
1 year, 8 months ago
1 year, 8 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 8 months ago

Actually Naia wasn't only a Padawan. She was also a Princess, with a power to control water by her force (that's also why she wears golden headband with small blue crystals which symbolise water drops). Some info about her royal status and water power.

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Chapter 1

Nobody actually knew that she's a Princess and Naia was glad they didn't. She didn't really liked to be treated like a "Princess" but after she, her legion and her master returned to Yavin 4 to help and save them behind the Separatists, when they arrived one of villagers were really happy, they bowed and said- "Princess Naia! Glad you are back!"

Everyone who were with Naia back then were so confused and started looking at eachother.

Fey ran her hand over her face and sighed- "I told you all not to call me Princess anymore."-she looked at the confused villager-"Just, uhh...never mind- So, where is the King? We have to explain our plan to him."

The villager nooded and started walking to the King's small castle. Everyone followed them.

The Clones asked master June-"General you knew that?"

She answered-"I am also schoocked to be honest."

After that June told it to the Jedi Council. Everyone were surprised.

"If she's a Princess, we have to protect her. Royal blood might make her another Queen in the future. We can't let her fight."-said one of the Jedis.

"Hmm, I can agree."-another one said.

"I think we should search for a group of Clones to protect her."

"Yes, that's also a good point."

"She will probably refuse."-Master June was sure that Naia does needs more protection from their side but she won't take and agree on that.

"We know but we have to do that, for her own good."