly, "All of the people on our side made it out, but... so many people got hurt." He lowers his voice more, squinting at the floor. "Wisty, Jarno, Kasper, Romeo, Syd... even Carlos. We... couldn't really do anything to him..." He trails off, words seeming to be left hanging in the air before he sighs and rubs his face again. "...... Do y'all mind if I just go take a shower and change clothes first... Everything feels icky..."


David gently rubs Auran's back, giving a small nod.  "Of course.  We'll be here." 

He turns back to Jiemba.  "So....what now?  Has spectrecorps said anything about a follow up yet?  How do we keep this from happening again?"


Auran drags himself off to the bathroom 😔✌️


Jiemba's expression turns incredibly concerned as Auran moves off. Obviously very bothered. 

"Well" He starts, "seeing as we're still staying in Paris, I can only guess that SC wants to do some investigating with the French branch before we go...whether that involves us or higher ranked memebers...I don't know" 

"I hate to say it, but I don't think any of us would be ready to face off against the big bad...his little grunts werent...the worst but hell that guy was on another level."


David nods slowly, letting out a hum.  "Yeah, I gotcha...."  

He shakes his head, sighing.  "This whole thing is so fucked up....I'm so sorry you had to go through that Jiemba.  How are you doing?"  He moves his hand to rub Jiemba's back, looking him over as he does.


"Nothing to apologize about its..." A pause, "Its what we signed up for, like it or not....but yeah, it's fcked up". 

He looks back at David, making a face, "I think I'm....doing alright. I'm determined to take this group out but God I know I have to work to get myself there but" He glances to the bathroom door, "Worried about Auran, mate. He's....he's feeling like shit about his performance tonight and was talking himself down something fierce earlier."


"Yeah, it's what we signed up for, but....yeah."  All he can do is give a small nod, his gaze distant. 

David's frown deepens as he keeps rubbing Jiemba's back.  "...what was Auran saying?"


Jiemba let's out humorless laugh, shaking his head, "What wasn't he saying..." He starts counting off on his fingers "he's not good enough, not strong enough, not skilled enough, no good at protecting people, only good at being a meat shield, can't heal like Wisty, can't fight like you, the list goes on...."  Jiemba sounds upset and exasperated, "He feels fcking worthless, and thats...none of that is true, and I told him that but...he doesn't believe me" 

"But at least he about it so?" Jazz hands, and the most high pitched as Jiemba could muster "Yay, progress??"


David's expression darkens more and more, until finally he squeezes his eyes shut.  "God, okay, I'll....I'll try talking to him.  Thank you for letting me know."  He gives a small nod, and leans over, slumping against Jiemba's shoulder.  "yeah, at least he's been open...."


"Of course..." His arm wraps around David's waist, and he rests his head against his, "He...seemed to lighten up a little before we came your way so...maybe don't mention it tonight...don't want to push him too much" He gives him a gentle squeeze, "How are you feeling?"


David smiles softly.  “Alright, I’ll wait.  And I’m doing okay.  It’s….obviously a shock, though, hearing all that.  Hopefully there’ll be instruction on what to do next.”


"Thanks" He gives him a small kiss on the head, "You're a gem, really..." he goes quiet, nodding in agreement as David speaks. "Yeah I'm really curious about what's going to come of this myself. But for now, we just wait..." He laughs lightly, "I know that isn't your style tho, my fiery sunspot"


Finally Auran comes out of the bathroom, still sighing as he does but at least looking clean and far more comfortable. He doesn't lift his eyes off the floor, slowly walking back towards the two and plopping himself back down on the bed.


David chuckles along with Jiemba, but it fizzles out when Auran comes out.  He watches as Auran sits down, and David moves to wrap his arm around him.  He turns back to Jiemba with a lopsided smile.  “Alright, go get cleaned up.  I may go ahead and crawl back in bed, feel free to join us when you’re done.”


Jiemba sombers up as well and nods, taking his leave to the shower, gently ruslting Auran's damp hair as he passes. "For sure, just don't get too cozy without me, alright?" And he's off into the bathroom!


Oh, Auran can feel a shift in the atmosphere. He gives Jiemba a smile as he leaves, but then the smile falls right off his face again with another sigh. He keeps just sitting in the same place, pulling his knees up to his chest and holding his legs, resting his chin on his knees.


David watches Auran for a moment, quiet. And then he launches himself, tackling Auran to the bed and wrapping his arms around him, nuzzling his face into the back of Auran's shoulder.  He nudges the blankets over them, keeping Auran close, and just waits for a moment to see if Auran will speak up first.


Oh, unexpected. Auran shrieks in surprise, ending up in snorts and giggles. He wraps his own arms over David's, slowly relaxing into the hug.  

After a bit he turns himself around and holds David's face, scanning his expression quietly. ".... Are you doing better..? From the sickness..." His touch is extra gentle, almost like he's scared of breaking something, but he's not hiding away from eye contact, at least.


David loosens his arms to let Auran turn around, setting back with his arms around his waist.  He mirrors Auran at first, scanning his expression as well, before the corner of his lip quirks up, and a light flush spreads across his face.  "Yeah, I'm alright hun.  Just need some rest."  David leans closer, still smiling softly.  "Right now I'm more worried about you.  Do you want to talk about it?"


Auran seems to deflate in a frustrated sigh, closing his eyes and frowning. "... It's just-- me feeling extra useless. It's dumb. I know. Nobody else thinks that. But it doesn't make me feel any less completely fuckin' useless in a fight"


David leans forward to press his forehead against Auran's, closing his eyes.  "Your usefulness isn't defined by how well you can fight.  You bring so many other things to the table, Auran."  He leans back enough to look back at his eyes.  "But I understand, in the moment it would be hard to feel like you're not helping, even if other people don't think it."


He opens his eyes again, but his expression just looks... sad and defeated. "It's just-- I panic every time and the only thing I want is to just-- run away from it all and hide. I don't-- I hate fighting, I hate getting hurt, I hate hurting others-- but god I do want to protect people, I don't want the people I care about to get hurt either--" 

He shuts his eyes again and shuffles closer to David, curling himself up against him. "It's... always been like this. Even back at school with my sister, the only way I knew how to protect her was just... to switch places. So I'd be picked on instead of her. But I didn't even do that right this time... Didn't even land a single attack even after so much training and practicing..." He huffs, "... I just wish I could do more than just... stare and panic."


David hugs Auran tighter when he shuffles closer, nestling his chin on top of Auran's head.  "...I don't know, I think theres more ways to protect people then just by fighting.  Spectrecorps didn't hire us to be soldiers, we work for them to help people, to protect them, and that's not always through fighting." 

He grows quiet when Auran's brings up high school.  He quietly mutters under his breath, "your sister?", but doesn't interrupt.  He decides try and not draw attention to it, for now. 

He rubs Auran's back, and lets out a hum.  "I'm sorry, that you guys had such a rough time in school."  There's a pause, and then David nods to himself, continuing.  "It sounds like you did the best you could at the time, theres nothing wrong with that.  It's okay, to get panicked, I feel like that's most peoples responses.  Theres nothing wrong with freezing up, it's natural.  And regardless if that's something that changes, your value doesn't hinge on that.  If the only people we had were the ones shooting first and asking questions later, we wouldn't be doing much to protect anyone, would we?"


He listened as David talked. Ah, he did have a good point. That felt like a decent counter-argument against his brain.  He blinked, seemingly full of thoughts. "What can I do... other than fight? When things are... desperate, and there's enemies coming for our heads, and everyone's in danger-- I can't heal anyone who gets hurt... no matter how much I desperately want to..." His tone doesn't seem quite as shattered right now, an underlying curiosity creeping into the sadness. "I don't want to just be another target to save..."


David lets out a hum as he thinks.  "Well...what about leading civilians to safety?  Or contacting people to get emergency vehicles to be sent out?"  He shuffles closer, closing his eyes again.  "When people do get taken out, drag them out of the way, make sure they're safe?  Whether they're on our side or not.  Those are just sum I can think of off the top of my head, but I'm sure other people would have better ideas."


Oh... those were good ideas. Auran went quiet again, processing the information, and slowly nodded in understanding with his own hum. "Yeah... that sounds doable... and a lot more, huh... up my alley..." He seemed to be finally actually relaxing, closing his eyes again and slowing down his breathing.


At moment, Jiemba emerged from the bathroom, fresh and feeling pretty relaxed himself. He spots the pair in the bed, "Comin' hot fellas!" He announces, sliding under the covers and slithering his way up behind David. His head pops up out of the covers, and he rests his chin on David's shoulder, peering at Auran. "Sooo..what're we talking about?"


David smiles softly, giving a small nod.  "Right?  And I bet in the moment if you asked, people would have suggestions too for how to help." David looks over and grins when Jiemba comes out, chuckling as he slides next to them.  He shuffles to be closer against Jiemba, and starts running his fingers through Auran's hair.  "Talkin' about alternatives to fighting.  Do you have any ideas?"


Ah, at least a smile was back to Auran's face. He huffs out a half-laugh when Jiemba shows up, reaching an arm out to him over David's torso. "Takin' any idea other than getting the shit beat out of me" He snorts, voice starting to sound vaguely sleepy.


"Oh!" Jiemba's arm reaches out in the same manner, pulling Auran closer so David was cozily squished between the both of them, grinning widely as if he couldn't WAIT to share his ideas, "Being a look out is always handy! When you aren't actively fighting, you can be alert for for those who are. We can always use an extra pair of eyes, especially when shit gets chaotic." He pauses, "It also might not hurt to get some basic first aid training?  Healers can only heal so many wounds, especially if there is A LOT happening, so knowing how to help with basic injuries if/when the healers run out if energy would probably be a lot of help i think? At least make the injured comfortable, y'know?"


"Hmm, good ideas, good ideas... Note them down..." Someone better remember all those ideas in the morning, 'cus Auran is starting to fall asleep. Sorry David you're trapped in the middle. He barely manages to land a kiss on David's face (was aiming for his lips but whether or not he hit the target is questionable) before dropping his head back on the pillow, turning off like an old radio whose battery just ran out.